Anyone else think the snowman PvE really added to the game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ManyHats, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. Tragachinos

    I don't know, for me it's a lot more interesting to camp those scythes looking for snowmen. What's with Vanu and their hatred for snowmen anyway? I mean I've seen only few people on NC actively looking for snowmen, TR seems like they don't give a damn about them and VS. Well, there are hordes of scythes roaming around Esamir, sometimes killing each other for privilege of killing that tiny inoffensive snowman. Why? Do Vanu feel threatened by snowman? Are they considered constructs of ultimate technology among VS scientists? Why do you hunt them so relentlessly, often ignoring territory control and alerts?