Back to air supremacy days, once more

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Anantidaephobia, May 2, 2014.

  1. Anantidaephobia

    How long before Liberators are fixed so that they aren't the XP machine they are at the moment ?
    One of them can be a nightmare to a medium invasion force. Throw in 2 or 3 and you can just respawn anywhere else or lose your time.
    A big issue with those is that once a Lib shows up one thinks "Uh I'd rather get some AA and if I'm Lucky someone else will think alike and we might scratch its paint enough to have it flee".
    - Most of the time you can hardly get some AA before they blow up your sundy/ies.
    - Most of the time not enough people think alike.
    - Most of the time you don't even scratch their paint enough.
    - Most of the time they just repair and come back after 5 seconds like new.
    Means most of the time when you see a Lib incoming you may as well go anywhere else, as they seem to have a repairing ability far above anything else. Your Skyguard might be just damaged, but don't worry the Lib that did it will be back in no time to finish what it'd started.
    They snipe with Daltons any AA that dares to shoot at them (be it infantry - as if infiltrators weren't annoying as is, MAX or the laughable Skyguard I'm not sure I should smile or cry when thinking about it.
    It thought PS2 was suppsed to be : Armor > Infantry > Air > Armor
    Well, as of now, Air is wayyyy superior to Armor ... but to anyghint alse too

    Any chance for a fix/nerf/adjustement of some kind ??
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  2. Ronin Oni

    Teamwork is OP.

    Lack of teamwork and complete lack of situational awareness is severely UP

    Buff lone-wolfers pl0x. Every infantry should have an auto-firing AA launcher on their shoulder. that doesn't take up any suit/tool slots, doesn't require certification, and comes stock with infinite ammo.
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  3. NinjaTurtle

    The thing I hate most is that god damned Tank Buster. By the time you realize whats going on you are already in the death screen
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  4. D3GGY

    Planetside 2 is currently:


    Infantry are always going to be at the top. Don't kid yourself. The issue with air is that it's as strong as it should be and everything else is pitifully weak.
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  5. Dieter Perras

    I really hate air and the weird part is, for the life of me I can't really say why. Thinking logically it doesn't really make sense as I've tried flying and know that being in the air takes skill and is very challenging. The only thing I can think of is that, as a individual player it feels like if someone in the air decides he's going to kill me there really isn't much I can do about it short of cowering in a building. This feeling of being helpless is the only reason I can think of for these feelings of air being op to exist as air is clearly not op.
  6. Ronin Oni

    haha yeah, the Tank Buster is pretty brutal.

    Afterburner, Stealth, Racer... Tank Buster strikes FTW.

    I use it to bust Sundies and Gals.

    I should see if I can get good at seat swapping... tank buster on way in, pull up and hit AB's, seat swap after gaining velocity to drop 2 dalton rounds and swap back to pilot seat to fly away.

  7. Ronin Oni

    ^That's basically what it is.

    Flying really really is dangerous. Everyone wants to kill you. Everyone hates you. And there are a bunch of dedicated pro A2A pilots out there too ready to curb stomp you into yesterday.

    When you're on the ground though, unless you're working with a pack of AA units (minimum 3-4) it feels like you really aren't accomplishing much... you chase them away but they just come back at most 45 seconds later.

    It's not that AA is weak... it's just weak individually.

    Packs of AA are extremely dangerous and one of my top causes of death when flying. If individual AA was dangerous, flying would be non-existent.

    So it's balanced, but unless you've got friends and they've got AA options and you work together... it really does feel completely helpless.

    Best thing to do is grab a dumbfire launcher and start chuckin rounds up at em. You'll get lucky once in a while, and over time you'll get better and skilled at it and it won't take near as much luck (though it always takes at least a lil luck unless the dumb bloke is hovering in place)

    BTW: Hitting a lib with a deci is a sure-fire way to scare that mofo off HELLA quick lol. Hurts more than a tank AP round I believe. In fact, I think it's the single hardest hitting weapon vs a Lib
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  8. ValorousBob

    You're entire post is about AA. I think you might be missing something.

    If only there was some air vehicle that's main purpose is to shoot down Liberators.
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  9. LegioX

    I talked pure crap to a noob Lib pilot and his two buddies today after i owned them hard.

    Sitting in a skyguard, i unload an entire mag into his a$$. Of course he comes charging in blazing his tank buster gun. I jump out right before my vehicle blows up, then i proceeded to put a dumb fire rocket right up his belly killing everyone. FELT REALLY GOOD.

