You're missing out on a grand opportunity for tradeskillers here.

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Cusashorn, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Anyone who goes to the Antonica or Commonlands Docks will very quickly see the development of the Guild Halls way off the edge of the map, as well as carpenters getting to work right on the docks themselves.
    I'm glad that annoying Director Jazmin is finally, truely, actually too busy for Idle chit-chat for once (That line, and "You talk to strangers? Whats the purpose of that?" are the only things she EVER says to Humans.)
    But as a MASTER Carpenter, I'm a bit insulted that the city of Qeynos wouldn't seek out us players to help contribute to the construction of the guild halls. All they're concerned about are cheap labor and contractors who will build at a flat rate. They could just as well hire us tradeskillers to build it for them for the same price. That way they'll be getting better quality out of it.
    I think you should start giving out tradeskill quests that help contribute to the construction of the guild halls.
    WAIT! Hold on just a second. I'm not talking about a live event like the Griffon Towers or Spires, where the structure is finished once a certain number of materials is given to it. Why not just give some quests so players can feel that they're contributing to the construction of the guild halls? You could reward them with city faction, coin, tradeskill tools, or whatever you want.
    Just my two cents here.
  2. ARCHIVED-Rijacki Guest

    *tosses a few copper into the bucket*

    I agree.

    I think a great writ/quest opportunity is being missed. Not anything like the spires or griffon towers (that really was over too quickly for most people to participate), but just general building quests that don't shorten the time it takes to get them built.. but.. umm.. pointless "fluff" quests that make us feel a part of it *laugh*
  3. ARCHIVED-Illara Guest

    I was also so sad when I rushed over there wanting to lend a hand and Director Jasmine wouldn't even give me the time of day. I would love to be involved in the process's very exciting!
  4. ARCHIVED-Zehl_Ice-Fire Guest

    I was also expecting griffon tower like helping out, maybe it will come a little later?

    I did have a laugh when I realized the live event was just to watch npcs building stuff.
  5. ARCHIVED-Sphiriah Guest

  6. ARCHIVED-SilkenKidden Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Very good two cents worth. My carpenter friend would love the extra work:)
  7. ARCHIVED-Terron Guest

    Yes, carpenters should be able to help out with the work.
    And provisioners should be employed to provide tea and food for the workers.
  8. ARCHIVED-Rokaab Guest

    Yeah it would be cool to get stuff like this, I'm sure you could think up reasons for all the tradeskillers to get invloved:
    • Carpenters; yeah, this ones obvious - the furniture/walls/building in general etc
    • Provisioners: food for the workers
    • Woodworkers: just general woodwork type stuff I guess, well the carpenters need stuff to work with
    • Armourers; well, I'm sure guild halls need sets of armour hung on the walls, wouldnt be right without them
    • Weaponsmiths: see armourers, same applies
    • Tailors: sorta same as armourers and weaponsmiths, I'm sure someone else could thing of some better reason though, maybe tapestries
    • Sages, Alchemists, Jewelers : Protective scrolls/magics to protect the place, scrolls hung on the walls
  9. ARCHIVED-VolgaDark Guest

    I agree. They are definitely missing out on huge opportunity here.
    But please not another "spire building", because by the time one coast got home from work the other coast had the spires all build already :( There has to be a better way.
  10. ARCHIVED-Sphiriah Guest

    From the dev chat:

    Bludwyng: Cayanetta asks, The Living Legacy schedule predicts a Guild Hall Event in September. Will guild halls arrive before that? Will there be events leading up to their introduction?
    Jindrack: We haven't announced when guild halls will be released, but we watch for information coming out of Fan Faire.
    Jindrack: Also, with GU47 you've seen activity begin on the docks,
    Jindrack: We are adding to that in GU48 which will allow players to help in the ongoing construction projects.
  11. ARCHIVED-valkry Guest

    Here, here! Please, this would be wonderful.
    Then after we build the guildhouse neighborhood, please let us do a community rehab of Freeport. I know the old 'Cleanliness is next to Godliness' thing, but even ruthless dictators have some pride. linkie Let us fix up the city, geez its been well over 4 centuries after the flood of refugees... you'd think we could spend a bit of effort cleaning up our beloved bastion of strenght and ruthlessness.
  12. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    Sphiriah wrote:
    You beat me to it :)
  13. ARCHIVED-GrunEQ Guest

    Would love to have tradeskillers do quests for the Guild Halls, perhaps to earn that much needed status?
    To elaborate further on what different crafters could contribute:
    I see Weaponsmiths makeing things like nails and screws
    Armours making brackets and plates
    Tailors making fabric for wallpapers and liners
    Alchemists making pest control potions
    Jewelers making decorative tiles, pipes
    Woodworks making lumber suitable for construction, and speciality pieces
    Yes this could/would have been a great opportunity for helping and building up needed status and give a feeling of changing the enviorment.
    Maybe we might get lucky
  14. ARCHIVED-Anordil Guest

    Oooer! I can't wait! :D
  15. ARCHIVED-Domino Guest

    You'll have to consult Jindrack on this one :D
  16. ARCHIVED-Hellswrath Guest

    A bunch of us were talking about this in game as well.

    We would love to see another building project to create the guild halls. We thought the spires construction event was awesome. Although, I agree that it should be designed to last a bit longer.

    However, I think that there SHOULD be a minimum limit on how much progress is needed to complete them. Then, perhaps have the excess production of each crafting class go towards the lowest completion level at a 1/4 ratio, or something similar. Also, people should be able to continue to contribute even after completion of the minimum requirement, if this event will continue through a GU (meaning the guild hall isn't completed as soon as the minimum is reached for all fields). That being said, I personally loved having the spires be completed once the limit had been reached. With the exception of the fighting over the spawned dragons, it was an awesome event that really brought a lot of the community together.

    I love the idea of having a trackable amount for project completion like what was done with the spires. Just make it a large enough number that it isn't done in 12 hours like the spires were. ;)
  17. ARCHIVED-GrunEQ Guest

    I liked the gate building event EXCEPT for the dragon killing at the end. I worked on about 3-4 spires, and near the end some guilds quit, so they could send off simutanous fireworks, so people would get overloaded and be kicked out of game, so their guild could get the dragon. Everything about that event was community building, except for the ending when greed reared it's ugly head.
  18. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    GrunEQ wrote:
    I was thinking along the same lines, except for two things.
    You generally don't need pest control fro construction projects. What Alchemists can make instead is Grout, Mortar, Adhesives, and Sealants.
    What about Sages though? They're the only ones left out.
  19. ARCHIVED-GrunEQ Guest

    O yes, your alchemist idea is better. Rakk suggested that Sages do protection spells, which sounded good to me...they did protection spells I believe for the gates.
  20. ARCHIVED-Littles Guest

    Yeah I agree! I want to help them too! I can build just as good as Jasmine's workers. I can't wait to help them! My hammer is itchin to start building!