Visions of Vetrovia Bounties

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Taled, Apr 15, 2022.

  1. Taled Well-Known Member


    Call of the Spirit
    Call of the Wild
    Call of the Interrogator
    Call of the Exiled
    Call of the Chaotic
    Call of the Dead
    Call of the Berserk
    Call of the King
    Call of the Hunter

    They drop 330R gear base, 335 rare (Assuming it wasn't changed from beta) - Sendara Quel is bugged and hopefully turned off until the next patch. (Or possibly they did a temp patch for the zone to fix it, I dunno, but the script to spawn it was broken.)
    Every mob has both stifle and stun, technically, though they didn't always work. They all have curses. 8s to cure the curse or you get a group wide detriment, typically, with a huge power drain. They all have decent power drains otherwise.
    Cropster likes this.
  2. Bludd Well-Known Member

    you only get 1 call of the x per catacomb you plunder for ghoulinda right?
    Cropster likes this.
  3. Taled Well-Known Member

    Correct. One 'currency' item per crypt; *supposed* to be a roughly 3 hour timer before you can pick up another.

    Should have made that clear above;

    The 'Call of the <x>' currency items to buy the bounties come from the Mahngavi Crypt mission zones from Ghoulinda in Ghoulinda's Lair. After you kill the Crypt Lord, an urn will spawn in one of four or five spots in the zone to 'plunder' the item. It is *not* tied to the key/chest itself, just to killing the crypt lord. The urn has its own timer, separate from the quest.
    Cropster and Bludd like this.
  4. Rattophaxe Well-Known Member

    Sendara Quel is still bugged. The pedestal eats your scrolls and lights up, but he doesn't appear.
  5. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Thanks for the data, Taled. Aside from the 330-335 Resolve gear, are there any achievements associated with doing all of the bounties?
    Cropster likes this.
  6. Taled Well-Known Member

    None that I am aware of, as of yet...
    Cropster and Sigrdrifa like this.
  7. Jorelanu New Member

    We killed all 6 Bounties and there wasn't an Achievement or Reward for doing so. Went back to the Merchant and there isn't a weekly quest like there was last year either.
    Cropster likes this.
  8. Gelenor Well-Known Member

    Confirmed on HoF... no achievement or new bounty on completing all existing bounties
    Cropster likes this.