Absolutely, unplayable.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bottomfeeder, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. R3volutionist

    I have not had any performance or lag issues with this game, I play NC and have not had any problems with unbalanced weapons. And I had to wait in a queue for 30 seconds once? Not really sure what your issue is but I've really enjoyed playing this game. :)
  2. Warruz

    It has got to be something on your end as your rig is better then mine in terms of performance. Make sure you do the basics like drivers and get the beta drivers for your video card.
  3. RovingDeath

    Game usually works great for me. The "people flying all over the place" only happened when I was having an issue with my ISP, and only occasionally see warpers. Had the flashing graphics bug a couple of times, and the occasional crash to desktop. The biggest problem for me is launching the game; sometimes it takes three to four tries.

    All that said, I still wouldn't call it unplayable. A lot of the problem is on the user's end.
  4. eatdachicken

    I'm having NONE of those issues, none.
  5. Lucidius134

    Just because you arn't having issues doens't mean they dont exist.
  6. Bucketnate

    I get a constant 60 fps, you know the game is CPU based either way right? Come on, there has never been a game of this scale before. Of course there is gonna be unprecedented performance difference from other games for most people
  7. Chubzdoomer

    I'm running on two year old hardware and can still max the game out with 30-40+ FPS on average. As a matter of fact, below is a video that shows it. Performance shouldn't be an issue if you have the right hardware.

  8. DarkNeuron

    Join a good outfit instead of insisting to frustrate yourself with a inferior experience.

    And I have no performance problems except a bit of lag in primetime. But that will get fixed.
  9. Gary

    To impatient to queue up with everyone else? Purchase special treatment and get almost instant queue access. non of this But i purchased alpha squad why do i not have membership or i purchased £120 worth of Station cash were is my priority. If you do not specifically pay for the priority it wont be granted simply because you purchased another package or deal.

    For performance issues - in the technical support thread i beleive there are a number of threads detailing the correct way to address the performance and get it running properly or find out what is causing the problem. Instead of whining about bad performance work on fixing it. Ensure your drivers are upto date if they are why not try a roll back to see if the previous drivers run it better. I know Nvidea released new drivers which improve Planetside 2 performance. If you are running it on minimum hardware requirements dont expect a flawless experiance your going to suffer greatly in anything other then small fights.
  10. McKnighter


    I have no problems apart from maybe 2 warping figures every session. I do not have a powerhouse computer, i3 core with like 4 GB of RAM. I never experience lag.

    Perhaps switch to a less populated server? Seems all the problems stem from large population servers who have the most stress put on the servers.
  11. Ryloxx

    Well we're all happy for you that you are satisfied being stuck on console level graphics, at a terrible FPS. It's also funny when people post they have good performance so that automatically means you do as well.

    i5-3570k, ASUS Sabertooth Z77, 8 gigs 1866, Geforce 550. 20-30 FPS on medium settings in large fights.

    Seriously, I'm tired of these bullsh*t comments. Go hang off of Smedley's leg if everything is so great for you, don't post where people are having actual issues claiming there isn't one because you said so.
  12. Mehuge

    Today on Woodman EU server, the lag is so bad that vehicles are not spawning when they should but their respawn timers triggering anyway, and shooting people with sniper is near impossible because they bullets are going no where near where your aimed when you hit the trigger.
  13. white4g

    I think the game is unplayable for other reasons, namely no visibility in dark, friend or foe indicator does not work always, low level weapons are entirely useless.... I LOVED the original planetside, and this is a bad, bad imitation of the original....
  14. nitram1000

    No you don't get a constant 60fps, stop LYING. It drops to low 30's just like everyone else.
    • Up x 1
  15. Moxin

    On EU servers ?
  16. Valorus

    I wanna chime in and add my 2 cents to this worthless thread. Dude all I can say is stop buying your computers at Wal-Mart hoping that $399 laptop is going to scream. I would be willing to bet that your computer is so sub-par when it comes to gaming that playing a friendly game of pong on your rig would heat your machine up hot enough to fry an egg.

    Look, I'm not trying to rag on ya but people need to understand that games are graphically intense and as such you need a PC that will handle it. The warping you describe sounds a lot like internet latency so it may also be time to move out of the country and into the city where you can get a decent internet connection.

    I'm not running a mega PC by any means, but I did not skimp on the video card or CPU - I run fine with no slow down, not rubber banding, and can target as easy as anything (although personally I suck at the game lol)

    As for the long lines... well it is a free game and a darn good one at that. There is an easy fix. Pay. I did just because I wanted to say thanks to SOE for making the game free to play without MAKING me buy stuff once in although I did.
    • Up x 1
  17. George_C_Scott

    Game runs perfectly for me.

    No lag, no fps issues.

    So: it's either your connection or your computer, bottomfeeder.
  18. Chubzdoomer

    Console level graphics? Hardly. This is one of the best looking multiplayer shooters yet. Terrible frame rate? 30-40 FPS is perfectly playable. If my frame rate is so bad, I suppose I could ask why I'm able to play without any problems in the video I embedded. I also turned Shadow Quality down to Medium and Render Quality to 90% a few days ago and now I'm seeing 40-50+ FPS on average.

    I'm not at all claiming that there aren't issues. I'm just saying that if you have hardware capable of running the game well, you shouldn't have issues that prevent you from enjoying the game. I have a PC similar to yours, save for an i7 860 rather than an i5 and an AMD HD 5870 instead of a Geforce 550. To my knowledge, the 5870 is the more powerful card between the two so 20-30 FPS in giant battles on Medium settings sounds about right. If there's a ton of stuff on-screen, it only makes sense that your frame rate will suffer. In super large battles, my frame rate might drop into the 20s as well on higher settings. You should try lowering your Render Quality to see if that helps any.
  19. Moxin

    On which servers ? Are you playing on EU or US servers. People write about that all is fine but you dont know on which servers they are playing. There are many people who have problems on EU servers with a great internet connection and pc system. I have a 50mbit connection with in general low pings in multiplayer games, on EU servers i lag sometimes horrible which I dont see in other games I play currently. Doesnt matter if mmorpg or fps multiplayer.
  20. Cevera

    Today was the first time i had massive laggs that made the game unplayable
    Till this afternoon, everything was running fine^^
