TSO Berserker Issue List (updated april-3-2009)

Discussion in 'Berserker' started by ARCHIVED-victer, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Triste-Lune Guest

    why is adrenaline adp1 drain 3.2% power/3 sec and adrenaline m1 draining 4%? i m glad i have the m1 cause i also love being drained more and having bigger drawback then when i was using a lower quality version of the spell. the new dirgue buff will never go to a tank, it will go to the scout in your group so dont count on it. why is our defensive stance not giving agi and wis bonus like the guardian one?
  2. ARCHIVED-Hardain Guest

    Triste-Lune wrote:
    Because we don't use it
    These changes are pretty awesome, only problem is that i need to find new weapon for DW and tower shield now.
  3. ARCHIVED-Klaktar Guest

    I swear, some of you guys make me want to scream. Berserkers finally got some attention that we desperately NEEDED. Less DA? So what. Run the numbers, your DA will still be quite high in raids with a decent group (actually, with just a dirge). Now we can use tower shields, which means less usage of our defensive stance which means more DPS.
    Oh and anyone saying they are losing 1k-1.5k dps from the loss of that STA3 double attack is a f***ing liar and you know it. Reversal still works, as long as you have a shield. Wanna dps? Make macros to swap between dual wielding and using a tower/epic.
    We are NOT a dps class. We are TANKS. We just got an A*SLOAD of survivability with a pretty minimal hit to DPS, all things considered. Stop f**king complaining already. It's been said already, but if you want to DPS go roll an assassin. ANd before anyone says it, we were given hate gain tools which more than make up for any loss in DPS. This is just like the defiler in my raid earlier who was complaining about not showing on the (dps) parse, even though she has a coercer which was (and should be) her main.
    Once TSO goes live, Berserkers will be in the best shape I've ever seen them in. Don't take it for granted, don't screw this up. (Also don't forget how everyone has been ranting and raving about having to use bucklers -including me- for 3 years...)
  4. ARCHIVED-Slayer505 Guest

    Triste-Lune wrote:
    Nope, sorry. I'm MT and the only scout in my group is the Dirge. Not all of us OT and with this expansion I'm betting more guilds are going to be willing to give Berserkers a shot at the MT spot.

    EDIT: And to the guy above me... yup, couldn't have said it better myself.
  5. ARCHIVED-Kage848 Guest

    OK to all you raiders who only care about yourself's go F**k yourselves.
    There are people in this game that dont raid. Maby you dont care about these people, i know the devs dont, but they play the game too ya know. Stop being so self centered. BTW I have been a raider in the past, could have my mythical if i didnt decide to leave game a few months ago, but i know that there are alot of players out there that dont have uber raid gear or 130% DA.
    Im not sure how Zerkers are ganna be after this expansion but the 35% DA nerf is not something im too happy about atm. I dont know, i have a 80 zerk and 80 guardian, im probibly ganna play the zerker first but for all thoes people happy to trade in all the dps for taunting agro and survivablilty maby we should all just play guardians.
    Im not saying the sky is falling or anything like that because no one will now what the deal is with the game untill TSO goes live. But please dont s**t on the non-raider saying they should be ok with a 35% DA nerf just because you have 130% in a stacked raid group with nice raid gear. Just for once think about people playing this game other than the raiders.
  6. ARCHIVED-Bremer Guest

    Funny how easy it is to please people. Adrenaline will cost almost 50 % more mana than on live servers now and people come and say "How dare you complaining".
  7. ARCHIVED-Bremer Guest

    In my opinion the Adrenaline mana cost should be under medium priority.
    And you should add our 3 AEs to low priority, with a cast time of 1.5-2 seconds and a weapon delay of under 1.5 seconds they are useless.
    Enhance Relentless Rage only adds 1 DPS point per AA point spent, that's in my opion not really worht spending points on it.
  8. ARCHIVED-Kain-UK Guest

