Ac3s and Sp4des - Continuous killing teammates.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by RedRox, Feb 28, 2016.

  1. RedRox

    Topic: Team Killer
    Crime: Disturbing behavior, kill team player, insults and to curse

    TR Character name: Ac3s
    VS Character name: Sp4des

    The players constantly attacking teammates. He thinks his fun with this job. To me, a little kid.

    It seems to take the family upbringing. According to him, anyone who uses tricks. Professional player himself thinks.

    Producers and developers need to find a solution to this annoying behavior.

    Weapons of mass guess my time is inadequate for the job. fold penalty should be applied to players exhibiting this kind of behavior.

    1 day
    1 week
    1 month
    3 months

    When penalties are a deterrent, I hope to be in this kind of behavior.

    Using different names for it creates different characters. You can prove it by IP detection.
    Such persons must be removed from the game, because such people do not play games.

    !!! Please comment on these people who complain about !!!
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  2. KOSOYnOOb

    Ac3s ore Sp4des created a twinks NC Character name: DrMillar ; Tumvari ; Kuruwai ; Drainia . The player always kills the pilots of his team. This is beginning to irritate. Take action in relation to this player.
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  3. KOSOYnOOb

    [TELL] [Drainia]: I will now teamkill you all the time
  4. KOSOYnOOb

    Ac3s ore Sp4des created a twinks NC Character name: Oepsie ; W0buz ; Fubari. This player is constantly killing me when he plays for my team and me writing nasty messages.
    for example :

    [TELL] [W0buz]: Im Higby ac3s :D now offline all account
    [TELL] [Fubari]: no play for me = no play for you
    [TELL] [Fubari]: your freind killing me with cheats = me TKing you all the time now
  5. KOSOYnOOb

    check my logs for 2/28/2016 and 2/29/2016 fore NC I'm tired of dying from this player when he plays for my team.
  6. KOSOYnOOb

    [TELL] [Frittuur]: as long as you keep abusing ALT+F4 I will teamkill your Clegg
  7. KOSOYnOOb

    On seen in the correspondence shows that Sp4des (Ac3s) has been periodically murder other players moving their team (2m37s). The second video deals with the murder of his players.
    P.S. Video filmed As3s
  8. KOSOYnOOb

    Teamkills from Ac3s
  9. Lord_Mogul

    How about starting with banning him from your squads and informing your friends and outfit members to do the same.
    Spread the word and treat him similar like a hacker.
    Those get even killed reported by allies because nobody wants to play with such a guy.
  10. Diggsano

    Dude....just stop whining, i have checked the two profiles...
    Both are high KD ratio players with high BR and playing with ESF.

    I also looked into the teamkills there...

    I don't know what you write the chat in here (everyone can write what he wants)

    So if you can't post a screenshot or something like that it is not believeable = lie
  11. KOSOYnOOb

  12. Problem Officer

    I don't understand...
    If you hate them so much, why do you maintain contact?
    Ignorelist, report, be done with it.
    The fact you're still receiving their messages makes you as weak as they are bad.
    Don't let one or two players ruin your gaming, and don't bring other people into it.
    If they're chasing you around then TK them, no one can look down on you for obvious 1v1 duels in killboard.
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  13. KOSOYnOOb

  14. Assassin22

    do you're self a favor Ignore him by muting him and be done and stop post on here and ******** because its not going help you any and you can also do this change your name or create a new character or change servers if cant do anything of things then you should uninstall this game player support is not a place to ***** about some hacker or some tker because the problem will not get fixed so like i said do those few things then everything will be fine
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