What are the ways to increase the "Bountiful Harvest" skill level?

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Caethre, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. Caethre Active Member

    I was searching online to see ways to improve the Bountiful Harvest skill level above the 54% I tend to have when I am out harvesting.

    I know the three three things that are obvious:

    - Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl gives 27%
    - Compact Sumac Harvesting Kit gives 12%
    - Tradeskill AA "Ample Harvest" can give 15%

    I know of one more that is debatable (due to the alternative "Cloak of the Harvester"):

    - Shroud of Hidden Harvests gives 1%

    The above gives 55%.

    Is there more available from other sources?
  2. Feldon Well-Known Member

    Mycenia and Loredena like this.
  3. oldskool Active Member

  4. Kristabella Well-Known Member

    Gi of the Ashen Artisan Increases 12%
  5. Caethre Active Member

    Ahh.... now ....

    (1) Gi of the Ashen Artisan is an excellent suggestion. I found it from an EQ2U search as suggested before mentioned again above. I totally mssed its existence! Already crafted it now .. so ... 67%! Thank you!

    (2) Elixir of Mara ... is this a one shot deal? As in, one, ever? Or can we make/acquire more of them?

    (3) The Potion of Bountiful Harvest, despite its name, does not mention giving any Bountiful Harvest skill at all, only +%chance of rare...
  6. Morfydd Active Member

  7. Xianthia Well-Known Member

    Elixir of Mara is a one time item and only lasts an hour, yes it helps for that one hour but not really something that we can continually obtain/use.

    I still use the potion of bountiful harvest, why not? May as well get the other rares while out there decimating the landscape by clearing every harvesting node :p. Also, who here doesn't have hundreds of them already :p:p