Black Uniforms for the VS? Seriously?!??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WachaDune, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Fenrys

    I love the new default VS uniform.

    Maybe outdoors on Esamir all white camo would be a better option, but everywhere else the standard issue VS spandex blends in better than the other so-called "camouflage" that you can buy (including indoors on Esamir).
  2. WachaDune

    I'm not complaining about the TR here. I can see them at night. But the VS were hard enough to spot with their old dark purple.
    Black is the color of choice for anyone trying to hide in the shadows, so it's probably the only choice of 'color' I would have a problem with, in terms of uniform. Heck, if it was a camo option, I'd pay extra for it. Who wouldn't?
  3. Reaulan

    Free is better. :D
    I'd be okay with green. A good green, not something stupid.
  4. Czuuk


    This. When? And how much?
    • Up x 1
  5. WolfA4

    Vanu should be predominately Green/Cyan with trace purple. Purple is a great color to blend into dark areas with, in some cases purple is better than black for blending into the night.
  6. Urban_Scorp

    Sometimes I miss being bright purple too...then I equip the Alpha Squad camo.

    It's actually kinda alien and menacing now, especially on the MAX suit.
  7. TintaBux

    They was already hard and sometimes impossible to see at night (without a flashlight) already, maybe this is an attempt to increase flashlight sales?
  8. Vastly

    TR should be predominantly bright scarlet with a trace of grey
    NC should be predominantly vivid yellow with a trace of blue
  9. Azarga

    Here, NC reskin prototype!

  10. WolfA4

    The TR are very red already. and the blue of NC is bright, as bright as the red the TR have.


    Yes, seriously.

    And, if the shoe was on the other foot and they decided to change the NC's Lego man color scheme to a darker version, it would be a very different story. (which they will soon, don't worry.)

    So, i do expect you to complain about the same thing when the NC/TR get their scheme changed.
  12. Iksniljiksul

    It appears to me that you play with the wrong video settings. I have never once seen anything resembling "night" in this game, as I intentionally did not alter my settings beyond customized low due everything appearing far more realistic. A side effect is that there is never any darkness, never any shadows of any kind.

    By now can't you recognize players based upon armor shape and weapons alone?

    Are you aware of where your spot button is located?

    It is perhaps the most useful button in the game, as it allows your faction to track them for a short period of time.

    If you die in under a second, which is how this game functions in close ranges, it will never have mattered if they were bright pink and orange with glowing sticks protruding out the ***.

    This is not a game to be taken seriously, as it's not even a good game when compared to itself. It is ill thought out, very poorly coded, and is a blatant cash grab while they beta test the engine for EQ3. Or do you think $7 for each virtual gun is the normal pricing range for something you can never own and has zero existence in reality or law?
  13. Deronok

    Well, they do collect alien tech.. Now they just need sunglasses.
  14. Aisar

    I would buy a black stealth focused camo in a heartbeat. The new VS uniform is aggrivating, I always run at least medium settings but I try to run high on everything if possible and they are often very noticeably and effectively difficult to spot, especially if shadows are on. Yeah they look cool but it doesn't make sense from a gameplay standpoint.
  15. NinjaTurtle

    **** I would pay so much for that look :eek:
  16. Van Dax

    This all the way, use some sense people.
  17. Aisar

    How hard is it to switch between camos when it is day or night? It takes me about two seconds and if it is night and I had an almost pure black uniform you can bet I would be switching to it come nightfall. Common sense would be, it's not hard to take off my day camo and switch to my default black uniform at night.
  18. HellasVagabond

    NO Color is a sign of technology.....Cloaked Predators and Terminator robots for the Win :)

    PS : Perhaps silver could be said stands for technology.
  19. Van Dax

    I'm all for a black camo
  20. Aisar

    Of course you are, which is why you love the new VS uniform :D I wouldn't mind a black camo/uniform option as well.

    Satire aside the whole black uniform or camo nonsense just needs to be fixed so we don't need to deal with it anymore.