Ultimate Empire Fail

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by iLogan, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. Lord Robert

    Its bad. Bad bad baaaad!
    • Up x 1
  2. Malec

    This happens pretty often with event streaming. Usually the hosts underestimate how much the players themselves will use up the bandwidth. SC2, LoL, and Fighting Game events have learned a lot in the last year and generally get their streams pretty stable even with 100k+ viewers. If SOE wants to do events like this more often, they need to make sure their venues have an overabundance of bandwidth.
  3. GImofoJoe

    Well it's completely offline now.... BAH
    Go TR! Conquer them nubs.

    Think of the bright side, there's too many people watching that's why it crashed.
  4. Koadster

    We had Mekeala then they reset spots. Then VS are half way capping Wokuk and event starts.. No resets.. Typical ******* Dev VS bias.
  5. An Hero

  6. innociv

    Rofl do you guys really think twitch can't handle 15k viewers?

    You must be new.
  7. Gavyne

    Lack of bandwidth is always a problem, I do wonder who they consulted for this event. SOE is quite new at the esports scene.
  8. Momo93

    Btw, what is the purpose of this event? Of course they don't focus on the bug fixes when they are doing something this pointless.
  9. Rodinvac

    So, is the event over or what? We VS on Miller have been holding most of the continent for more than the 40 minutes time limit.
  10. Colinthetank

    So the queue to log in said 4hrs. I think its more like 1.5 hrs. But then when I log in, I will need to sit in queue for another hour at least to get to Amerish. This is all assuming I do not crash at any point. Bravo Soe, BRAVO!
  11. An Hero

    More like, the ultimate faildown.

  12. Kinigos

    alright then you win a cookie,gratz.
  13. souled

    it's on a different server.

    I am amused by the thought of people running around an empty continent yelling 'we're winning we're winning!'
  14. Gavyne

    It's too bad because it looks fun, for the lil bit that the stream was up for.
  15. Zeron

    Vanu won 1st round, what a surprise lol.
  16. Rodinvac

    I thought the rewards were given on a server by server basis or something like that?
    With whoever wins on Connery being the "official" winner.
  17. HeXedBlade

    lol TB called out our AFKers.. "We have about 100 guys afking in Warp Gate... We will execute them later"
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  18. Kapernum

  19. souled

    This isn't happening as far as I know it is just on connery. I doubt soe even has the organization/ people to watch every server in real time.
  20. MasterChiefette

    Yeah they can. I have watched LoL and SC matches with over 100k viewers before.