10 Worst Weapons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Campagne, Jan 30, 2018.

  1. Prudentia

    it's the longest range shotgun in the game so it does perform better than others
  2. Twin Suns

    This medic going toe to toe with a Maxine? Sorry killer. I'm not a big game hunter, I don't hunt elephants.

    My G. Prime out performs the Yumi in every situation and IMHO isn't to shabby whittling down 'ole Snuffleupagus' when needed.


    P.s. I'd even put all the NS-11's above the Yumi.

    *scrambles* don't Tazer me bro!!!
  3. Prudentia

    UBGL melts MAXes and the yumi is by far the best weapon that has access to it. hell the UBGL even has a headshot multiplier unlike other explosives so if you aim well you can remove 60%+ of a MAX in a single shot.
  4. Twin Suns

    If you're only argument is, it's decent against a Max. Then...I'll give you that, give it to the HA or LA class.

    I'm a Medic. I ain't got time to hunt Snuffleupagus. The Yumi limits me from being a Frontline Medic. Savvy.
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  5. Prudentia

    well on the other hand the Yumi allows me to be a backline medic and one burst pretty much anything that my allies are already shooting at and the UBGL allows me to support my heavies so they don't have to waste C4 on them and can just kill it with bullets or with a single rocket, much more efficent.
    Tho ofcourse that also depends on the size of your outfit, we usually max out before 20 players and as VS we have to face NC MAXes, so anything that can kill them faster is a godsend. if you have larger Squads/platoons going you can rely more on multiple heavies per entrance to kill MAXes.
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  6. Rydenan

    In what universe is the Yumi better than the s-variant AR?
  7. Prudentia

    in the universe where it can one burst headshot someone and countersnipe snipers
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  8. Twin Suns


    I tried you're set-up for the Yumi from the medic thread some months ago. That's why I agree with ya in some aspects, regarding the Yumi.

    It just doesn't work for my frontline play style with my medic. Good on ya, for making it work for you. o7

    It would be really interesting to see what the LA's & HA's could do with it though.
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  9. Prudentia

    oh yeah it's definitely not a frontline gun :D i simply treat it has a CQC BASR with a higher RoF. if you wanna go and rez people after shooting that heavy in the face from 2meters away then any CQC Assault rifle is gonna be vastly superior. but if someone else does most of the shooting and soaking up damage and you can concentrate on nailing people in the head who aren't focusing on you then it excels. also it's absolutely great at picking off people before they reach a building you are holding
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  10. Rydenan

    Only after a charge-up that makes its effective DPS and TTK worse than the standard S-variant AR.

    True, but hardly a quality that makes it worth taking as a primary weapon, IMO, in light of all its other flaws.
  11. DarkStarAnubis

    I tried the Yumi in VR and I couldn't get along the 250ms delay. I absolutely hated it (just like I dislike the RailJack) imagining a charging enemy, then aiming, pressing the bloody trigger and ... waiting. 250ms is a incredibly long time, you could be 50% dead due to bodyshots or 100% dead due to headshots.

    Yes, the Yumi at short distance can kill with a burst, but so could any other CQC weapon whose RoF is comparable to the Yumi: and those weapons will keep firing 10,20,30,40,50, ... rounds if needed. With the Yumi, if you do not kill your opponent you will have to wait other 250ms to fire again.

    However, the countersnipe part is interesting. The Yumi has a 3.4 max sight. How on earth you can countersnipe?
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  12. Sul-Matuul

    I know it's all personal opinion but from the OP's list i find the Warden and the Gladius to be more than serviceable in the right hands.
    Warden is a pretty good semi-auto and cheap long-med range rifle that has enough decent attachments to make a semi-sniper build on an engineer or other class if you want. It's a heavy hitter too if you can land the shots well enough.

