1st level of tank mines gets 2?

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Goodkat, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Goodkat

    I only have the first level of tank mines but I can place 2 (one in my hand and one in the "magazine"). Is this intended? Does the second level let you place 3?
  2. Goats

    Yes and yes. It's nice, because you need 2 to take out a Sundy or MBT.
  3. Soylad

    Just got AT mines and they are the most fun I've had with an Engi thus far.
  4. ComerEste87

    I still think it's silly that we can't pick them back up. Front lines moving or accidentally throwing one down thinking you have an ammo pack equipped has made me waste a crap ton of resources.
  5. Gary

    Landmines Best utility slot item for engineer by far! plus you can carry up to 5 at once!
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  6. xpsyclosarinx

    What's the trigger radius on the mines? 1m? Or do they actually have to roll over it?
  7. Gary

    Think its a bit bigger then were you place it. As have sworn ive put them dead center in a road and seen a tank drive alongside them but they go off. They also go off you plant them next a deployed sunderer or any other stationary vehicle. Not to mention the laughs you get when planting them in front of a vehicle terminal ;)
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  8. Trignite

    Yeah this would be good. would be cool wish you could pick c4 up too. Sometimes it doesn't stick to a vehicle and your stuck without any c4 with a tank in front of you.
  9. Split267

    Any way to tell if the ones you have deployed have exploded?

    They are quite heavy on resources and most of the time I cannot tell if they have detonated and redropping them for no reason drains resources hard.
  10. Soylad

    Good idea. Need some sort of marker on the HUD so you can see if they are still deployed or if they detonated or expired.
  11. notyourbuddy

    Next to those big ammo towers also makes me giggle. "I need ammo. Ooh a tower." *KABOOM*

    Something else cool about mines. You can place them, switch to an entirely different class, and they don't go away.
  12. Gary

    You can also place a landmine in an infantry doorway like right in the center of been inside and out. Then swap out for claymore place it facing the doorway. Enemy walks in sets of claymore in turn triggers the landmine upping the explosion and killing people outside aswell ;)
  13. SirBurning

    I always look at my minekill stats. I remember the number. Check once in a while if it has risen. If it has i assume all have exploded. This way is not very accurate or reliable. But it will have to do for now. I dont think there is any other/better way.
  14. Shotgunjoe

    Does anyone know how long the mines actually last? Are they there till the player who dropped them dies, or until they are blown up..or is there a static cooldown timer on them?
  15. Bubblewrap2

    Persist through death.

    Do not persist across continents.

    Do not persist on logout.

    Persistence through disconnect/crash unknown.

    Static timer unknown but from my experience it either does not exist or it is measured in hours. That is, as far as I am aware, I have never had one just disappear while I was playing for hours in a single session.

    Applies to both AT and AI mines.

    Note. First cert level of AI mines, unlike AT mines, only grants one mine.
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  16. Object

    What I do with AT mines is I park my flash or drop my turret on two AT mines, vehicles can't help run over turrets and ATV's due to the extra xp, little do they know ...

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