What is WRONG with the werewolf mercs?????

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Dahlyia, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Moose9 New Member

    I have to echo the some of the same settiments brought up here on the mercs. The collectors edition was sold with the claim these mercs were going to be better than the normal ones, but that hasn't been the case upon release. Honestly I don't know how the mercs went live in this condition with the pre-sale advertising on them.
  2. Guiscard Active Member

    There is more than a couple of issues. They simply do not live up to the statements by SOE for which most of us paid an extra $20 just to get them. If you don't or can't improve them, is it time to talk about some sort of refund or lower merc costs?
  3. Sheene Member

    If I want to call my Merc, Murray or Doug I should be allowed to. It's a lot like giving Christmas presents and then telling the recievers what they are allowed to do with them.
  4. Lovidicus Active Member

    I was pretty excited about the CE healer merc, but soon as I bought him and saw his like 42k hp I was instantly disappointed. I tried him out in a zone, he got aggro (I hadn't engaged yet) and died rather quickly to solo mobs.

    So I also went to SOE Live and though maybe the merc from that would be better. They did say they would be like "rare" mercs. But of course that only comes in tank format apparently so is useless to a brawler.
  5. Teacherspest New Member

    Up !

    So wait and see if a SOE official dares to come here and talk to us about the fact they did a mistake by selling us this CE edition and tell what are the solutions they plan to offer to us before we also do some ads on the web concerning this issue .
  6. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    It probably depends on class whether you get amends or not. even though it probably shouldn't, if there is only one other person they get amends, otherwise it could kick to class or better highest parser.
  7. Natsume Member

    Thank you for the warning people, I was just debating on whether to spend the coins to get him or not. Any input on the Vampire? :p
  8. Teacherspest New Member


    So I petitioned to billing service. I told them that we're having a commercial issue with the Collector's Edition and from their point of you, there's no problem of money, only a technical problem.

    So they have our money, we don't have what we have bought but there's no problem...

    The message is clear : send feedbacks and wait. they just hope we'll forget...

    Are you just kidding ??? We're customer, not only players. 7 days after the release of CoE, the main reason why we all bought the Collector's Edition is not yet correctly coded and SOE still considers it is not a problem that requires at least a message...
  9. Scab New Member

    What a joke. I just bought CE and literally, in less than a minute after spending my prestige points in tradeskill AA's I found 3 bugs in just the first three AA's. The Mercs are an absolute disgrace. Can't change the names so quick casting can be used on them. The temp merc just melee's. The pally merc is pitiful compared to the SK merc in every aspect. Plus the over a dozen Bugs I reported for the previous expansions for spells,AA's Tradeskills are still left unfixed. Good O'l Corporate America. I've played since release and there are bugs I reported the first month that are STILL not fixed.

    This is what happens when you outsource game content for cheap labor. Disgusting
  10. Alenua New Member

    I consider this a serious issue because of what we were told and what we actually got. ( The stats would be significantly better than the regular mercs) I bought the CE version ( two of them ) for the mercs. As a fury, I looked forward to a better tank merc. I'm very disappointed, not only in the mercs but in the company. I hope this gets resolved.

    Can you imagine what would happen if this was any other product other than a video game? Why do we accept half truths and outright lies when it comes to games? I think times are changing though and companies are being called on what's promised and what is actually delivered.
  11. Tylia Well-Known Member

    I am really happy with my werewolf Temp merc. He heals, he cures, he casts Sanctuary, he helps fight.. I can't believe all the screaming in this thread. They are only meant to "help out" and "fill in".. they aren't meant to be as capable and as efficient as a flesh and blood player (though my temp merc does a pretty good job).

    As for CoE CE worth the price.. yes I think it was, with the mercs, the mount, the potions etc. I received everything that was advertised that I would receive.
  12. Brigh.Guk New Member

    I've not had the chance to try out the healer merc with a tank toon, but the Pally one was just all-around awful when compared to SK merc from Neriak. Even after the fix, I spent most of my time healing the werewolf with my leet necro skillz 8).

    With the SK merc, the amount of "healing" I do is very limited.

    At the risk of putting words in others mouths, the issue seems to be these are supposed to (with apologies to Yogi) "smarter than the average merc" as a perk for buying the CE. Based on the above posts, that's simply not the case for most folks.
  13. Teacherspest New Member

    No worries. Some peeps are just satisfied with what they get. I see no reason to think you're wrong.

    But as a customer, I also check what I buy and, definitively, what I received is not what I ordered.

    SOE devs admited in this post that there was something wrong with the werewolf mercs. But we received no information about how long it wil take, no apologies. For 20$ I expect at least some consideration from my supplier.

    If you find justified to pay for something and to receive an ersatz, free to you, that's your right. But this is also our right to ask SOE why they sell products that don't fit to the ads...
  14. Alenua New Member

    I agree with the above.You have a right to be fine with it, but others have a right to question what they recieved and like more information/and explanation about how it will be fixed etc.
    What I was expecting and what we got are different things. Screenshots etc have shown that even after the fix, they're no different from standard mercs. That's what some of us are upset about. I bought the CE with expectations based on what they said below. That's not what I got at all.

    “The Krivix Honorclaw - Lujien (Werewolf) Mercenary is only available in the Collector's Digital Version. Players can choose either the Templar or the Paladin Lujien (Werewolf) in Freeport or Qeynos mercenary dens.* They will both be available to hire on your characters. These mercenaries have significantly higher stats and confidence than the standard mercs, but they cost the same to hire as the standard mercs.”
  15. Pipsissiwa Well-Known Member

    I primarily ended up buying the CE for the healer merc as I don't raid and don't even group that much, so figured I'd never see one of the super-mercs and this was my best chance of a nice one. I have been hugely disappointed - he is very slow to heal me, has never even tried to rez me (I've been rezzed and been able to finish an 'oops' fight many times by Stamper), just wants to fight (even stealing aggro) and I too am dying constantly in zones I could walk blindfolded before. His stats are absolutely nothing special, and I HATE not being able to personalise him - it is really boring. Stamper, aka Ratatouille, will be back with me again next time I play.

    Very, very disappointed. And angry about the waste of money.
  16. eqnextarian New Member

    Bought C.E. ONLY for possible elite mercs for my multi boxing accounts. The mounts are not faster so I didn't buy them for that reason. I won't be going to the new zones much till I get better gear from BG;s so it wasn't for that reason. I only run my 95' conj. on this account and 92's on other accounts(but no more till they fix mercs). The C.E. mercs are no better than the mercs available in town. I don't need any more common mercs, common mounts, non battle pets, furniture, exp potions, and won't be leveling up any more alts soon thus don't need the Up To 280 A.A. potions. I am saddened at the C.E. mercs but hopeful SOE will up grade them and/ or allow us to buy elite mercs in the SC store or for cash.
  17. Tylia Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry, I seem to have missed those, so I made some of my own.

    [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]

    Nope, they are NOT exactly the same. Krivok has more power, more attributes, more mitigation, more avoidance, more crit chance, more crit bonus, more potency, more ability mod... definitely different.
  18. ITPalg Member

    I don't know why the paladin merc haters are complaining as if they didn't know the paladin mercs have been at least less useful than the sk all along.

    The regular paladin merc has NEVER used his heals properly since it was introduced. He does not ward. He does not direct heal other than Lay Hands. The only heals he gets / gives are from Faith Strike and the group Circle combat attack.
  19. Alenua New Member

  20. Tylia Well-Known Member