A sad time for pilots

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Schwak, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. Blackinvictus

    This guy nailed it on the head. They are not really a problem for me in a Lib unless there is more than one, which if they were shooting multiple nose guns at me from distance, I would have likely died anyway as well.

    Chased off or killed many a lock on user trying to do that to me mano el mano. Get your gunner good on a shredder and go after them. Libs HAVE to be aggressive and fight, you dont have an option to run away. Many don't expect you to come at them which oftentimes will catch them off guard. An easy farm for them can become an "OH ****!" very quickly :)

    Of course like I said, multiple enemies doing that you wont have much of a chance other than taking one or two of them with you. Good luck
  2. Schwak

    Last time I was on Connery flying a lib against said "BR100 TR super Lib" which I'm guessing is the EXE outfit, they were running ESF escorts with A2Am. It's funny to me that you even mention Connery as a notable server to be good on since everyone and their mother flies straight up into your belly for a free ESF kill.
  3. Tinuva

    I can agree with that, but then the problem lies far deeper than A2AM. Currently there is not enough XP to be made in the air hence why most ESF target ground.
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  4. CWorth

    Because people like his seem to think this is how all ESF's should be....both for A2A and A2G. Completely useless for anything but being paper targets for them to shoot at, but the ESF should not be able to touch them.

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  5. NoctD

    Fail. Not the Lib I'm talking about.

    And why don't you go back to your server - its full of uber hackers galore that shoot and kill all things with total impunity from under the ground.

    Funny you should mention EXE - at least they escort their Libs, seems like your Notorious pals can't even cover yours.
  6. Tekuila

    Flares are a joke with massive cool downs.
    People need to get over there irrational hatred of aircraft actually posing a threat to ground.
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  7. Silkensmooth

    I hear what you are saying, but we cant punish players for things that happened 12 months ago.
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  8. Schwak

    I know plenty of pilots that get 50-60k an hour focusing on air. Sometimes it is a bit hard to find a decent amount of targets but that is the same in any play style.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again though, no balance issue is as simple as everyone makes them out to be. While balancing in a MMO you need to consider A-Z and not just G. People say that the vanguard shield is super OP and should be flat out nerfed, but all that would do is solve A and create B, C, and D. SOEs problem is that they think of A-Z but instead of nerfing D, E, H, and G one by one, they nerf them all at the same time and never actually find out what would have fixed them. A perfect example is the ZOE max, the main problem was the movement increase (the only thing that puts MAXs in a different category then a OP heavy). They gave it a cool down, a movement nerf, and a damage nerf all at the same time when all they needed to do was remove the movement increase.
  9. Shifthold

    I do not understand how anyone can seriously defend air to air LOCKON missiles.
    It is ridiculouslly overpowered and the only skill you need is to look at the poor enemy with the inner half of your screen and press left mouse button. With a2am equipped you can both own liberators and esf aces as a complete noob. Taking down a good pilot should require you to have good aim and flying yourself, not just the cheesiest weapon ingame.

    Imagine fighting tanks was like that... Look into their general direction for 1,5 seconds and do 45% damage shells that fly around every cover there is. Would be great, huh? Or imagine infantry fighting was just tabbing through targets and pressing a key ( like WoW for example), This is what flying has become to. There is absolutely no need for skill anymore, it is just who locks on first.

    But then again... we knew we are just a testing ground for the PS4 version of the game, and this is how you have to dumb it down for consoles. GG
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  10. Silkensmooth

    I think some of the problem is that Aircraft dont make enough noise. If you go into hover mode on a lib its completely inaudible. A giant flying machine should be properly noisy and not at all sneaky.

    On the other hand its pretty easy to avoid dying to air most of the time. Situational awareness and tactics go a long way. Skilled players dont get farmed by vehicles. Of course part of that is most of us are IN vehicles lol but when im on the ground im far less afraid of air, even back when the game was brand new and air was op, than i am of tanks.
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  11. Schwak

    That's because they all quit and mostly because of A2Am which makes it even funnier. The escorts that are suppose to protect us from the f*ggotry quit because of the f*ggotry. Can you believe that? Notorious has always been an outfit that shuns the use of A2Am and it will stay as such. Unfortunately some of our ESFs decided they were going to take a leave of absence instead of persevere through the times of SOEs incompetence.
  12. Syrathin

    12 months ago? Maybe you should come play on the ground a little more, It might give you a more accurate perspective.
  13. Tekuila

    Oh please, if you are getting farmed by air on the ground right now in this state of the game; I don't know what to say to you that won't get my post deleted but I assure you it wouldn't be pleasant.

  14. LightningWolfTigrBer

    I think MattiAce has the right idea. I'd recommend you try convincing your outfit to pick them up(with certs, of course. Don't want to encourage SOE to keep buffing weapons to improve sales). Data seems to speak to the devs louder than anything else, so with enough people spamming them they're bound to be looked at sooner or later. It's lame and it's not going to be any fun flying for awhile, but I think it has to happen if we want things to change.
  15. Tinuva

    There were too many opinions of what was wrong with the ZOE and the over abundance of noise lead to it being over nerfed just the same as the scattermax (nerfed pellet count, ammo count and reload speed in one swing). Too many people argue for the sake of arguing without offering a well thought out solution, and the ones who do offer a well thought out solution are caught up in the noise. I am not sure of how to fix it at the moment, in my opinion HE/HEAT should be rebuffed to its previous state because so many new counters have been introduced into the game, but that is likely to lead to more hate again.


    EDIT - Spelling
  16. NoctD

    Funny how the tune changes over time, cause once upon a time, Insolence was fine with A2AMs and using them, and even how good they were against Libs with the super quick lock-ons...



    I'd say you and your outfit mates are indeed fair weathered creatures. I don't like the current A2AMs either, but your asking for ESFs to be more marginalized in other ways was totally laughable. Like they say about karma...
  17. Syrathin

    You're right, These days it's not really much of an issue but to say that lib farming stopped 12 months ago pretty much at the release of the game isn't exactly an accurate statement either.

    But I'll stick with my previous point, Libs hit targets that have no way to respond without having to find a terminal and change classes so why would I care that libs are getting farmed by something they can't reasonably defend against using a lib? Maybe we should be telling you to go spawn an ESF and fight back since anytime in the past when aircraft have been mentioned that was the general response... To go play something that can deal with it.
  18. Silus

    Personally, I love ESFs and Galaxies and hate Libs.

    Libs got WAY too much health and are a pain to shoot down with a Skyguard. ESFs at least have the courtesy to briefly hover while lining up their missiles that give the G2A guys time to light'em up. Gals, of course, are big'ol Cert pinatas.
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  19. KAHR-Alpha

    It's one of the few things that are actually working as intended. Your lib should be nearly helpless against A2A just like a lone tank is nearly helpless against your dalton.

    Stop flying alone.
  20. Tekuila

    The only things that should be able to defend themselves against a liberator are things that are dedicated to AA, that's how it should be. It's a long range gunship and it's power should reflect that.