    I love how lib pilots try to justify their actions by saying it takes skill to be this good. Sorry, no skill whatsoever.
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  10. Phyr

    If they ever bring out vehicle loadout switching, skyguards will roam the fields like wolves. Until then, people will be hard pressed to spend resources on a vehicle that might be useless in 5 minutes.
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  11. Ronin Oni

    you're running a skyguard as HA with dumbfire? o_O
  12. DashRendar

    Infantry say about ESFs - "ESFs kill everything! It's so unfair!"
    ESFs say about flying - "Everything can kill me! It's so unfair!"
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  13. Ronin Oni

    vehicle loadout swapping is BADLY needed.

    There's a good reason Burster MAXes are a lot more common. When you clear the skies, you can go grab some more useful weapons for whatever you're fighting!

    I don't say either....
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  14. axiom537

    Oh yeah baby that would be my High-G, Afterburner, Max Comp Armor, Max Capacity Shredder with Max Capacity Walker, rip into enemy Air vehicles that try and pick on my empires ground troops. If you are getting stomped by Air vehicles, that's because you do not have a friend like me...Nothing juicier then a Dalton Lib...

    The problem boils down to 2 things when confronted by enemy Air craft. 1. You are not working in a group, either by pulling multiple AA weapons or by having squad medics to revive you 2 seconds later to carry on like nothing happened. 2. Your Empire has failed to bring Air vehicles to the fight and the enemy has air supremacy.

    Air vehicles and ground based AA are fine, join a group and make sure you bring some friendly Air to support your group and your problems will be solved.
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  15. NinjaKirby

    Small bump, just wanted to say my piece.

    The best solo defense against a Liberator, is a Liberator.

    MBT AP, Skyguard, Dual Burster Max - all that is ancient history.

    I invested SC in Dalton and cert'd the Tank Buster (Only 250 I think it was), and tend to just use the latter to 1v1 the enemy Liberator. And if need be, tank buster + ram them. I don't care if I die, it's a victory regardless to just down a single ground-carpet-bombing-bastard Liberator.

    Since you died in the Hex you playing in earlier (moments before the annoying Lib flew overhead and ruined everyone's day), you can just re-spawn at the local front-line Sundy or w/e and continue the good fight.
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    yes, the game came full circle back to launch. except it's even worse now because everyone and their mother is fully certed in lib and ESF. whenever a really decent non-biolab battle warms up, somebody ends up pulling mass air and taking a big **** all over it.

    since air is buffed back to launch, SOE needs to buff bursters back to launch.
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  17. axiom537

    You have no idea what you are talking about...Skyguards where a joke at launch, most people didn't have dual bursters and there weren't 3 varieties of ground based lock-on rockets or even A2A lock-ons either. It is so much harder to stay in the Air then at launch it isn't even funny...

    If an Empire pulls mass Air and takes a dump on your troops, that's because you left them exposed to such an attack and that is your failure because you where tunneled visioned shelling your target and the enemy did what was necessary to break up the fight and gain an advantage...Sorry, the enemy didn't play the way you wanted them too...
  18. GaBeRock

    Liberators arent the xp machine you think they are. With the extended downtimes of having to relocate from fight to fight (no teleportation) , repair from damage, go to an abandoned hex to reload, run from ESFs, etc. The certs/hour of any but the best lib players is behind the certs/hour of your average support infantry player. For those experienced players, they'd still be making certs faster as infantry. The problem with libs is that for the gunner, with a good pilot, they're a K/D machine. The pilot is getting mostly shafted in that department too, but they lib because it's fun.

    As I see it, the real problem with libs is their tankyness againt ESF noseguns. If they were easier to kill from an ESF, more people would pull ESFs to kill libs, killing even more libs, so ground would only get farmed if it refuses to call in air support. If you think pilots would ignore ground, I suggest trying yell chat to say "over at x hex, there are x # of libs, no known enemy flak support, need air support" and ESF squads will rush in to get the xp. If there is flak support, then you're facing down at least 3 people, likely more, so you shouldn't be entitled to killing that lib on your own anyways.
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  19. ChipMHazard

    If only they would have made capable bases infantry only then we could have vehicles dominating open fields, by that I mean buffed tanks and ESFs since they can no longer farm infantry inside bases.
    Instead of continuing the buff/nerf cycle how about SOE removes the main reason why they had to rebalance vehicles, in general, in the first place.
  20. DQCraze

    There are some pretty wild exaggerations in this thread. Let me help you out, air requires focus, you cant just hope it goes away. Yes you actually have to do some work. You can't just use your c4 fairy to make it go away. A ground AA zero will decimate an air zerg 100% of the time. You are either new or to lazy to kill the air harassing you, either way there are many ways to kill air and tons of videos showing air getting owned, take the time to watch em.
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