Wizard Drake Familiar?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by LDEffectsMe, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. LDEffectsMe Active Member

    So, I just made a Wizard for the first time on EQ2. I had one on EQ1 for the longest time, so I naturally gravitated to the drake familiar.

    Why the heck does the drake walk on the ground instead of flying? My first thought was that the fluttering of the drake was maybe a little bit distracting, but then I saw we get a book familiar that flies around.

    Is there a good reason why the drake can't fly? You always have the option to hide it if it's a distraction, so I'd like to request that if be given the ability to fly like a classic wizard familiar, if possible.

    aspekx likes this.
  2. aspekx Well-Known Member

    if that doesn't work out there is a cheap wand in the SC shop that will convert any combat pet into a flying fae drake.

    just a suggestion.
    Bregdania likes this.
  3. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    Don't think that would work on the wizard's familiar. They don't do combat, just hang around providing a buff.
    LDEffectsMe and aspekx like this.
  4. aspekx Well-Known Member

    good point.
  5. LDEffectsMe Active Member

    I just think it's silly to see my familiar crawling on the ground, when his wings are clearly bigger than his legs. o_O