800 damage Bolt Actions have damage drop off....WTF

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ArcKnight, May 7, 2013.

  1. Vaphell

    currently if the guy has NW5, at ranges that matter you have to hit him twice no matter what while being only able to send a bullet once every 1.5s minimum, all while being randomly flinched at range at which he maintains almost pinpoint accuracy on his decked out bullethose with tightened CoF even in full auto mode. I learned long time ago to not duel with people because it is an exercise in frustration.
    Just look at the clips and tell me you can win a duel at at these ranges against full auto weapon.
  2. 13lackCats

    Projectiles lose punch over distance in real life too.
  3. anaverageguy

    I see. That doesn't change anything though. Ducking and weaving through the whole clip would mean the player's doing it wrong. You only need a split second to score a hit on the body and no weapon can fire that many bullets without bloom severely affecting it. Should they hesitate about getting behind cover after the first hit, that's all that's needed to finish them off with a second shot (and they do hesitate if they think they have the upper hand).

    I know what the thread's about and if that's what you'd rather discuss, sure. I disagree on that point as well for the reason that nanoweave is a counter, and really the only counter, to long range attacks. I think the damage dropoff should definitely be extended to a greater distance though; the previous values were only acceptable under the old render range.
  4. anaverageguy

    Then you learned the opposite of what I did. People have trouble landing hits consistently with movement, often because of higher bullet travel times and bloom. In other words, I can almost always come out on top when against an automatic weapon because they need, but cant land, the amount of bullets they'd need to outdamage what I do with one shot.

    So, as you wish, yes, I can win. Or if you meant by playing the way that player did, no.
  5. SilentWindOfDoom

    You know what? This is great. One hit kills shouldn't even be in the game as far as i am concerned. Shotguns, sniper rifles, whatever, nerf them all, nothing of value will be lost. I've got a healthy dislike for snipers in all games, but especially in ps2 where ranged fights are the bread and butter of "fun" combat it would be nice to be able to take the time to aim properly without some useless **** with a longshot taking my head off.

    "How is he being useless he's making you move around lol" Because everyone has to do this ******** dance while ADSing due to the omnipresent sniper menace.
  6. Vaphell

    Who told you war is supposed to be convenient? He lied. Besides you can nerf sniper rifles all you want, but first offer a solution to the problem that even with supposedly OP sniper rifles infs' cert gain totally sucks donkey nuts. The only viable alternative (SMGs) is 1000c away.
  7. Rift23

    I've never understand why people want to play an FPS so they can run around in circles/corner camp while holding down the right mouse button and mashing SPACEBAR/ADADADAD/SPACEBAR and autokilling people not back peddling every two seconds.
  8. Vaphell

    Nanoweave 5 is supposed to be a counter judging by the numbers, the rest is not. In general NW is supposed to give a bit more health that lets you get away in close call situations. That's it. Immunity is not in the package.
    there is plenty of soft counters to sniper weapons. Not standing still, random changes of direction (hold W, push mouse at random intervals in random directions, no carpal tunnel necessary), being indoors, sitting in vehicles. Sniper is a dedicated anti-infantry unit with almost 0 anti-mech ability, it would be nice if he was really good at his only job. I almost never die to enemy snipers because i know well when people are most vulnerable.

    At the very least roll it back to NW5 only and push the threshold range back, because what we have now is too binary. Either sniper rifles kill almost everybody and people whine or the whole line of weapons and the class built around them is made borderline useless.
    One thing is sure - 11c spent on NW should never counter slow RoF high dmg weapon which has only one job - to hit once, but hard.
  9. Spookydodger

    This game's sniper mechanics don't really lend themselves to hitting a long range target with more than a body shot. Most base layouts cause players to naturally turn a lot, the breath holding is still pretty short even with the recent buff, and the distances involved mean a long travel time and drop even for the highest velocity weapons. This means that with a 10 or 12x scope your target has to be stationary for about 3 seconds to get off a good shot. The clunkiness of going into and out of holding your breath makes the endeavor frustrating if your target stops for only 1 second.

    Semi-auto rifles and sniper rifles are better for long distance moving targets.
  10. SilentWindOfDoom

    War? It's a game. Snipers are as fun to deal with in a field battle as trenchfoot.

    As for how to balance the class? Make it an actual infiltrator/scout class, downplaying the sniper aspect completely. Give it decent tools, a man portable scout radar to start and a uav. And yeah, that's taking a page from the BF3 sniper, but they did it right.
  11. Xind

    Somehow, I shouldn't shocked your here whining about Pump Actions. Not really what we're talking about, but I also don't care for them if that soothes your inflamed buttocks.
  12. anaverageguy

    In most games, I think I'd agree with this line of thought. However, this kind of a setup discourages lonewolfing snipers and encourages teamplay. I don't think ranged combat is a problem; the ridiculously implemented cqc weapons should be adjusted. Teamplay at range is pretty nice in its current state.

    I would never have joined in this game if it was another one-man-army game, as the newer weapons seem to attempt promoting.

    tl;dr, I advocate a counter to one-man-armies, shotgun users included, and could agree with an increase in the level of nanoweave required for survival, but a sniper rifle being a ohk on headshot at any range given adequate nw armor, no.
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  13. Rift23

    When did I say anything about pump actions? o_O
  14. Xind

    Well, I don't know what other infantry weapon Auto kills people who don't back peddle? So...it's kind of obvious what you're talking about? Unless you're just making **** up?
  15. Skippytjc

    If this is true doesnt it basically take headshots out of the game for snipers at range? That would be enough for me to quit, no kidding.
  16. Papio

    I made a post about this issue after GU 6 was released and the headshot "thunk" sound was added.

    With skill and patience I used to be able to snipe engineers off turrets 1200-1500m away, then something changed and suddenly engineer turrets seem to protect from headshots at a 160-200 degree angle and heavy assaults spamming the crap out of phoenix launchers can take a high powered long range sniper rifle shot between the eyes and walk away.

    These were the only two reasons I even have a kitted out infiltrator and both have been nerfed, now my infiltrator is for hacking terminals and changing to a class that makes a difference.

    Sorry my post seems so negative, the latest patch didn't do good things to my gaming experience.
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  17. Vaphell

    Lonewolfing is in the job description and guerilla tactics are valid, just like everything else.
    Infiltrator on top of being ordinary sniper in team oriented play is supposed to *infiltrate*, which is not possible with a whole bunch of people. How do you take down HAs tubing from afar, engies who withdraw to repair their tanks or man AV turrets far in the back without hardcore flanking and viable OHKing? In such scenarios not OHKing is borderline suicidal. It means leaving traces, damage indicator points in your direction and you become a sitting duck.
  18. Skippytjc

    No you didn't.
  19. Mythicrose12

    No bears in my nick of the woods...it'd be feral dog packs that get your drunken ***.
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  20. Rift23

    Anything else that hits them in the head from behind maybe?