There is so much brown...

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-Tayne, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Tayne Guest

    ... please make it stop. Please?
    Someone take the brown colour palette away from whomever has this fetish. Almost every new item that has come out since oh, 2008 or so (at least four years now!!!), is brown, brown, and more brown. It's not a great colour. Sure we've had brown with splashes of bold colours, but the overall look is blah and drab. Brown is such a dismal colour. Someone over there hide it from the designer please?
  2. ARCHIVED-quiarrah Guest

    LOL. . .yes. . .we do not want Norrath to look like Washington state. . "Beige and Grey" as a friend of mine calls it because it is constantly raining. It may be GREEN. . but the sky is always Dark.
    We wnat color. . .cool it with the brown. (unless it's CHOOCLATE)