
Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Civus, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Civus New Member

    Hey, reading about some of the updates (sorry, im a noob) and i want to know, are they free? They seem similar to expansions, but since they are updates i assume they are free. If they are free, where and at what level can you start them?
  2. Feldon Well-Known Member

    I read it 3 times and I don't understand what you are asking.

    Right now, the entire game up to Sentinel's Fate is "free". You can buy the Age of Discovery expansion and receive several features including the Beastlord class. You can buy the Chains of Eternity expansion and receive level 90-95 dungeons, raids, zones, quests, and so forth.

    The weekly bug fixes/updates are free.
  3. Atan Well-Known Member

    I assume he is referring to GU's. Which are included for free and are just available.
  4. Ssrilith Member

    Actually isnt up to DOV free now? With the new expansion?
  5. Estred Well-Known Member

    That's what Feldon meant when he said
    "You can buy the Chains of Eternity expansion and receive level 90-95 dungeons, raids, zones, quests, and so forth."

    CoE gives you DoF thru Drunder and Skyshrine GU's into CoE itself now. However only up to Sentinels Fate is still F2P without buying anything.
  6. Ssrilith Member

    AHh i was under impression DOV was free for FTP players now that new expansion was out.