Veksar, final named since last update?

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-TwistedFaith, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Khonann Guest

    Buttcliffe wrote:
    LOL, thats his answer cuz he has no clue, its not the same, The named and all adds are completely immune to all control effects, he has 1 Million hit points, and hits like a train, in all directions.
    He does on average between 3000-4000 DPS, so that means, math majors out there, your heals need to be higher then that, or else your group dies. Last time I checked, 2 junker Pick up healers arent putting out that much.
    You cant mez the adds anymore, so no point trying, they hit like trucks as well (about 700-1400 DPS) on top of the Nameds 3500-4000 DPS..... again, math majors out there, do the math.....
    You now need plenty of heals, and LOADS of DPS to burn him down now... which is more then you can say for the Epic in RE2, which just requires an Illy for mezzing the adds and maintaining power for your group..... This guy i would say is much tougher then the epic in RE2, since the adds cant be mezzed, and the AOE seems random at best, so timing AOE immunities,(if you have them) is tough....
    If people say the guy is just as easy as he was, they are either dumb, liars, or both..... You just have to have the heals to keep up with the massive AOE's and Adds or else yoru going down. No stun locking or mezzing the adds or the named, so no more solo healing this guy for sure. Bring plenty of heals and you will get through it with mediocre DPS (we had about 6400 total DPS) and about 3200 HPS total and it took us 3 and a quarter minutes to take him down, after we figured out that he wasnt the same old guy anymore...... thats pretty much as long as it takes to take down epic in RE2 with a decent group......
    So for a Strat, bring plenty of healers and DPS, cuz your gonna need em.... Leave the Illy behind, unless you have a trouby with ya, that is :)
  2. ARCHIVED-TwistedFaith Guest

    Sprinng@Nagafen wrote:
    I saw the parse from Triste-Lunes Vek run today, yep i'm on Kithikor man and know how ubah you really are lol. Basically it was three of my guildies with myths, around about 18k group dps, with Triste-Lunes putting out a mighty 1k lol. So again, any heroic zone is easy with that kind of dps, just grab any scrub tank and get some decent dps.

    We all knew this anyway, my point always has been if you dont have the dps, your screwed as thats the only viable option really. Thankfully it seems this encounter is getting changed a little to give people alternatives rather than the dps burn, which imo is a good thing.
  3. ARCHIVED-Idako Guest


    agreed (was typing my post so i didn't see your post at first)

    He just hits too freakin hard for most of moderately geared players to handle... and he does drop VP quality loot. But the fight should be doable with strictly group instanced gear since it is a group instance itself. It isn't fair for those of us who don't have the guild rescourses to be top end T8 geared not to be able to kill the mob with 6 very skilled lesser geared players.

    IMO both the mob and the loot could use a nerf... or if the gear isn't nerfed give him a nice script like venril or maestro instead of the current sandbag who hits like a truck (so everyone would have a chance and the issue would truely be skill, not gear). For those of you who think if you can't kill him as is "you suck" just equip only group instance gear and see how bad it is

    Meh, wishful thinking, its all been said before... flame on fellas
  4. ARCHIVED-Triste-Lune Guest

    @TwistedFaith keep posting personnal attack all you want i m not afraid of being called out, i dunno what triggered that hardon you got for me. But if with random group i keep getting that named dead while you come to these boards to complain that he is too hard i dont know what to say...
  5. ARCHIVED-Khonann Guest

    Triste-Lune wrote:
    LOL that the same kind of "random" group that i see most people trying to out parse the server tryin to get? Only a setup where your DPS is boosted to the max through the people you group with? that kind of "random" group? IE. Swashy looking for really good dirge, illy, mystic + tank and 2nd heals... PST... and if you dont recognize them from prior experiences having had super good gear and lots of masters, you dont even bother responding to them? That kind of "random" group?
  6. ARCHIVED-TwistedFaith Guest

    Triste-Lune wrote:
    lol @ random grp

    Dude I know exactly who you grouped with lol, a few were my guildies all with myths and all capable of great dps. Anyone can do that, thats my point. Proclaming the encounter is easy yadda yadda when you have a group of fabled raiders with mythicals is not a exactly a well balanced opinion.

