3 Round burst

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by DreamEvo, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. shafee

    I really like the Equinox Burst. It's very cheap and works surprisingly well at mid range. When you get used to how fast you can shoot it, it's actually not a terrible close range weapon, either. One thing that's disappointing with it is that I don't really see ANY benefit from a foregrip, though. I sat in VR for 20 minutes comparing with and without foregrip and literally noticed zero difference. I was hoping that it would help with the slight tug to the right the rifle tends to go, but it doesn't. This isn't a terrible thing, though, since you'll be able to grab laser dot and have a much tighter spread should you get stuck into close range.

    I prefer the burst because it fits my medic playstyle, which is around mid range. Pick up high velocity ammo first and you will notice a huge difference in how fast you can bring people down. Don't worry about headshots, as the third shot will always miss them entirely due to the recoil. Aim for their lower center mass and you should do well.
  2. Pikachu

    I just tested the gauss rifle burst in VR and I found no benefit to NC1. The stats are identical and in practice NC1 can do what gauss rifle burst can do but not vice versa. Burst guns needs big buff in accuracy. HVA is useless so don't tell me that makes up for it. It doesn't reduce number of shots for any meaningful range.
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  3. DeadliestMoon

    NC = 2 round burst
    VS = 3 round burst
    TR = 4 round burst
    That'd make more sense to me.
  4. hansgrosse

    Completely and totally false. Burst weapons have a very distinct advantage over their automatic counterparts, and they do very well when that advantage is exploited. They need no buffs.

    I'd also argue that HVA is far from worthless, especially on the Gauss burst, but that's more a matter of opinion.
  5. Pikachu

    What is that advantage?
  6. Dudeman325420

    Better ADS accuracy while moving.

    Compare the Cycler T1:
    Crouch moving ADS 0.2
    Standing moving ADS 0.3

    To the Cycler T1B:
    Crouch moving ADS 0.1
    Standing moving ADS 0.15

    Essentially twice as accurate while aiming and moving as their Full Auto counterparts.
  7. Pikachu

    Looking at the stats for NC1 and it's burst version they have identical stats. I try shooting them and I notice no difference. You find the extra velocity of HVA useful?
  8. shafee

    A little off topic, but I really wish SOE would actually LIST what changes with each piece of equipment for each weapon rather than us doing these constant guessing games/testing. They have the numbers....I'd really like to know exactly how HVA affects the damage drop off and bullet velocity of each gun. I don't understand why these stats aren't in-game after over a year.
  9. Dudeman325420

    Crouch move ADS 0.15
    Stand move ADS 0.3

    NC1 Burst:
    Crouch move ADS 0.075
    Stand move ADS 0.15

    Other than that, yes, the stats are the same beyond their firing modes.
  10. ChasingBridges

    Here's another difference: horizontal recoil.


    Horizontal recoil: 0.175 minimum - 0.175 maximum

    NC1 Burst:

    Horizontal recoil: 0.15 minimum - 0.15 maximum

    Personally, I use the T1B where this difference is major.


    Horizontal recoil: 0.225 minimum - 0.225 maximum


    Horizontal recoil: 0.175 minimum - 0.175 maximum

    This difference is enough for me to personally decide that I'll be fine without a forward grip.

    It's true that the default ARs are very similar to their burst counter-part, but there are other notable differences that make the twin guns different.
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  11. hansgrosse

    Yes I do. Fast bullets make for more consistent hits at long range, as they leave less time for your target to change their direction of travel or movement speed. I often prefer to engage from far away, so this advantage is useful to me.
  12. Pikachu

    I got the weapon to try it out. Didn't get any good opportunity yet. I suppose it's all for long range field use? And that you're pretty screwed if using it for urban or indoor combat.
  13. hansgrosse

    No, no! Though it can be very effective at long range (and I do use it for long range combat a lot), the Gauss Rifle Burst isn't actually designed for field use. It's meant for strafing ADS fighting at mid to mid-close ranges. It can also hold its own in urban/indoor combat with some practice, especially considering that burst weapons do surprisingly well at hipfire with a laser sight attached.
  14. TheKhopesh

    I agree, the burst at range (+80 meters) almost always misses that second shot.
    If all it can do is burst (I don't count semi-auto, as all ARs and Carbines have that option), both rounds should hit in -nearly- the same area.
    As such, it should have less bloom-per-shot than it's automatic counterpart.

    I would understand that third round being less accurate on 3 round burst weapons, but the 2 round is -for the most part- range-situated.

    As well, two and three round burst options should be available for the Assault Rifles and Carbines.
    Not just 2x for the ARs and 3x for carbines.

    It's a burst weapon, so why not multiple burst options?
  15. Pikachu

    A byrst fjire gyn us meant for run-n-gun!? :confused:
  16. Crackulous

    People buy burst weapons? This is groundbreaking to me. I had the belief people disregard the burst fire mode on some of the guns, let alone be interested in purchasing a burst-specific one.
  17. MrK

    Actually, yes :) That's exactly what Burst variants are for, moving while in ADS. They are NOT for long range.

    The sweet spot for me with Gauss Burst is probably the 40-70m. That's where you are tiny enough on ennemy screen for your ADS movement to screw his hits a bit, and your own 2 times better ADS moving CoF is still putting rounds into him. He either stops shooting (you move, he's stationary, you have a better time) provided he has a 167 alpha dmg weapon, or he moves, and depending on his weapon, misses a little more, or a crapload more than you.
    That's the ideal usage scenario.
    You lose a bit of CQC, for me, surprisingly not that much when I was using it, and it actually tremendously helped my aim. I've gone from a low 20% to more of a 26-30 range now on my weapons.
    The bad spot I feel is just after out of hipfire range. smtg like 20m. There, the CoF differential is useless, and you tend to lose a lil bit more.

    I've Aux'd the thing so I'm on pause on using it, but I definitely loved it.

    Oh, and you lose your finger, too.
  18. repairtool6

    Low spread while moving is certainly nice like so many have pointed out, but for me this is actually one of the best thing about about the t1b. The stupid low horizontal recoil on the t1b is über. Simply broken.

    T1B -> Lowest horizontal recoil (by huge margin) of any of the fast RPM guns in the game.

    Being a 750rpm gun, consider for instance that without any attachments it has a lower (not equal, but lower) horizontal recoil than the carnage with advanced forgrip.

    Put an advanced forgrip on the carnage, and the t1b running with nothing is still more accurate. Pretty sweet.
    Now the carnage gets that 0.75 ads-movement bonus (awsome) and a bit easier vertical recoil, but then the t1b gets 10 more bullets. Hmm