**Updated with Winners: Haunted Homes Decorating Forum Challenge!

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Isulith, Oct 14, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Whilhelmina Guest

    Don't forget the 2 entries on Storms posted on french board in Massigouel's topic
  2. ARCHIVED-Bledso Guest

    you could have had 2 winners each category per server
    not combining all servers
    Dissapointed in this
  3. ARCHIVED-Katz Guest

    Gratz to all the winners!
  4. ARCHIVED-Gzelle Guest

    Great job to everyone who entered! This was just awesome visiting some of the homes. I'm glad I didn't have to judge!
  5. ARCHIVED-Kayteekai Guest

    Where is the list of winners posted? I didn't get to watch the webcast
  6. ARCHIVED-Janathia Guest

    They're posted in the first post of this thread (she updated her original post).
  7. ARCHIVED-Cyliena Guest

    Grats to the winners! :)
  8. ARCHIVED-Aiana Guest

    Grats guys! Thats ALOT of homes to judge. I'm sure it was really hard to pick only a few. Lots of creative homes. Grats again to the winners
  9. ARCHIVED-Eyenea Guest

    I think it would have been nice if everyone at least got some recognision of their hard work.
  10. ARCHIVED-Eveningsong Guest

    Congrats to the winners, and everyone who participated. They were all great houses, and I'm sure it was tough judging.
  11. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    Thanks for having this little contest. I can't tell you how much fun I had makng my house. It was a grand adventure. I've enjoyed seeing all the entries. It amazes me how awesome everyone is. Kudos to eq2 for creating suh an environment for us and yah for decorators!
  12. ARCHIVED-CorpseGoddess Guest

    Congrats to all the winners--and a bigger congrats to our wonderful decorating community. Everybody did an amazing job, and I loved looking at all the pictures of your entries. Thanks for making my favourite time of year even spookier! ^v^
  13. ARCHIVED-Samiaza Guest

    Wulfbur@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    I agree! No offense to anyone, but there were some fabulously decorated houses that should have won over others in my opinion. I can't see how the judges saw all of the houses and still selecetd some of those houses to win! It is inconceivable. :p
    Congratulations to the winners. :)
  14. ARCHIVED-Amitee Guest

    To all the winners, a big congratulations!
    To everyone that entered, I know I didn't see everyone's home, but I saw quite a few across the different servers and honestly, it's the decorators and crafters that make the best community here, and that's across several MMO's.
  15. ARCHIVED-Whilhelmina Guest

    Congratulations to the winners. May we see some official screenshots of those?
  16. ARCHIVED-Katz Guest

    Whilhelmina@Storms wrote:
    Or could you put them in the Hall of Fame that is tourable on all servers? (I think you made copies or something of some houses when you launched the housing leaderboards).
  17. ARCHIVED-Kullervo Guest

    Samiaza@The Bazaar wrote:
    I'm glad that someone else said it first. At least 4 of the winners had me scratching my head thinking, "Really?!?!". Next time you do a contest like this the judges either need to look at all of the entries or you need to get judges capable of determing what qualifies as talented decorating in the world of EQ2.
  18. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    I was reading this article here:

    and saw this (which I'd not noticed before)...
    All participants will receive an orange and black robe for their main character, a scare crow, and a black and white Community Team gift box!
    I assume we will we see these? 118 people is alot to process! I ask as I was poking at Isulith (gently and ever so politely) at the Freeport Community party about the scare crow, so this is a bigggggg thing :)
  19. ARCHIVED-Katz Guest

    Mystfit wrote:
    oh wow, I had missed that too. Thats cool. I've been wanting a scare crow forever!
  20. ARCHIVED-birdscry Guest

    I also wondered if we would receive the following soon for participating. I am really looking forward to the scarecrow and am dying of curiosity on what is in the team gift box!-----------

    All participants will receive an orange and black robe for their main character, a scare crow, and a black and white Community Team gift box! The six winners will also receive the Community Challenge Reward (a gold bowl on a stand with raining coins). In addition, the six winners will have their homes published in the Hall of Fame (provided they opted to publish their homes using the House Rating System).
