A sad time for pilots

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Schwak, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. Schwak

    I prefer using a nose gun against a lib 10/10 but I know that using A2Am would make that kill much quicker and would save quite a bit of rotary ammo. Being in close against a dalton lib isn't a problem if you know how to fly in the way to keep out of the stronger spots for a lib.
  2. VSDerp

    Schwak is if not the best lib pilot on TR on our server. he knows his stuff. i think AIR needs alot of focuse atm. watching fried & jaam lib gun i can understand schwak's frustration.
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  3. Alarox

    So are you guys arguing that the only way an ESF should be able to fight you is with the nosegun and that A2Am should be removed? That their damage decreased? That their range nerfed? Reload speed decreased? Buff flares?

    There's no suggested improvement, only that you guys don't like being killed by them. And if that is all, then use a Shredder lib or fly to friendly territory with ally ESFs and AA.
  4. NoctD

    Whatcha talking about? Work with another Lib - 2 BR 100 Libs working in unison are untouchable really unless you get a half dozen or more ESFs ganging up on you. When the Dalton splats ESFs in 1 shot and the CAS30 is deadly for anything that gets too near and the Shredder can be its own AA... it seems to me you're just not as good a Lib pilot as others I've seen out there.

    Libs go from zero to hero in this game - their either utterly OP in the right hands, or downright awful in the wrong hands.

    A2AMs are a problem for other ESFs though.

    And weren't you the person that suggested ESFs should have all A2G removed? Now you want to strip away their A2A capabilities too? Why not just remove ESFs from the game entirely?

    Sorry - no sympathy for you. Enjoy dying to missile spam... I'd rather see those ESFs being made more viable A2G so there's less of the silly A2AM setups out there. You brought this upon yourself, ESFs are running out of things they can viably do.
  5. dBMachine

    The suggested improvement is maintaining a visual line of sight on your target to hold the lock-on. As soon as you lose line of sight then you lose your lock. That way you make it more of a skill shot.

    That's what the air revamp was supposed to included. But instead they re-did the nose guns and put everything else on the backburner.
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  6. Schwak

    So your solution is that they should stay in the game in their current state? 100% hit accuracy, doing 180 degree turns on a dime and hitting its target? Your only solution seams to be suck it up, get hit by them and don't complain. Sure I can put on flares (maxed out) and not get hit by 1 lock on, but then what do I do. You can dodge G2G lock ons in a tank, why shouldn't you be able to in the air? The current flight mechanics of A2Am are equivalent to the strikers flight patterns (minus going through stuff because it can go around anything). The striker was broken until they fixed it and now the A2Am are broken and they must be fixed.
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  7. Alarox

    So your solution to the problem is to complain about them, not offer a suggested improvement, and argue with people that point this out?

    See the guy above you, he's got the right idea.

    (Btw, I think the tracking capacity of these things is ridiculous as well)
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  8. EliteEskimo

    A2A missiles are a lot like AV turrets in that they are extremely unfun to try to counter, often times they take tanker or pilot skill out of the equation when being targeted, and they make a lot of good players just want to log off. Lock ons which are fire and forget and adjust to terrain to still hit the target are at the pinnacle of easy mode technology and they need to be changed.
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  9. Schwak

    I am BR100 and most of my gunners are. Some times we are solo but most of the time we have 2 libs up and you are very much touchable. What is your extensive experience in a liberator since you seam to be so sure?

    The AV capabilities. Do you read things before you type or do you just rely on bad memory?
  10. BITES

    Right here you defeated your own arguement:
    One side with an unfair advantage = Bad
    All sides same advantage = Not Bad (but one can see how its also not good ...)
  11. Klondik3

    You fall back to friendly AA nest.
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  12. Alarox

    I would be behind that, although they would need a large rework. Changing them such that you would need to sustain the lock would mean most numerical aspects to them would have to change. They would become something you use in place of your nosegun as a general A2A weapon rather than something you swap with 50/50.

    Require sustained lock, less damage, faster reload speed, faster lock speed, higher ammo capacity?
  13. Hatesphere

    lock-ons should still have some level of fire and forget, but when the missile itself fully loses LOS to its target it should stop being able to follow it, it should just go dumb fire at that point. then they would feel a little less like aim bots. as it is right now its pretty silly to see missile that lost LOS just fly around things to hit a target.

    on that note they should also have a max amount of fuel before they just burn out and go dumb fire, so you can still have a chance to outrun one.
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  14. Klondik3

    I'd suggest you try going with 1 Lib and 2 Skyguards instead if there are lot of A2AM aces on your server.
  15. Schwak

    So a weapon can only be OP if it is faction specific? The zepher was OP at one point and they nerfed that, why does this not apply to A2Am from your perspective?

    I'm sorry, when did skyguards start flying?
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  16. Alarox

    Schwak I have a question for you (although I would still like you to suggest a change rather than just argue randomly).

    What do you think you, as a 2/3 Liberator crew, or two 2/3 Liberators, should lose to?

    What do you currently lose to?

    Additionally, what do you think the role of A2Am should be?

    Let's seriously discuss this.
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  17. EliteEskimo

    If LOS was broken and the missile went dumbire I don't think there wouldn't be so many unhappy pilots. That and missiles shouldn't do an instant 180 degree turn in the middle of the air. Skill and cover should also be valid tactics to get rid of lock on's. They should be easier to use than the nose gun for sure, but not the blue tortes shell of death projectile that they are now.
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  18. Schwak

    ESFs. Does saying ESFs mean that they should get cheese OP weapons? No.
  19. Hatesphere

    I agree, if possible in the game engine they should give missiles a sort of LOS cone (even ground based ones). not full 360 degree sphere sensor it has now. something more a 180-120 degree LOS view that if you break out of the missile loses lock.
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  20. BITES

    Because everything you've used as an example so far is available to EVERYONE.

    ZoE was not ... and was changed to be in line with the other empire specific abilities.

    It was a bad example to use as something thats OP for everyone isn't the same as OP for one faction.