    I have taken the guy with my main who is raid geared with mythical, the group had great dps, but again that doesnt make the encounter viable for most people. Its a heroic zone!
  7. ARCHIVED-Glerin Guest

    things I've found out:
    he does kneel before me - the times he's done it on me it's disease type and hit for ~13k dmg, and adds spawn at the same time
    the usual dps I take straight on me alone from him + adds varies between 3-8k
    no chance anymore to interrupt / stop adds from comming (besides having enough dps to kill him before he spawns them..)
    aoe stun that can't be avoided without aoe blockers / sanctuary

    I've cleared the zone since the changes, im a almost fully instance-geared tank with a mythical, however I yet have to clear it with a group of less then top end raiders (ie full / close to full mythical'd group, top end gear in general)

    the guy have a chance to drop awesome loot yes, however making a heroic instance this hard is imo, just unfair, I can't see a single average joe-doe group going in here and killing this guy after these changes, atleast make the adds aoeable / stunnable or the like, as it is now its just too hard.

    the time we killed him we had about ~ 12k dps, and quite honestly any group with a decent makeup should be able to get that without having top end gear
  8. ARCHIVED-Kiara Guest

    Hey. Ease up.

    This isn't a contest to see who can top out the rude o' meter.

    Get back to being helpful and stop trying to cut down people who are.

    Please and thank you.
  9. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Did zone first time since GU.

    Only brought one healer, and inquisitor, cause its a sleeper zone and most fights don't even need a healer.

    We got to Dash, and things broke lose. Took us 3-4 wipes to confirm both named and adds are immune to all control affects. No mez / stiffle / stun / root. Even interupts didn't appear to be effective.

    On nearly every pull he blew kneel before me instantly. From the time he aggrod it was cast before I could get in range to even attempt an interupt. With the aoe disease and what not, most of the group is under 20% with a 6 second stun on them. Inquisitor gets his control cure off, starts healing and curing. But all the dps are dead before he can recover the MT and begin working on them.

    He's still killable. We bring our raid MT group in, and we can kill him every pull. However, thats not exactly the right scaling for a heroic dungeon. I don't think even the same classes as our MT group without raid gear / masters could get this done with the changes.

    I like the idea of the named being immune to control effects, even immune to interupts. Force people to deal with the adds. But the adds should not be immune, and ideally need to slow down a hair on the trauma debuff. I could go from 8500 mit to 2k mit in a disturbingly fast rate when they spawn. Ie, they can stack the debuff 3-4 times faster than it takes one cure to go off.
  10. ARCHIVED-feldon30 Guest

    Veksar joins RE2 as an instance zone tailored for people in full Fabled.

    For all those folks saying that SoE has hit the easy button, you're out of your mind.

    Yes there are some nice items in RE2 and Veksar but it's not worth the deaths, hard feelings, and 2 hour screaming match for a PuG.

    I have a bad feeling about this. Like that because of how AA is changing and the dungeons being introduced, players who are currently 70-80 in MC/Legendary gear and 125-140 AAs will be at a huge disadvantage to players who are currently level 50-60 and will gain better gear, AA's, etc. on their way up to 80 and be able to beat both versions of Veksar. I thought Veksar was going to have Easy and Hard versions. Now it has Hard and Impossible versions.
  11. ARCHIVED-Mogzilla Guest

    I did the zone last night with the following pick up grp
    Myself (bruiser), brig, assassin, temp, warden, coercer
    The templar had their myth nobody else did.
    We killed him on the first pull.
    I pulled him to the back wall, everybody assisted thru the brig, when the adds spawned the brig and assasin just burned them down, then back on named.
    Its doable for instanced geared players, you just have to go with people who are good players.
    bring a high dps scout or brawler and have them target the adds adn kill them when they spawn, then just burned the named.
  12. ARCHIVED-Vulkan_NTooki Guest

    Mogzilla wrote:
    Fast curing seems to be everything.. :p
    Some are capable of curing enough, most cant..
  13. ARCHIVED-Mogzilla Guest

    Vulkan_NTooki wrote:
    I only used one trauma potion.
    I tanked him on my bruiser, who gear is vastly inferior to yours (no myth, 1 raid drop, rest is instance gear) and bruisers are much squishier then paladins for sure.
    Although his debuff, is a mit debuff which hits plate tanks harder since you rely more on that then brawlers do. Even with his debuff I can still avoid alot of his attacks.
    Really with your gear this fight should not be a problem and your healers/dps need to step it up a notch imo.
  14. ARCHIVED-Junaru Guest

    I tanked this on my Monk before and after GU49 and saw no difference (we always burned down the adds).

