Velinoid Caves

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Leloes, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. Leloes Well-Known Member

    Okay, I'm going back on. Who are you sending on?
  2. suka Well-Known Member

    kk i am closely watching my main chat for when you log in. i have put you on friend. if i don't get it out immediately i am either running after puppy who is a nuisance or in a fight. give me a couple of minutes and i will send invite
  3. suka Well-Known Member

    do you have a guild window up in chat? everyone is talking to you lol. we solo but we chat
  4. suka Well-Known Member

    Loati and Fyuri are my toons
  5. suka Well-Known Member

    welcome to the guild - i'll be back in a couple of minutes
  6. Leloes Well-Known Member

    Sorry had to go. Puppies are getting impatient for their dinner. Their in my lap wrestling so need to feed them.
  7. suka Well-Known Member

    lol with us, real life comes first so not a problem. see you when you get back. you might want to look on the housing portal- that purple ring in the room to the right that is spinning around the dark purple crystal. you now have trustee access to the boat and friend access to the safe fall house.
  8. Finora Well-Known Member

    Glad to see you and Suka finally got together =) Having a guild makes things a lot better imo .
    Alenna and suka like this.
  9. suka Well-Known Member

    yes a lot easier- especially if it has the amenities. we rushed to get to 72 but at this stage, we have the most the amenities and will work our way to 100 a bit slower. no pressure- that's the best part of it.
    Rhodris and Finora like this.
  10. Ahupu Well-Known Member

    I want to like this whole exchange. I love to see people helping each other out. Good on you Suka and grats on finding some really helpful people Leloes.
    Kraeref and Rhodris like this.
  11. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Run some custom made dungeons (DM) for dungeon marks (tokens). You get lots of them pretty quickly. Then for 75 of DM you can get an exeptional repair kit from the market place from dungeon maker section. I used it all the time on my alts that are not tinkerers.

    For them you don't have to go back to town to mend equipment and it won't cost you any gold or sc.
    suka and Finora like this.
  12. Sambril Well-Known Member

    While generally good advice, it really won't help the OP as he is talking about pre level 20 content in the Frostfang area and you can't run DM until level 20. And you need to purchase the DM ability from the marketplace to use the tokens.
    suka likes this.
  13. Leloes Well-Known Member

    I want to thank all of you for your help. It has been greatly appreciated.
  14. Leloes Well-Known Member

    I went and got everything mended and now I'm in Demons Delve. The Velinoids really are tough even though I'm a level nineteen now. But that's okay because I'm going around killing Orcs until I level up again. Suka, I hope you don't mind that I'm not a fast player. I prefer to take my time and get to see everything in the game.:)
    Alenna likes this.
  15. suka Well-Known Member

    we want you to play the game the way that you enjoy playing it. you have no expectations to live up to. just have fun.
    I sent you a lot of information and i know it can be overwhelming, but don't be alarmed. read it when you have time. skim over it for stuff you need to know now and put the rest on the back burner for later.

    don't worry about making mistakes- they are part of growing and our guild is very forgiving of anything you might do. We do have things we are strict on, but only as far as they affect the whole guild. As an individual, the only people who can cause enough harm to be kicked are those who come in to only cause trouble. Most people don't fall into that category.

    You will not be pressured to get above junior member- ever. you will not be expected to do more than you are ready to do. and we are here to help you if you need us.

    you may find some of the stuff in the charter and bylaws are a little daunting, but remember that we are flexible and everything is meant to be changed . There is nothing that can happen that is the end of the world as far as the game goes so just have fun and enjoy.
    Leloes and Shmogre like this.
  16. Leloes Well-Known Member

    I just want to say thank you again. That's my main goal is just to have because this is my only way to escape my disability for a little while. This gives a chance to do things I'll be able to do again. Like run, swim, climb, and best of all do magick! Once question and this may seem stupid but I'm going to ask it anyway. Where is the physical guild located?
  17. suka Well-Known Member

    yes a lot of us who play eq2 are disabled. To get to the guild hall, go to any town and open your housing window from your character tab. you don't need a house to access it but you will be offered to port into the hall on that tab. if it doesn't then go to ratings - another tab on the housing window. at the bottom filter guild (it is a dropdown menu under filter). On the very first page in that window will be a list of houses that are published by the guild. choose Fyuri's Westlin Winds. Once there turn around. behind you is a big room. enter it, turn around again and on the left wall is a weathered wooden door. click on it and you can get into the guild.

    Once in the hall- go to the room on the right and around to the next hall. just before entering the next hall you will see a white beacon with a black ball on top. right click that ball and choose attune my spirit. Now you will have an ability to call to the guild hall from anywhere.
    Leloes likes this.
  18. Leloes Well-Known Member

    I hope I remember all this. My brain buzzing.o_O
  19. suka Well-Known Member

    when in the game, i always have a second window up for my guild chat. you right-click on your chat window, choose open new chat, and then right click on the new window and choose chat options. on that you go to chat- click it to open the menu, and choose guild chat. click that and down below there is a box to rename the window. i name mine guild. apply. then on the bottom of the window is a little talk button. click it and choose guild. now you can chat with us in guild and be able to see when we talk to you. there isn't always people on but we have three new members including you so you will probably be able to chat.
  20. suka Well-Known Member

    leave this window open and refer to it as you go. you can open it as a small box and you can also resize your game window so that you can see both windows while doing stuff.

    or copy and paste to a notepad and work from that.