A solution to the Lattice/Hex issue.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DramaticExit, May 29, 2013.

  1. DramaticExit

    Please read the rather lengthy post I put up regarding the resource reworking that would have to go hand in hand with this. It explains that resources would be shared and distrubuted on a continent wide level between every faction member in territory connected to their warpgate by Lattice. Each player would have less resources to use, making them more valuable.

    When you say "less possible resources" I mean "pretty much none while operating off lattice" meaning grenades, C4, tanks, aircraft, sunderrers... All the things which make a zerg powerful, will become severely limited in number and impossible to obtain at the rate at which they get destroyed.

    You are underestimating the amount of resources a zerg uses, or underestimating how little they'd have between them if only drawing resources from one off-lattice territory.

    If a zerg finds itself not connected to its warpgate by lattice, they will very quickly run out of resources with which to spawn vehicles and MAX units. This would have a huge impact on the zerg, who would find themselves reduced to having nothing but bullets and blood to throw at the enemy, forcing the zerg to largely stay on-lattice, and making "the path of least resistance" to be the one which follows the lattice network.

    Vehicles are what keeps the zerg moving, and gives the zerg its power. Without them, it's a disorganised infantry mass, which is easier to deal with than a disorganised mass of tanks, mobile spawn points, aircraft, MAXes and infantry.

    It means that the zerg becomes logistically dependant on the lattice. They can move off lattice should they choose, but the likelyhood is, they'll lose badly if they do.
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  2. Acuta

    But thank you for responding, anyhow! :D
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  3. BlackJackBlack

    This would be outstanding.

    Not being able to pull anything costing resources from a hex not connected to the warpgate via lattice would still encourage people to establish a front line, but would allow strategic decisions other than, "Pull infinity tanks and headbutt the opposing zerg"
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  4. Loegi

    Most of the times they would still have enough resources, only when "cut off" they would get less. And that wouldn't happen a lot. It would require capping around a base. Sure there aren't people there, but most likely when you've successfully "cut off" the zerg, they can continue on capping some other base that's possible connected via a lattice again.

    I don't see that being really that different from the standard hex system.
  5. cwcriner

    I like this idea, but would slightly strengthen the lattice paths (as much as I hate them they have a propose) by tying spawns to it. Drastically cut the area the game looks for spawn points when you die for looking sundies and spawn beacons; when/if none or found check the lattice links, if the lattice goes to a friendly base, you can spawn there, if not, back to the warpgate for you. This adds risk to going off lattice, and sometimes it'll be worth it, other times not. Since spawning is currently all sorts of screwed up on the lattice anyway now might be the best time to implement these idea.
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  6. DreamlessLiberty

    The epiphany of Planetside 2. Electricity and magnetism combined together with four equations into the now known electromagnetism.

    Acquisition. Extinction. Time delay. Spontaneous recovery. The end of ghost capping.

    Second order habituation.
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  7. haldolium

    Foremost, it requires a *COMPLETE* re-design of the horrible, horrible, slow, lagging and ugly map.

    This system may work very well (one have to test that actually, I like the idea) but I would hate spending 5 minutes switching between overlays and stats in this ******* **** they call "map" right now. It's overloaded. It's visually too ******* much.

    Perfect case would be being able to see within a second how the entire battlefield goes at that moment. That is not impossible.
  8. DreamlessLiberty

    Like squeezing lemmings out of a pastry tube to make a pretty design on a cake, these are the days of our lives.
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  9. Jube

    They don't? They better! Or they will soon find that they are no longer have a zerg but instead a bunch of infantry getting owned.
    Resources are or at least should be the major concern for any platoon leader. If you can't continue to spawn vehicles to support your fight your gonna lose the battle.
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  10. Thorindar

    It really would have to be, resources have never been an issue, not even in beta.

    Honestly though I like the Lattice system, I was getting very tired of the factions chasing each others tails ghost capping undefended territory. At least with Lattice one can usually find a good fight no matter what side of Indar you are on instead of just the side the zerg picked for the day until our faction was nearly pushed back to the warpgate in one direction.....
  11. Bill Hicks

    Using resources to change the battle is completely pointless due to membership bonuses and boosts. If they took these away from premium users then it would be fair.
  12. FigM

    Also, if there is any serious redesign of resource system, all Infantry heavy weaponry would also need to be put on resources. Mainly the missiles and AV turrets.
    MAX costs would have to increase or at least MAX resurrection disabled since its basically bypassing the resource cost of new MAX

    In case 1 side is warpgated and completely cut of their resources, unable to spawn heavy weapons to take back territory, there is a solution: Make the warpgate a resource generator: +20 air/vehicle/infantry
    It may take a while, but eventually a warp gated faction could gather enough resources to make full armor zerg
  13. x7xBillyDaKidx7x

    Might be cool to keep lattice ,but go back to having people on the point and make bases change faster so the lattice moves faster !!
    Kinda boring waiting the time it takes to take a base when u have huge convoy . Maybe instead of having 3 people on each point make it like 10 ,but u take the base real fast. Just an idea !!!
  14. Rhapsody

    That looks familiar =). Its the idea i came up with.. and all it would take to implement is a simple If/Then check added to the capture points.
  15. Bill Hicks

    A bad idea. infantry is the core of combat. Making them use resources for rockets would slow the game down incredibly and make vehicle zergs too powerful.

    Tanks, Maxes, and aircraft are specializations they should cost resources. Or change resource completely and make all vehicles on a normalized timer that cannot be certed down, but resources could be used to lower the timer. This resource would be one pool not separated like it is now. Then Rockets could be put on this resource. So if you want to be AV then you cannot pull vehicles as fast and if you get vehicles then your ability to mine or shoot rockets is severely degraded.

    In this way nobody is sitting in the warpgate waiting for resources to trickle down. Which is bad game design and will help kill the game.
  16. Rhapsody

    The thing is though, while they take the path of least resistance. Another force can slip in behind them an cut off the land that 'zerg' is happily capping undefended territories from. That puts an 'immediate' halt to that zerg going anywhere, whether there is resistance or not. They then MUST turn and confront the enemy behind them.
  17. Rockstone

    Unless capturing bases not connected to the lattice net absolutely no XP, this is a horrid idea.
  18. Rhapsody

    i'll happily trade a wimpy 500 exp for being able to actually 'starve' the enemy out ala-PS1's NTU Silo's.
  19. Latex

    Yes Give bases NTU's again, put ANTS back in the Game, Allow Generators to be Blown Held and Drained, Neutral Bases Can Be capped, Give Bases Actual Meaning and Reason to Hold Gens Break Lines and Effect the front End of Battles. Pretty Simple I think there was this other Game a few years back that Did this pretty well...o_O

    The Only Reason ppl Complain About the Lattice is that it was not implemented correctly therefore they only see it operating at 25% its proper use. I will agree that its just big Zerg Lines as it is. Need more Depth, need more NANITES.
  20. FigM

    Actually it would make the game much more dynamic. As you can see with current state of the game, it is nearly impossible to capture a continent where every faction has 30-40% pop. With the new lattice on Indar its even harder. Battles have become too static simply because infantry can hold their own against armor with relative ease, and infantry don't rely on resources to hold off armor. This means that starving a faction of resources does very little to diminish their power, making it impossible to warp gate them without at least 2:1 pop advantage.

    This game is trying too hard to balance faction power independently of resources, now all the battles are reduced to pure numbers game of who has more people.

    In order to enjoy hard victories, we must allow for hard defeats
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