What am I missing? "a crate containing Darathar's head"

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by ARCHIVED-g0thiC_iCe_cReaM, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-g0thiC_iCe_cReaM Guest

    So on a whim I decided to finish the prismatic questline that I've had in my journal for years by myself. I loot an item called "a crate containing Darathar's head".
    When I use it, I get a message "missing component", tried it in my house, still didn't work...
    What am I missing here? Don't tell me I have to use it right after the fight next to his corpse...I already zoned out and turned in :(
    If that's the case, I hope I can just zone back in later and do the fight again (not that I want to, it took me 40 minutes solo boxing my warden).
  2. ARCHIVED-Morghus Guest

    You need a pedestal. It's a crafted item. Also you can't place the trophies in your house, only in guild halls.
  3. ARCHIVED-g0thiC_iCe_cReaM Guest

    Thanks for the info, I stopped playing just before the guild halls were released and came back like a month ago.
    Kinda sux...I like the guild I joined recently and all, but this was a solo feat, and I'd rather have a place in my own house to display my own "triumphs". :(
    Guess I'll have to donate this to the guild then...would be great if we could get an option to put stuff like this in our own houses too...