    Gladius is a monster in CQC and I've seriously enjoyed having it to hand when we storm a busy base that swarms with enemies who think they can get close to you without any harm. No use for long ranges but what do you expect, it's an SMG.
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  13. Prudentia

    well it's a long ranged weapon so ofcourse it's bad in CQC. however: a unique thing about burst weapons is that they WILL fire if you press the trigger. so you can knife through the bullets and do both at the same time.
    and with compensator and some getting used to the recoil you can hit targets 100 to 150 meters out easily.
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  14. Rydenan

    I'm curious as to what makes you say this, because, in CQC, it has worse DPS, worse bodyshot TTK, worse headshot TTK, worse hipfire, worse ADS accuracy, worse rate of fire, and worse magazine size compared to other SMGs like the Cyclone.
    (Serious question.)
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  15. Twin Suns

    For some strange reason...I can make it work also. I'm....uhh.... GLAD about that. :)

    For me, It seems like I've used this type of gun before over my FPS gaming life. The accuracy (bloom) and TTK (rate of fire + DPS) seem familiar to me. *shrugs*
  16. Sul-Matuul

    Well i never said it was best, but it's still more than capable and i've massacred rooms of TR or VS by using this gun. Sure there's better out there but it just seems to work well for me.
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  17. pnkdth

    The reason why you like it is probably because of its tiny vertical recoil + tiny FSR + RPM which makes it very easy to control. The fact it has 0.05 worse ADS accuracy doesn't become a big deal. It also has big DPM with its 26 200 damage bullets.

    The Cyclone may beat it in raw numbers but even most mediocre of players is likely to be more accurate with the Gladius. Someone who is above average + used to FPS games is likely to be able to deal out a lot of hurt while using it. This also where the weapons high DPM comes into play (high potential for multiple kills per mag). For me, I get reminded of the SVA-88's glory days (when it had its 0.75x ads mod).

    Theoretical TTK isn't everything and the Gladius is proof of that.
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  18. Atorum

    MCG is such a bad infantry weapon that running with sidearm is a better option, hell, even with default knife you stand a better chance.
  19. Prudentia

    for reference: The Gladius is more accurate, has less recoil and a 60% longer 3 headshot range than the anchor, in exchange for half the mag size and 1.2 of it's 10 bullets per second.
    easy to use? sure
    easy to master? no
    powerful when mastered? hell yeah, just look at quattroAce on Miller, you can only get him to put down the gladius by prying it from his cold dead hands.
  20. Campagne

    While the Gladius does have fairly OK recoil due to a vertical recoil value fairly lower than the average for 200/~500 weapons, its horizontal recoil is actually the worse of all 200/~500 primaries having the highest min and max values of all 200/~500 weapons at 0.22/0.35 respectively with a very average tolerance of 0.5 comparatively.

    The Gladius' FSM is also slightly above average for 200/~500s at 1.6x. The values come from the Tross' 1.33x, the AC-X11 & Reaper's 1.5x,and the SAWs' 1.65x.

    "Very easy" handling is an Emissary. The Gladius certainly isn't the worst but it's far from the best in recoil control.

    Accuracy wise, the 0.35 initial CoF most certainly does become a big deal when the stupid 0.07 bloom per shot value is observed. The inaccuracy is hilarious, or at least would be if it didn't get the user killed. A starting 0.35 CoF at best combined with the six-way tie for worst primary bloom makes the Gladius the least accurate infantry primary weapon in the game.

    The average player would do much better with a Cyclone, especially accuracy wise. Even if the user kept both crosshairs on target perfectly, the Gladius would result in many fewer hits simply due to the greater CoF.

    Personally I find DPM to be a substantially useless statistic given the assumption of 100% accuracy--which literally no one has and that every shot does maximum damage. In a world of resistances and damage degradation there are no constants with DPM.

    Regardless, assuming SPRW ammo is not used, all shots hit against a standard infantry target within 6 meters the theoretical DPM of the Gladius is 5200. Positively midrange between the Cyclone and Blitz, while below average compared to other 200/~500 guns. 0.75x ADS is nice though, depending on who you ask. :p

    Theory isn't everything but if anything, the Gladius supports the accuracy of theory. (Say that one ten times fast.)

    Compared to the other options available, as a HA both NC SMGs, both SAWs, and any carbon-copy shotgun would be superior. For an LA or engineer, the AC-X11 & SMGs & shotguns. For medic the exact same thing but with a Reaper or Tross. Infils, having the fewest options would still be better off with either of the two NC SMGs regardless of how they played. The Gladius is inferior in almost every way to almost every other option and has exactly one unique benefit: 22 RPM higher than average for a 200 DMG weapon.

    Source: http://planetside.wikia.com/wiki/Weapons