    I'm a zerker...
    I don't raid. My DA on live is 66% on my own. My DPS mod is a fat 0... and my haste is 46. Melee crit? 34%
    My DPS is ok. I can hit 2k generally in groups, and i'm happy with that. As long as my DPS people don't go insane, I can hold aggro. My poor girlfriend can solo-heal me as a warden through places like Maidens and Chelsith (we haven't hit RE2 or Veksar yet, because everyone generally wants raiders for these zones on my server). She can generally keep the group alive too, unless they do something stupid.
    What do these changes mean for me, as a solo/heroic zerker? I think i'll be fine. Aggro is going to be a little harder to keep, and i'll have to change up my AA's to compensate. STR4 is nice, as I put 5 ranks in it for a straight up 5% hate mod on beta, and it's thrown my single target taunt up into the 2000's for hate gain. Battle hardening takes around 250 points off every hit I take, and the stoneskin helps a lot too.
    I think i'll be able to tank fine... and if I want to DPS, I guess I just whip out a second weapon and have fun. *grin*
  9. ARCHIVED-Triste-Lune Guest

    Karsgaar@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    what is your group like? dirgue coercer 3 healer????? where is your hate transfer and most important why 3 healers?? an MT group has always been defiler templar digue coerce assassin/swashbuckler and Tank so the dirgue will give the buff to your hate transfer.
  10. ARCHIVED-LygerT Guest

    there's absolutely no reason you shouldn't be using adornments to get at least 20 base DPS mod.
  11. ARCHIVED-Obadiah Guest

    Bremer wrote:
    It costs me 2.8% more mana on beta than on live. So yeah, I'm pleased.
    There are advantages and disadvantages to it being spread out. No big deal either way.
  12. ARCHIVED-Bremer Guest

    Kurgan@Everfrost wrote:
    Depends on the testing enviroment of course. On a raid it will be a lot more expensive (now ~2.6k, then 3.5-4k).
  13. ARCHIVED-LygerT Guest

    it shouldn't be free, like some people suggest either.
    if the power cost is seriously giving you that much of an issue even on live currently then you need to kick your chanters, because they're worthless and they have completely forgotten they are also utility.
  14. ARCHIVED-LygerT Guest

    perseverence still is a bit buggy, though the heal amount was increased by about 60% after it procs there is a gap of about 15 seconds before the 45 second timer and heal buff pop back up.
    once it counts down from 45 seconds it refreshes at 30 seconds so something is overwriting it with the previous 15 second duration. notably in this form it cannot proc 2 times subsequently as it should, meaning you have to wait 15 seconds before it can proc again.
  15. ARCHIVED-Bremer Guest

    Of course it shouldn't be free, it is a very powerfull spell, but it is still only a chance to take less damage, a good one, but nevertheless still only a chance. You can't use it on fights that require power management (Venril Sathir) and if you are not MT and in the raid focus you'll have real trouble with your power. The power cost should be lowered, not increased and ideally the power cost should be reduced for every second you weren't Beserk while the spell was running.
  16. ARCHIVED-LygerT Guest

    sounds like alot of calculations for such a miniscule amount of power saved. yes offtank focus does suck and i see my chanters slack off from time to time but the reality of it is the new change is almost the same as it was and i can accept that. keep asking for it to be changed and we might wind up with something completely useless again.
  17. ARCHIVED-victer Guest

    Adrenaline is fine where it is. Its a little worse then whats on live but obviously they think the penalty on live isnt enough so they wanted to do this. Its working fine. The only thing you can say now about it is it should drain the same power per rank of the spell (like it is on live) and upgrades to the spell just increase the duration (like it does on live).
    I'm suprised you guys arent as concerned about Blood regeneration as i am. Its only healing for the minimum which is horrible. And the proc just doesnt seem to go off 33% of the time more like 15%
  18. ARCHIVED-LygerT Guest

    i'll let the soloers handle that one. last time i said something, well... i don't want to go back into it. my % based heal system obviously wasn't accepted.
  19. ARCHIVED-Slayer505 Guest

    Triste-Lune wrote:
    Yes, Temp, Defiler, Warden, Coercer, Dirge. Lot's of people run with that set up. Saying things like "an MT group has always been X" is a pretty arrogant statement. Not everyone runs with your exact group set up and last time I checked there is no required way to set up an MT group. Why do I need a scout hate transfer when the Coercer is cranking out 6-7k DPS both transferring it to me, boosting my DPS through buffs, AND boosting my own hate gain? This is the same MT group set up we've been using since KOS and it obviously works since we clear all the instanced content in ROK every week.
  20. ARCHIVED-LygerT Guest

    warden is just an added security blanket.