Underdepths: Dozekar the Cursed is Rediculous...

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine, Apr 18, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    The damage he does and all that and the way the fight it, it completely punishes your group, either that or we didn't follow his script right, we cept summoning the golem and he would just destroy it, the Adds are constantly hitting me for 40k Damage, which completely favors avoidance tanks.

    The adds damage needs to be toned down by 90% and there health dropped, or they need to become ^^s, they also spawn WAY too fast.

    His knockback is rediculous, it pretty much knocks you into the walls of the other side of the zone.

    The names damage is rediculous, hes hitting you for 200000, again, favoring avoidance tanks.

    TONE this named down.

    Also, the adds also seem to have a 100% stoneskin if you die.
    The Trauma isn't curable by Pots.
    The adds do almost as much damage as the named before.
    The Knockbacks fling you across the zone.
    You have a 10% chance for the golem to suddenly not work and go berserk on the group, with the name.

    My suggestion: change the way the fight works so its a PET, Tone down the Knockbacks, Remove the Stuns (the every 20 second stuns the group for 5 seconds is stupid.).

    ALL THIS on Non-Challenge Mode, did you actidently put the challenge mode in at start?

    Let more then 1 person use the golem.
  2. ARCHIVED-Morghus Guest

    Fight works fine, aside from the double spawn glitch they are fixing tomorrow. Also, the stoneskin is obviously meant to prevent rez zerging since you respawn right at him.
    He's level 100 so obviously you need higher level potions. Also, there is no way he is doing that much damage unless you changed him to challenge mode and were not ready for it. Golem should last the full 50s duration.
  3. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Morghus@Butcherblock wrote:
    He ONE shots me, the named does, he hits me for 203k damage, AS soon as the first golem dies it happens.

    And when you try to go after the adds you have a chance to pull the named, which one shots the entire group.

    Also the adds are hitting for 40000, then multiattacking for another 60000 per.

    I can't tank the adds, they do TOO much damage and spawn too fast.

    The adds should be ^^s, not ^^^s.

    The Encounter is 150% Harder then Everything Else in the Zone, The Current WAY he is now should be challenge mode, not regular mode.
  4. ARCHIVED-feldon30 Guest

    A thread started by Talathion named "Underfoot Depths: Dozekar the Cursed is Rediculous..."
    That tells me it's probably well-balanced or leaning towards the easy side for most groups.
  5. ARCHIVED-Malleria Guest

    Edit: NM, can actually solve that ourselves.
  6. ARCHIVED-Geothe Guest

    The fight is just fine as is.
    You think the named hits too hard when you try and tank him?
    Hmm. Doesnt that suggest YOU shouldn't be tanking him at all?
    You claim the named kills the Golems?
    I have no clue how.... I never went below 70% HP as a golem in that fight.
    The fight IS simple, you just are not executing it properly, what so ever.
  7. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Careful Feldon, I think you trolled ;)

    It does sound like OP engaged challenge version.
  8. ARCHIVED-bluedego Guest

    mm zerker tears really are the best.
  9. ARCHIVED-ttobey Guest

    dozekar scripting
    if talathion = oneshot
  10. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    I will fix the post, I did the wrong name and made this post at 3 AM this morning.

    Anyways, the fight is rediculous, 3 adds every 6 seconds and each add hits HARDER then the named we fought before this.

    Theres NO WAY he should one shot me through "Adrenaline, Battle Frenzy, Chaos" 53% Damage Reduction, 50% Damage is healed, and the adds still one shotting me while everything is up.
  11. ARCHIVED-Geothe Guest

    Talathion@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    That is entirely incorrect as well. More like 3 adds every 30 seconds, maybe longer. Group I killed it with last night was able to DPS the named between adds some. And we didn't instantly kill the adds or anything like that.
    Is the fight easy?
    No, but then again why should it be? It is the End Point of heroic zone progression until what, November?
  12. ARCHIVED-Gyee Guest

    ttobey wrote:
    In other news, it is only day 2 of the expansion being live.
  13. ARCHIVED-slippery Guest

    The KB on this fight is absurd
    Can people kill this encounter? Sure.
    Does this encounter need work? Yes.
    The golem is just dumb. Especially when it has abilities that take longer to cast then it's auto attack. It only has 4 abilities, that you won't be able to hold agro with. Great.
    Are you expecting the adds to be tanked by the golem? Because there isn't a remote chance of that happening with the poor agro it has. I don't know why you guys keep doing these things. People didn't want to play them in Dungeon Finder, they've never been fun. Let people play their characters, or give these things real abilities that are actually useful, and more then a few.
    The adds need to do a lot less damage
  14. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest


  15. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

  16. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Just Finished it... its VERY hard... the fight took half an hour and I drank about 2-3 energy drinks trying to keep up, IF everyone isn't on there toes its an instant wipe...

    For the effort it took to kill him, the Mounts should have better stats, better then the raid mobs stats.
  17. ARCHIVED-slippery Guest

    Being the first readily available stat mount I'd say it is right where it should be.
  18. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    slippery wrote:
    Even though its readily available, the encounter was WAY harder to do then most raids are.

    It should atleast have 600-800 health/power, 4% CB/Potency, like EM Thrones.
  19. ARCHIVED-Soul_Dreamer Guest

    Did it last night, crappy laid out guild group just finishing the quest series.

    Inquisitor, Monk, Guardian (Me), Dirge, Beastlord, Ranger

    We figured out how to use the golems in 3 pulls, 2 pulls later it was dead. Really not a hard fight, leave it as it is.
  20. ARCHIVED-Stoneyard Guest

    ttobey wrote:
    I like how you think!
    We killed him twice now, I think it's a great fight.