[Suggestion] Vanu 'No Bullet Drop' should apply to all weapons, including sniper rifles

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Myka, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. HadesR

    Oh I said it needed fixing .. Along with all Shotguns Max's included, And I said Nix needed balancing ...

    Game balance > Personal preference

    And you are correct I have experience playing a Sniper, and based on that experience ( which is always best to base your views on ) I know how easy it would be to land head shot's with a no - bullet drop rifle , which in turn added with the Bolt action's OHK ability would make it unbalanced in overall gameplay.

    Sorry the forums are not VS only :rolleyes:
  2. Shockwave44

    You said you wanted high rate of fire sniper rifles. High rate and sniper rifle don't go together. Good luck hitting anything with a RoF of 700 and a 6x scope.
  3. Liquid23

    no I didn't... I didn't say anyhting even remotely close to asking for a sniper's rifle with a RoF like 700... maybe you should actually read what I wrote...
  4. Nyscha

    No.. just no...

    As a VS sniper I prefer the bullet drop...
    • Up x 1
  5. Shockwave44

    This is what you said. You asked for high RoF sniper rifles. Wasn't that hard to figure out.
  6. gigastar

    I always maintain that being a pure sniper is the wrong way to play Infiltrator, so when people come asking which weapon to buy for Infiltrator i tell them to buy an SMG and learn how to be sneaky, and to get into the habit of doing helpful things like hacking turrets and terminals.

    The only time i find sniping to be actually helpful is when theres a dozen or so idiots standing still spamming lock ons.
  7. Lazaruz

    There seems to be an abundance of bad ideas lately, this being one of them.
  8. Pikachu

  9. Tommyp2006

    why not just make the bullets hitscan while your at it?
  10. Loegi

    I sort of agree, but the majority of your arguments for it are weird and/or wrong.

    Seems like the only area where no bullet drop is actually useful, but we can't have that now, can we?
  11. Liquid23

    no... I said the TR empire trait is supposed to be a higher rate of fire so our bolt action should have that trait... meaning it should chamber the next shot slightly faster than it's counterparts...

    you see when you make assumptions, especially really odd and nonsense ones like you did, you are bound to look silly
  12. St0mpy


    Still no.
  13. Shockwave44

    Are you mental? You're just repeating everything I'm saying.
  14. Liquid23

    no you blabbered on about the SOAS-20, scout rifles, and fully auto firearms... all of which have absolutely nothing to do with what I said
  15. Superbunny

    Vanu is just a crap team to, Vanu weps get nerfed and the other 2 factions get op'ed, best just join easy mode tr / nc before you wast too much money on vanu, the next new wep will be just as crap as the lancer
  16. Shadrik Linx

    Here is the problem, The terran weapons can have the terran ability w/o being OP, the NC weapons can have the NC ability w/o being OP, But the VS weapons CANNOT all have the VS ability w/o being OP.
    You know what this means? It means that the need to do away with the Vanu's "No bullet drop" as it cannot be accurately balanced. Instead, give them a new ability that CAN be balanced throughout all weapons.
    This is why I say the Vanu suck. It's because they get the short end of the stick when it comes to empire specific abilities.
    ZoE? Practically useless, the speed buff is essentially non-existent anymore, and more Damage on a damage sponge class? Laughable
    Magburner? This is a friking 1 second speed boost. FOR A TANK.
    Magrider? A for mobility, F for most everything else. It's a glorified harrasser really.
    Scythe? Extremely hard to pilot one, even harder to put up with the learning curve. It takes an iron will to even attempt to be good at this, the controls for this (and most likely, a ESF's) Is terrible, they could have made it much easier to fly.
    The Vanu isn't a third faction, It's a joke.
  17. FieldMarshall

    Also buff damage on NC sniper rifles so they can OHK bodyshot someone. Because faction trait and screw balance.
  18. asmodraxus

    No just no for losing the bullet droop on the VS sniper rifles

    and I'm working on the VS Sniper rifles directive (11 till the 2nd rifle cleared).

    The only way it would "work" is if all the BASR on the VS were like the phaseshift that OP weapon we have

    As of 30/01/15

    1693 Kills, KPU 12.09, KPH 34.4 Users 116

    2308 kills, KPU 10.7, KPH 20.9, Users 180

    12011 kills, KPU 10.7, KPH 20.8, Users 936

    As we can see the phaseshift despite having 0 bullet drop is hardly used almost as much as the multiround "sniper" rifle that is the TRAP (its more of a scout rifle ffs), unlike the subpar Railjack that is worse than the tier3 NC Sniper rifle...

    Maybe someone should have a look at the mechanics of these weapons as one should in theory be given the PPA/ZoE treatment when in reality the other empire options need a rethink and rework to drastically bring them up to par.
  19. Arsonix

    As we all know if VS snipers had no bullet drop then the VS would be warp gating the other factions around the clock. Because we all know not having to aim a pixel over some guy's head would make all VS snipers unstoppable killers. Even though damage at range and projectile velocity are always nerfed to hell to balance these things out I'm certain a no bullet drop sniper would completely unbalance the game.

    Could you imagine if VS shotgun slugs actually had no bullet drop? Oh lorde that would be a catastrophe. TR and NC are barely able to deal with those overpowered as hell no bullet drop pistols the VS have.

    If it were up to me I would remove no bullet drop from all the weapons and no I'm not just being sarcastic.
  20. Mahaut

    If they give no bullet drop to my parallax, they'll feel the need to "compensate" it by making its bullets travel at the speed of a running max. Please don't. Hitting moving target is tricky enough as is.