Absolutely, unplayable.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bottomfeeder, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. RobotNinja

    Ahem...System Specs?
  2. Purg

    I'm enjoying it. Had an excellent time with my squad yesterday.
  3. Morrow

    I have premium also, shame it does not give you lag free servers as a perk. Because lag is ruining the game, its unplayable at the moment. And this ******** as always was avoidable if SoE would of took more time/resources to have a successful launch. 2 servers in the whole of EU???? really SoE? If you actually imagined thats all you needed then your ********..... no wonder no EU players are having fun tonight. Yesterday was OK just about, Today is 100% ******!

    Thanks for being cheap *****
  4. Jammer5150

    Well if you played in Beta lke I did, a "laggy server" wasn't neccesarily a "laggy server" it could also mean your client was setup wrong. Just trying to help :)
  5. MrSmartFart

    I dont understand your lagg issue, I live in israel where in every game exist Multiplayer for a example:COD BO i never played with less then 120 MS we never get a game server from our country by the game company, And in this speciffc game i had no lagg issue what so ever and also the most i waited for Queue is 2 min. So i didn't encounter any of the things you wrote except from the crashes but they only appeard when the game just got out and day after it was all right only got 1 crash within 3 hours.
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  6. Gortha

    On EU Server MIller which is a Full Server with a Queue of around 300 to 400 each time i try to join
    WARPING Players are a big problem too.

    They are Lagging/warping like hell.

    We never had that kind of problems in Beta nor on release day, yesterday.

    So, what is wrong? ;/
  7. The Noobtuber

    Hmmm, having lag isssues? Here is a tip: Buy a pc that isn't a peice of %$#*.
  8. Gortha

    It´s not LAG Guys! It is warping. Servers are broken or something with the netcode...
  9. Gortha

    On EU Server Players Warping like ****. Not fun anymore.
  10. GoldmanSachs

    Slow-paced, mindless, linear vehicle farming at 35 FPS. Once you get past the "wow it's so massive" effect then you will quickly realize that this is an extremely shallow game that doesn't reach its potential because it's stuck between paradigms. It doesn't know if it wants to be Planetside or Battlefield, and unfortunately we have a really ugly hybrid of both now that simply doesn't work.

  11. BlakkLeafTR

    Miller and the other EU servers are unplayable

    Fail launch....
    back to beta
  12. Halo572

    Got to love the fan bois.

    Which bit of 1 FPS is playable?

    Which bit of game freezing and crashing on a regular basis is playable?

    Which bit of the screen strobing making it impossible to see anything is playable?

    Which bit of enemies teleporting across the screen so you don't even know where they are let alone are able to aim at them is playable?

    Which bit of going premuim will fix any of them?

    The current state of the game is atrocious and UNPLAYABLE and spewing your fan boi bile about get a decent computer and/or go premium isn't going to change that no matter how much you deludedly convince yourselves.

    And does anyone know why you spend 10 minutes queuing to join the server to get in to find at least 40 people afk at the warp gate, x 2 other factions = around 120-150?

    Is there some sort of bonus to being ingame and not playing.
  13. Pacifer

    Miller is totally unplayable since late this afternoon , cause of the SERVER lag , whit all the swapping around , and he occasioanl ( not so occasional tho ) texture bug . Didn't tryed woodman , as there was 300+ queue even there so i can't say if all the EU server are having iusse but 50% of them are for sure .

    For the smart guys that " buy a better pc get less lag " go on whit your mindless posting and have fun , as all those problems are nothing client side related .
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  14. Iksniljiksul

    All settings low, 50% render which is lowest. 3ghz 6 core cpu, NVidia 545 1.5gb, 8gb ram, 64bit os, sata 3... everything brand new.

    This game lags like no game has ever lagged. Given all the little built in "bullets magically spawn everywhere but straight" and "all people who use a scope have the shakes" yeah, this game is very unplayable most of the time. It's not the system, it's not the net, it's that if you get more then ten people around everything starts stuttering, stalling and jumping. The client prediction is way off.

    When I was sitting on my turret gun and someone appeared right in front of me and every single shot missed while he did not move?

    Also love how I can tap burst a whole clip in to someone without causing damage and yet I die randomly from two bursts from some unknown direction.
  15. efx00

    That, my friend.. is the magic!
  16. ChironV

    I've created toons on each of the east coast servers. Mileage may vary.
    West coast servers haven't tested.
    Put a toon on Miller. Ya they got the lag monster. I was a steady 24fps. However I saw some people working fine, lot of people were rubberbanding, submarining and it looked like they were having a *****of a time.
  17. F U P S

    Sticky this please. Kthanx
  18. kLay

    It only seems to me that Miller is lagging badly, the rest are fine.
  19. waxpantz

    get better internet EVEN with 100+ people on screen at high settings I get no lag and my PC isnt even that good seeing as it only cost 800$
  20. BenjC

    It's nothing to do with peoples PC's or Connections. Miller has massive bandwidth issues on the server side that are making the game unplayable. Can all the people that don't understand the difference between FPS and latency please refrain from posting.

    I run a solid 50fps, on a 100mbit connection and the game is unplayable due to rubberbanding.
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