Was the reason the sig line mount wasn't in Beta, to make more people buy the CE?

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Wurm, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. Wurm Well-Known Member

    No one at all knew if we were going to get a mount or not from doing the Sig line (since beta only gave us the gem removal spell as a reward) and I know a lot of people bought the CE just for the mount and the stats it has, who probably wouldn't have done so, if they had of known that the sig reward mount would be (slightly) better.
  2. Darkon Well-Known Member

    I knew the sig mount would be slightly better. It has been every previous expansion. That said, CE mount is great for alts who may or may not do the sig line.
  3. Wurm Well-Known Member

    Yes they have been every expansion, and lets be honest the previous CE mounts didn't have any stats at all,,, but I still wonder if that was the reason that the sig mount wasn't added during beta like it was during ToV.
  4. Darkon Well-Known Member

    I don't think the people designing the content are that shady friend. In fact I can promise you they aren't. I know most of them as individuals and talk to them on a near daily basis. They're good people, and the most likely reason it wasn't included was it hadn't been added yet. They're working incredibly long hours with the team they have right now.
    Foretold and Feldon like this.
  5. Wurm Well-Known Member

    Oh don't get me wrong, the SOE devs are great people. The SOE marketing / pricing department people though, I wouldn't leave alone with one of my kids for even a second.
    Gharyn, Wintir, Loves and 1 other person like this.
  6. Vindarren New Member

    Let's be honest...i'm quite certain that after the ninja price raise during the Labor Day 'sale' i'm fairly certain that SoE is that shady. Had we known that the sig line mount was better, very few (I hesitate to say no one) would have bought the mount. It's just like making the AoM CE consumables one per account instead of one per char, just like making the new Isle prestige house one per account when every other vet reward was one per char, or the crazy pricing on the new aerakyn race.

    This is unfortunately a very alarming trend with SoE that doesnt seem likely to abate. Those of us upset by this are certainly not oblivious to companies needing to make money . But there are lines...
    Kraeref and Loves like this.
  7. Iseous Active Member

    Kander said here that "The Collector’s Edition Mount’s stats are nice, but anything earned within the expansion will undoubtedly be better, so think of it as the baseline for level 100." on October 28.
    Mozil, Shmogre, GIndotto and 2 others like this.
  8. The_Cheeseman Well-Known Member

    You pretty much have to assume that the CE mount would be replaced rather easily by any character who progresses significant into the expansion. Personally, I chose to get the CE in part for the mount so that I'd have one with decent stats to claim on my myriad current and future alts whom I have no intention if ever running through the sig quest line. You know, the ones in hand me down gear who only make it to 100 because I use them to hang- out with lower level guild mates, etc. I only run the major quest series on 3-4 characters, generally, and the rest make due with whatever scraps I toss them.
  9. gixxisgod Member

    but the questline is so ez to do and can be done in 3-4 hours easily.. ive done it 3 times..
  10. Chunk Member

    Speak for yourself. I and most of my guiltiest bought the CE knowing the sig line mount would be better. Also the new racial unlock is a bargain compared to the free blood when it came out. Freeblood was 4500, while the new race is a steal at 4200. If you add up what you get with the new race, a race unlock, weapons unlock, and the 4 mounts the price would be close to 7400.
    Mozil likes this.
  11. GIndotto Well-Known Member

    Chunk you're making too much sense and your opinion doesn't fit with the picture they're painting of Maniacal Marketing Minions plotting our demise at SoE! :p

    I'm glad someone linked Kander's post about the mounts. Also, you could have asked anyone in Beta and they would have told you what Kander said, which is most anything you work for in the expansion will be better.

    The more you know!
    Chunk likes this.
  12. Vindarren New Member

    I think I've raised quite a few pretty logical points regarding SoE. If you want to defend them, be my guest. I think the forums speak volumes about where the current opinions are regarding the 'Maniacal Marketing Minion's' decisions in SoE. /shrug.
  13. Trickykell Member

    [QUOTEbut the questline is so ez to do and can be done in 3-4 hours easily.. ive done it 3 times..][/QUOTE]

    Can you link it? Have asked in general a gazillion times, it's like it's a top secret thing...
  14. Ahupu Well-Known Member

    What exactly is your question Tricky?
    As for other things Freeblood was 2000 SC and if you wanted the racial mount it was 1950 per toon that got it. Or 3950. Every Aerakyn gets 4 mounts which checking the market would be about 6200 SC by itself, and every one you ever create will get them.
  15. Wintir Active Member

    "...The SOE marketing / pricing department people though, I wouldn't leave alone with one of my kids for even a second. "

  16. Trickykell Member

    Lol the sig line quest reward.. what is it. I'm assuming a mount based on the op but just got the expac today. So I was asking him to link the reward lol.
  17. Wurm Well-Known Member

    I don't have it yet, I'm taking my sweet time with all the quests since I like reading the quest dialog.

    But what I've seen linked ins a Pterodactyl mount similar to th CE mount with slightly better stats.

    And as far as Kander's post goes. I'm willing to bet most of us didn't see it. I didn't. And even if I had I still would have grabbed the CE. I asked a question in my OP, I did not make an accusation.
  18. Chunk Member

    I'm not necessarily defending the way they do things, just merely pointing out at least one flaw in your supposed logical points. I would never use the "opinions" of the collective as justification for any point, its like using Wikipedia as a source in a doctoral thesis.
  19. Sisca Well-Known Member

    Quest Reward Mount: Indomitiable Pteranodon

    CE Mount: Striped Savage Pteranodon

    So a 2% boost to CB & Pot, +5 Points of CC, +500 Power, +1000 HP. Also, note you have to be level 100 to get the stat bonuses from the quest mount but only 95 to get them from the CE mount.

    Not really all that much better than the CE mount considering the time it takes to run through the quest line.

    I'll probably run the quests with a couple more of my alts but, unlike ToV, I won't feel that I have to run it just to get the mount since I have the one from the CE.

    Honestly, I didn't purchase the CE to get the mount. I mainly purchased it to get the merc since I felt my tank types could use a decent healer merc and I've never been able to get Kenny or any of the other elites. And this is coming from someone that got to play with the elite mercs that are going to be dropping in the heroics. I know those are going to be better than the CE merc but I also know that the chances of me getting one are slim to none and slim just left town.

    ETA: Just want to say that for me the "must have" part of the quest reward isn't the mount it's the Adornment Reclamation spell that allows you to pull any adornments out of your gear. It does turn any that were tradeable into no-trade though.
  20. Arieste Well-Known Member

    It was very clearly stated by the devs BEFORE CE ever went up for sale that the CE mount would not be better than one "obtainable by in-game means".

    Even if hadn't been overtly stated (which it very clearly was), it would have been a pretty outlandish assumption that the new expansion does not give mounts with good stats.

    Even the free beta mount had stats pretty close to the CE one.

    I think the reason that the Sig reward wasn't shown was to keep some sense of mystery and discovery for those of us that did the beta.