I'd like to welcome all new players to Vanuside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Saokeh, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. Saokeh

    Join the most overpopulated faction today! Where you can get easy experience from Zerg caps and sitting outside your enemies spawn with your platoons of ghost cappers. Did I mention the free experience zerging??? Boy oh boy are you ready to win 50% of the alerts on all servers? Join the Vanu now! DBG will ignore the lopsided population influx and you're well on your way to BR 100. ENJOY!!!!!
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  2. orangejedi829

    Haha, I lol'd. +1 for that.
    But you're probably gonna get a sh*t-ton of hate for this thread, even though tbh there is some truth to what you say (especially regarding the perception of new players).
  3. n0pax

    Such a truthful thread. That said I would say VS wins more like 75% of alerts from my experience on Emerald at least.
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  4. Ballto21

    remember when tr had massive overpop

    and then nc

    and then vs

    and then tr
    and then nc

    and so on

    its a cycle, give it a month assuming game doesnt die
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  5. JohnGalt36

    From what I can tell on PS2Alerts, VS have won 10 of the last 20 alerts on Connery, TR 9, and NC 1.

    Those balanced factions...
  6. Migs

    Didnt NC have like a 2 week period recently where they were winning left and right during daytime

    VS seem to rule during the night, alien tech seems to draw those who stay up and play games I guess

    Edit: It seems when I play my VS char I meet more young teens/young 20's in general that stay up at night, TR seems to have more working class older guys and NC seems to have a following of non-english speakers and mil-sims lol
    Atleast this is what i've noticed
  7. Mythologicus

    Last time I played my NC (which was last month), NC won an alert on Indar with only 25% population. It was utterly glorious, and somewhat eye-opening.

    Populations do fluctuate, but I won't deny VS tends to be on the high side. Few months prior the TR were overpop on Connery :eek:

    It sucks when you want to play purple and you see your faction has 46% population, though. It's not fun for anybody on either side of the fence.
  8. Goldeneman01

    It's just the Zergle of Life

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  9. LazyAsian

    I dunno, Emerald has like 3 outfits for Brazilians
  10. FieldMarshall

    Am i the only one who jumps onto the underpopulated faction, because i get more xp from all the kills?
    Am i the only one who enjoys getting zerged?

    I find it incredibly boring being in the 80% zerg, sitting on the cap waiting for a small amount of xp while constantly fighting over kills.
    Even if i won alerts 100% of the time, it wouldnt have been worth it xp/kill/cert/fun wise.
  11. Tanelorn

    This is dead-on summary of players. Good god the in-game voice comms of VS pub squads/platoons... Never again...
  12. Crator

    You are not alone. I will almost always stay away from an empire that has way more pop then the other two. If the empire has equal pop to another empire I will play either one depending on which one I want to play.
  13. Isokon

    On the other hand NC won 11 of the last 20 alerts on Cobalt, TR 6 and VS 3...
  14. n0pax

    This situation is a lot like NC was after launch. I am not sure how long it lasted because it drove me to quit but for at least 8 months NC was broken OP and for a long time kept becoming more and more powerful. NC scatmaxes back then will forever go down in my list of insanely broken things in games with launch Xin Zhao on League of Legends among other things.

    For many months NC was just left broken OP. It got to the point where people, myself included, were legitimately thinking the devs just favored NC and did not wish to balance it. Once I began to think that is when I quit the game for a year or so.
  15. SanPelicano

    Lol wat? Vanu is the most overpoped faction? :eek:

    Not even on emerald.

    Combined stat ( with all servers) shows that VS the most underpopulated faction by 3-4%.

    p.s. : click on 3d zoom.

    1/10...cuz you tried.
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  16. teks

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  17. Jubikus

    As much as the developers would like to try you cant balance player competence NC is generally perceived as having the most well rounded good arsenal yet there alert win rate just doesn't reflect this.
  18. Jubikus

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  19. teks

    click 1 month view or 1 week. TR definately overpoped on emerald, but NC and VS are very competitive. no data supports this VS massive overpop this thread is about.
  20. Crator

    imo, NC is where the majority of the newbs play. Just a theory of mine.