Withering Lands, fly in zone, curse removed 125 adv gear

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Geroblue, Dec 25, 2023.

  1. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    Copied from General Game Discussion.

    I was working on week 6 of the first Panda quests fro Yun Zi.

    I tried flying the last bit because I kept getting attacked.

    Well, the curse hit, typically it means the dragon is upset I'm flying and my character dies.

    This time all of my 125 level gear vanishes. Not in my bags, not in my bank.

    I finish week 6 and head back to Qeynos.

    So, where did the gear go ? This is the gear I received with the 125 adv token.

    It was on Maj'Dul server, Ghensha is the character. About 15 to 20 minutes ago, afternoon of Dec 25.

    Thanks for your help.

    edit: I changed back to Default UI, no gear. Changed back to DarqUI, no 125 gear.

    I did go out to character select and back in.

    I just logged back in, no 125 gear.

    Checked my bank, nothing there.

    On the off chance, I checked my one room. Nothing in the Inn bank. eq2u shows the 10th level gear and the two items I got while in Withering Wastes.

    I did buy a plate chest piece and a sword to get my hp up so my character would survive.

    Well, I got other things to do. We haven't had Christmas dinner yet.

    Nothing in in-game mail either. This started off to be a nice day. Not sure what I'm doing next, but gaming in EQ/EQ II isn't one of them.

    This character is pretty much powerless at this point.

    I logged back in, about 2 and a half hours after my first post. No overflow, still 10 adv level gear on character except for 2 items I bought while in the zone.

    When I get overflow on gear, I get a message. No message this time.
    Breanna and Twyla like this.
  2. Elinea Well-Known Member

    I never got any gear from that token. Did you actually equip it before you went to Withered Lands?
  3. Melkior Well-Known Member

    There is a bug Submitted in the forums for the 125 token not granting gear. Unless you know you saw it, chances are perhaps you didn't receive it to begin with.
  4. Shamanduu New Member

    If you used the 125 advancement token I wouldn't worry about the free gear. Just go to whatever expansion zone you have access to and equip your toon from Tishan's Lockbox instead.
  5. JanEQ Active Member

    I'm assuming that you have the latest expansion since you say that you used a level 125 adv level token. If so, then you can get free gear from the BoZ crate at the zone in to BoZ (Splendor Sky Aerie)
  6. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    Yes, had it on for all of that series of quests for the Panda that gives Mara Estate at the end.
  7. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    Fast Travel says I'm not qualified to go there.

    So how do I get there ?
  8. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    I got Hopewell gear.