Upcoming Housing Improvements!

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by ARCHIVED-SmokeJumper, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Curiel Guest

    spekao wrote:
    I'm looking forward to it as well, but I will patiently wait for them to finish development on it. I'd rather it being done right the first time than see 500 people here complaining about how SOE could have done it better.
  2. ARCHIVED-Maisland Guest

    Curiel wrote:
    Amen! Let them do it right! I'm looking forward to it with anticipation, but I can wait if it means it will be done right.
  3. ARCHIVED-Tayani Guest

    Zarandar@Oasis wrote:
    Amen Amen! I am just as excited as the next player (possibly more, cause I'm a house decorating fanatic) but I want it done right! Besides, anticipation is actually fun! What would Christmas be without the season of activities building up to it, right? In the mean time, we have Brew day tomorrow! yay! *Hauls out the mugs*
  4. ARCHIVED-GussJr Guest

    Starley@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    +10 (...I think Brewday got pushed back to the 11th)
  5. ARCHIVED-Rathorius Guest

    Curiel wrote:
    Knowing our forum population, it is more like the same 5 people making 100 posts each about how SOE could have done it better (then throwing in a barb about station cash, or EQ2X, or some other pet peeve they have). They may be a vocal minority, but they are VERY vocal. (Or whatever the text version of vocal is.)
  6. ARCHIVED-d1anaw Guest

    Curiel wrote:
    :::shrug:::: They will complain anyway just for the sake of complaining.
  7. ARCHIVED-Curiel Guest

    d1anaw wrote:
    Is that to say you believe SOE has never released a product or bit of content too soon or without testing? =)
  8. ARCHIVED-JoarAddam Guest

    Curiel wrote:
    I'm pretty sure it's a comment of today's netizens, and spot on, really. Sure SOE makes mistakes, but even if you made NO mistake, you still get people who complain, just out of sheer trollishness... (7 year vet reward, anyone?)
    We get people all the time touting WoW's awesomeness... until you go over to their boards and see all the complaints. Same thing with rift. We've probably had 10 "rift is so cool" posts since 8am eastern, but if you go over to rift's boards, it's littered with complaints.
    So many posts about how "I have noticed this game steadily declining for years"
    And yet they're still playing. This faux quitter just hasn't reached the level of rage where he finally goes for it? no. he's not quitting, he's just waving a flag and saying Look at Me

    I think that is a wonderfull Idea.... both of them... I second it... I hope soe gives dome thought to it!!...
    2 Thumbs up to you..
  10. ARCHIVED-Maisland Guest

    JoarAddam wrote:
    I have to say that I am one who complained about the 7 year reward... but this upcoming housing change has eliminated the cause of my complaint: I hate Freeport with a passion and dislike Qeynos just slightly less and do not want to have to live in either city, but if I can keep my main home in the city I prefer that I have gone to great lengths to decorate to my liking and only use a portal item when I want to go to the other house, then my issue with the reward is resolved.
    I would still prefer that the house access items not all be placed in Freeport and Qeynos... but that is a minor quibble and something that I can live with if I have to.
    I do agree about those who post just to complain... go to virtually any MMO forum and you will see pretty much the same complaints. ("Oh, but 'Game X' is so much better!" Then go to the forums for 'Game X' and they are saying that 'Game Y' is better.)
    The people who actually leave, usually do so with no fanfare... and may come back. I left for 4 years after all and only returned because a friend offered to pay for my subscription... and now that he cannot pay for my account any more, I am staying because I was able to cancel my Station Access account and switch to a regular account due to purchasable character slots. It is a lot easier to justify paying $15 a month than it is $30.
  11. ARCHIVED-Caltros Guest

    I know I saw you say March, it is March 15th and can we have an idea of a date when this will be implemented?
    Not upset, excited and my house is getting crowded with the knowledge I will have more houses soon....any updates?
  12. ARCHIVED-illaria Guest

    Whiskeytango@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    I was just coming to ask the same : D please please please please please please please please can it be soon
  13. ARCHIVED-Tyrus Dracofire Guest

    any teasers please?
    wizard/observatory tower?
    animal pens/stable?
    pleasure house?
    hopefully all of them are able to get "reskin" textures similar to Q's and FP's
    someplayers dont like too dark or wrong colors
  14. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Tyrus@Butcherblock wrote:
    Well, they wouldn't exactly be themed houses if you got to choose how they look inside. Unfortunately, the devs have long abandoned the internal customization features that the original Qeynos and Freeport houses have. Maj'Dul, Kelethin, Neriak, Gorowyn, New Halas, Mistmoore, Freeblood, Sky Skiff, Everfrost... All of them cannot be customized, and they've released far more houses where you can't customize them than houses where you can.
  15. ARCHIVED-Maisland Guest

    Ok, we are approching the two month mark... is there any new news on this or are we going to be kept in the dark until it actually happens?
  16. ARCHIVED-d1anaw Guest

    Zarandar@Oasis wrote:
    To answer the snide remark about no mistakes, what I am saying is exactly as someone else pointed out, it doesn't matter that they do or don't do, there are those who will complain just for the sake of complaining or because they have this intense need to decide how everyone else should play. And I agree, those who leave do so without the drama, the rest just like the attention. I also cancelled station access and just bought the standard account and extra slots. If I played all those other games or any of those other games, SA would make sense, but since the merge, the guild stuff has been screwed up, and it's been stated that it is not a priority, so since I don't play any other games and I cannot access the stuff on the guild side that used to be there, what's the point of paying the extra?
  17. ARCHIVED-rowanC7276 Guest

    Any news on a ETA for the multiple housing yet??

    I am so excited I can hardly wait :) I think it is a wonderful thing that are adding to the game and I am also looking forward to any new special houses I have been hearing about...
    Fingers Crossed -- hopefully soon!!
  18. ARCHIVED-Caltros Guest

    Wispa@Butcherblock wrote:
  19. ARCHIVED-Drakah Guest

    Looking forward to this update...was hoping to do some housing deco's this weekend...guess I need to wait more (sad face)
  20. ARCHIVED-Curiel Guest

    Hey SOE,
    We're all really excited about this so it would be nice to get a status update. We're approaching April and no word on multi-housing. I'm willing to wait for it for however long it takes, but it would be nice to get some kind of update and launch date, even a rough one. Not knowing if it's going to happen this year, or next year, or never is a little unnerving. I've already made plans on what I'd like to do and am just waiting for a launch date so that in the mean-time I can further plan out my grand ideas. If SOE abandoned the project and it's never going to happen now, then I'm wasting my time, plat and potentially SC to prepare for the multi-housing.
    Show us a little love and give us an update!!