Anyone else tired of mines?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MrHenderson, May 17, 2013.

  1. MrHenderson

    Bouncing betties, claymores, prox mines. Everywhere, all over the goddamn place. Yeah yeah, cert flak armor. Great, so now you're barely alive and get waxed 2 seconds later.

    I hate to cry nerf so how about a drastic price increase on the stupid things...200 or more infantry resources per re-up sounds good to me.
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  2. Regeta777

    Mines don't bother me nearly as much as C4 fairies.
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  3. theholeyone

    Yes, the new ones are so damn big and heavy, my engie tires of lugging those things around so throws them away willy nilly. Only to find some bugger has put more in there each time he respawns.

    You know what else works? Look where you are going...
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  4. iller

    Other than the Vanu's... they really do stick out like sore thumbs now.
  5. siiix

    i hate bullets, they are killing me the most, please nerf bullets

    i looked at my stats and i discovered i got killed overwhelmingly by bullets, bullets are OP.. nerf them please
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  6. Zotamedu

    Mines would be fine if they always rendered properly. They seem to have fixed it slightly because they seem to show up more often now than before. I never saw a single enemy mine the first three months I played. I got hit by them every now and then but I never managed to see one.

    As long as you can rely on them actually staying on the ground and not under it, then they're just fine. You need to be a bit creative to use them and they can be spotted and destroyed if you are careful.
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  7. Grotpar

    You have eyes. Use them.
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  8. schwarzklang

    I am tired of player like you. They are everywhere! They cry for nerfs, its unbelievable! 24/7!
    And most of the nerf crys are abolute mindless. About stuff thats absolute fine, you just need to use your brain to master that gameplay mechanic. Btw. VS and NC mines got LEDs on top.. wtf is that! Soe did a unbelivable thing! Visible Mines! For people like you! Be happy! Wait.. i think you didnt noticed it, did you? No surprise.
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  9. Xasapis

    Seriously, it's an area denial tool that is so costly on resources that you're bound to find them only on choke points and places it make sense. And considering that they all now have blinking lights and laser markers, it shouldn't be hard to spot them. I don't see how more obvious they can make them without making them useless in the process. They are meant to damage or kill careless people and warn against the cautious.
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  10. Jac70

    Hardly anyone dies to mines anymore. I place them all over the place and hear them going off constantly but the amount of kills I get is very low. I think most people can survive them now and if they don't get a OHK then they are likely to just heal themselves up with a medic or a restoration kit.

    The issue of them not rendering though is an issue, totally invisible mines are annoying.
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  11. theholeyone

    Yesterday's play just brought home how rare they are. I decided to diffuse a claymore, thought well this is far enough away, few bullets and an instagib later I realised it was not. Clearly there have been so little mines I've had no chance to hone my defusal skills.
  12. }{ellKnight

    The issue with mines is that they sink into the ground. And that's it.

    Personally I'd prefer if they removed lights and lasers from them as well but that's just me.
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  13. Xind

    They are exceedingly tedious. It's true. But you only really run into them when they've fallen beneath the earth or if you're actively seeking cover from enemies and your attention is focused on them and not scanning every inch of the ground in all directions at all times.

    Aside from making them not fall through the earth. I'd remove the lights from all mines and I'd make the claymore a little bit more reasonable to place...sometimes they fall over forwards and then they do is that about?
  14. ItsJustDash

    Bad thing about the AT Mines is they are so freaking big now. I have to pretty much use them as a C4 type deal on sundies.

    I don't understand what was so bad about them before :p. If you paid attention and or used thermal you never hit a damn mine, but SOE had to make it idiot proof.

    Now the other types if I trip on them it is my own darn fault for my watching where I am going.
  15. Stew360

    Iam tired to be kill by mines who havent render YES

    Mine and Proximity mines who do not RENDER properly is getting on my nerv badly givving unworthy kills to some DA who as no skills is kinda silly

    hope they will impproove the rendering they have put a flashy glowing thing on mines but still

    At least the vehicules mines render properly for the most part

    proximity (( VS )) is still a mess
  16. Stew360

    ANd yes proximity mines should cost 200 ressources each
  17. The King

    They're fine.....
    Yeah, they shouldn't sink, but for months now, no enemy mine sank on me.. I've pretty much seen every single one that blew me up..
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  18. f0d

    mines are fine - if anything they are way too easy to spot now

    i AM tired of lock on rockets though - everywhere you go there is a constant "beeeep"
  19. illgot

    I'm tired of constantly being ran over by friendly Harassers when I just spawned my new Max to try out the 2 Fractures I bought.

    Yeah, it's one of the reasons I just quit playing that class. seriously, I can get 1 hit by a careless driver just so I can trod my slow *** back to the fight?
  20. Chioxin

    Vanu now have 3 bright green lights on the legs. If you miss em, you're blind.
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