Squad Beacons need a nerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stormlight666, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. Stormlight666

    Was just defending a base against 2 NC infiltrators who were using a squad beacon (which I found out by the time i was raging at the end is destroyable - not that the game teaches you anything about them). They were able to return to the base time and time again faster than I could respawn. Seriously I kill them with a mine after they kill me and they're back before I get back into my spawn room.

    I mean I kill them every 2 minutes and they're right back again. That is NOT FAIR, especially when it's your fricking base that you're defending. No time to breathe or try to fix the perma-hacking they've done. That's another gripe that needs to be addressed but i'll just focus here for now.

    I can see your normal drop timer being the way it is, but the Squad one should have it's own large timer. Why? Because if your squad is moving around every few minutes then you should be flying there together. That short a timer isn't fair to any base defenders trying to keep a base from being sabotaged since it makes the few people willing to keep owned bases safe from actually wanting to defend them.

    I'm a hardcore engineer. I stick around to fix bases while the zerg races ahead. I'm on the front lines in most combat scenarios keeping vehicles alive. I'm behind keeping the supply lines open by fixing blown bases. And this short squad beacon drop timer penalizes those of us who are keeping bases from being blown.
  2. Metsuro

    Default timer is 2 minutes on the beacon, which can be certed by the one who drops it down to a minute.
  3. gobbybobby

    now you know you can destroy them. There not exactly easy to hide, they big beam of light they put out.

    I for one get angry when I see teammates just standing around, when there is an enemy beacon next to them

    Enemy beacon... DESTROY IT!
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  4. Cygnus

    Why not just kill the spawn beacon if its giving you so much trouble? Its not like they can hide them.
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  5. Chinchy

    I don't have any issues killing them, however I will rush at the beacon with all disregard for my own safety.
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  6. Phyr

    Most people don't know you can destroy it. Instead of nerfing something why don't we try educating people about how it works.
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  7. Lopshot

    Nerf beacons ! ? ..... Really ?? .... To funny !
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  8. Neovita

    DONT do it!!!! CAMP it and kill the enemys again and again, to gain nice exp ;-) It is rly not so hand to hear, where they are landing (unless some bugs like at The Crown, where you cant here anything if they land at the transmitters in the middle of the base)

    Its a simple Math: For defending a base you will get 0 Exp, for every single kill you will get at least 100 exp. Beacons and Sunderers need to be farmed up, not destroyed!
  9. SenEvason

    This is the last thing I thought people would call nerf on.
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  10. Stormlight666

    (1) I never knew they had one until they were defending themselves in chat when I was wondering if i should report them for cheating. The game never told me there were actual squad beacons you could destroy - a reason why PS2 needs a tutorial sanctuary for items so every player knows about it.
    (2) Someone managed to kill it and then suddenly they were right back again and again. Guess they dropped another one.

    2 infiltrators shouldn't be able to outperform 2 defending engineers, especially when they get killed more than the defenders.
  11. Foefaller

    You can't really farm them, the drop area is too big, and with the long cooldown for actually using it to spawn, you are better off blowing it up and moving on.

    and defenders get a +15% xp bonus for everything they do as long as there are enemies in the area, so it's 115 xp for each kill (or 230 as it is right for double xp right now)
  12. Dictatorfish

    SOE, squad beacons need nerfing. The public has spoken: make it happen.

    Note: I still have no hope in humanity.

    (And people don't believe me when I repeat the dumb things their fellow players request for in these forums)
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  13. Stormlight666

    I just want an extended timer so they can't constantly drop in every 2 minutes on the same spot once they die. Make it every 5-7 minutes. Otherwise you're killing the point of anyone defending a base at all if they can outspawn you.
  14. Stormlight666

    Listen, it kills the defending point of the game beyond the sad state it's already in. When 2 infiltrators can squad drop in and sabotage a base faster than 2 defending engies can spawn and try to fix things - that means it's unbalanced.
  15. Regpuppy

    1 minute is an eternity for an attacking force, if you're able to quickly clear out each wave. Making it longer means it'll only be good for one reliable wave. Whether the devs want to go that direction or not is up to them. You'll likely hate when or if they add Gal spawning back. lol

    What needs to be done is them putting spawn times back to what they were before Higby altered them to make way for the bio lab ability that reduced them. But that never came, so we're stuck with longer base respawn timers than sunderer respawn timers.

    I know, right?
  16. Stormlight666

    Hey just increase the timer for drops by 2-5 minutes. The only people the fast timer works to defeat are hackers not honest defending players. Although educating people would be nice to. Now I know that beacons can be destroyed - I still don't know what one looks like or where to find it (( I hate the minimap in PS2 )).
  17. Neovita

    I am doing that every time in biolabs getting up to 20 kills until i am running out of ammo (takes 2-3 minutes, but there are more ppl using them then two of course), so dont say it is not possible please ;-)
  18. Regpuppy

    Stormlight... bigass beam of light in the middle of a battlefield. Find the end of that and you'll find the pot of gold.
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  19. Stormlight666

    Well all I know is that i'd get killed by the NC infiltrator, he'd hit my mine and by the time i'd respawn he was already running around the base again. That's not fair.
  20. Stormlight666

    And by the time I kill it, the gennys are down and they just plant another one.