    As someone already said learn to read the effects. And no it's not a cryptic message. I'm just not willing to hold you hand and tell you how to win.
  15. ARCHIVED-Mogzilla Guest

    Junaru wrote:
    There is no real "special" strat.
    Tank grabs named tanks him against the back wall. Helps if healers stay by stairs and they can avoid the aoe.
    When adds come, the dps burns them down, the healers heal/cure hard, then back on named.
    Rinse and repeat.
    I would recomend a certain group set up though.
    a high dps tank or scout that can tank the adds, rouges are perfect.
    2 non stacking healers (druid/shaman, druid/temp, shaman/temp, shaman/druid, etc)
    1 utility bard or chanter does not matter
    and extremly high dps class
  16. ARCHIVED-Lishara Guest

    Most healers really don't comprehend the importance of curing. If I'm in a group with another healer and it's not a do or die situation sometimes I just sit there and purposely not cure to see if the other healer will (letting my tank know that's what I'm doing ahead of time lol). Most of the time they don't bother curing at all.

    Having said that, I find any encounter where I just have to sit there and constantly spam cure to be annoying as hell.
  17. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Mogzilla wrote:
    Before 49, this wasn't required. Just one decent healer could do the zone. Even without mezer, stuns / stiffles were enough to slow the incomming dps when adds came. I was using aoe stun when they popped giving the healer a couple seconds to get 3-4 cures off, and it went no problem.

    Adds being immune to stuns makes them a bit beefy to take down when the group is at 30% after the aoe on spawn. Your rogues are going to have issues burning those 1-2k auto attack grunts with little to no heals at 30%.

    But yes, bring 2 healers for just that fight, and your fine. The rest of the zone a paladin could heal...
  18. ARCHIVED-stercesderised Guest

    Just wanted to say thank you to the devs/moderators for listening and taking a look at the encounter.
  19. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    Vulkan_NTooki wrote:
    Yep, you are missing a key factor with one of the AEs.
    Again, examine the effects that are put on you, and read them until you fully understand them. My first trip through this zone I was 3 boxing (the tank, a haler and a DPS), the other healer was boxed by the other DPS, and we had a dirge. The DPS were the only ones with any raid loot, but high DPS was not something that was going to happen, neither was crowd control, neither was mass healing. We killed him on the 4th pull, after figuring out exactly what the effects did.
    Once we knew what the effects did, we had an easy way to reduce the damage we were taking. The only issue we had after that were the adds, but they were a minor issue, even for a 3 boxed group.
    This particular strat is the easiest way to kill him without CC, and the fact that he is CC immune now means it is he easiest way to kill him, period. I'm not going to simply spell it out, but telling you to read and understand the effects (and that you currently do not understand at least one of them), should be enough to get you started in the right direction.
    P.S. telling you that you do not understand the effects is not cryptic, nor is spelling out the fact that you need to understand the effects. Its actually a small step short of giving you the strat to the mob on a silver platter.
  20. ARCHIVED-DMIstar Guest

    All I can put in is this..
    1. This is a four Named Zone.. Before patch It came to the point that Groups where built up solely to handle the Last guy.
    2. The Last Guy Is of his own tier Compared to the other 3.
    3. After Patch, This guy is > 2x Epic Encounters but yet not marked as one.
    Before there was several different type of group builds that could be made to take on the encounter.. now its just down to one type and thats currently DPS burn. Takeing in groups that do not have extremly High DPS, is not an option for they will not be able to kill him, But yet they will have little trouble figureing out the rest of the entire zone.
    The last Mobs tier is just to high considering him being heoric, and compareing him with the rest of the zone.