Whoever gets the last post, wins!

Discussion in 'Non-Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Josgar, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Articulas Guest

  2. ARCHIVED-General_Info Guest

    Articulas@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    good what was your favorite meal out of all the restraunts you dined at?
  3. ARCHIVED-Articulas Guest

    bbq sammich. Now its becoming obvious to me that they have no intention of fixing these forums. and that is highly annoying.
  4. ARCHIVED-General_Info Guest

    Articulas@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    they are saving that for april fools.
  5. ARCHIVED-Articulas Guest

  6. ARCHIVED-Articulas Guest

    yea the mods couldn't take a joke. i think its time for me to find a new place to haunt i think.
  7. ARCHIVED-General_Info Guest

    Articulas@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    hmm. you could go haunt some directors/filmmakers/clebs you dont like and drive them crazy.
  8. ARCHIVED-Articulas Guest

    meh. i need a fresh new game. something to keep me entertained for a time.
  9. ARCHIVED-General_Info Guest

    Articulas@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    hmm new is subjective. i dont particularly keep track of gamer websites or gaming companies any new game that is coming out i happen to find out about by random chance.
    In any case old games can keep you entertained for a while as well. you surely must have games with replayablity. you could always go back to mass effect 1&2 and forget about the the ending of the third one.
  10. ARCHIVED-Articulas Guest

  11. ARCHIVED-General_Info Guest

    Articulas@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    I know.
  12. ARCHIVED-Articulas Guest

    aye yie yie. just cancelled me account. still going to linger though :p
  13. ARCHIVED-General_Info Guest

    Articulas@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    do you mean canceled as in 1) haunting the forums and not playing at all. 2) haunting the forums and playing for free or 3) posting in non-gameplay about the next new game that will kill EQ2?
    lol i hope not SWG had too many of those doomsayers what do they have over here that keeps them out?
  14. ARCHIVED-Big_Hammer Guest

  15. ARCHIVED-Articulas Guest

    I've cancelled and not playing at all atm. life has been crazy busy with family and stuff. I am looking for a new game though, and nothing out right now really looks appealing to me.
  16. ARCHIVED-General_Info Guest

    Articulas@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    hmm you could always i dunno read the newspaper or a book for a change instead of relying completely on electronics for entertainment.
  17. ARCHIVED-Articulas Guest

    Actually me and my wife are reading "Crown of Swords" together right now, and on the side I'm reading "Tigris Burning" Which talks about the Genocide of Armenian, Assyrian, and Greeks during the 1890's and WW1. Also talks about an era of american heroes often forgotten as well as a failed International effort that left over a million dead.
  18. ARCHIVED-General_Info Guest

    Articulas@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    if you are interested in sci-fi i'd suggest you look up the Empire from the Ashes series by david weber.
  19. ARCHIVED-Articulas Guest

    I'll have to look into it.

    /I are winner!
  20. ARCHIVED-General_Info Guest

    Articulas@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    i have not yet stopped watching this thread for new posts.