The New All Access Plan Information & FAQ

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. Cerium New Member

    I actually use 1 account. If you pay for Everquest 2 as a regular gold subscription and on the same account you pay for an Everquest 1 account as a regular gold subscription you can than play both simultaneously with the same login. Yes, I can duel game and have gotten in trouble while raiding in one game and raiding in the other at the same time :) This is also true of the other games out there. I used to do it for vanguard also.
  2. suka Well-Known Member

    i have all access and i play both games at the same time on the same account. you are simply over-paying if you don't get all access but play both games from one station name
  3. Luperza Community Manager

    Hi Cerium! :)

    You'll no longer have to have a membership subscription to multiple games on the same account. One All Access account grants you top-tier membership benefits and bonuses for all the SOE games eligible in the plan and on your account.

    This quote sums it up. :D
    Eshaac likes this.
  4. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    The information for merging accounts is:

    The following features and in-game items for my games will be lost and not transferred:
    • Station Cash will not be transferred between accounts.
    • Veteran Time, Rewards, and Loyalty Points from EverQuest and EverQuest2.
    • Cards, claim items, and Runes from Legends Of Norrath, Magic the Gathering: Tactics, PoxNora, and Free Realms Trading Card Game. (Unless they are claimed on a character for the in-game item)
    • Characters from DC Universe Online, Vanguard, Pirates of the Burning Sea, PlanetSide, PlanetSide 2, Clone Wars Adventures and Free Realms.
      (These characters will remain on your secondary accounts, which can be reactivated if you wish to pay for a separate membership.) Only Characters from EverQuest and EverQuest II will be transfered.
    Regarding the Secondary Account(s):
    • The game memberships from the secondary account(s) will be moved to the main account. This includes all expansions.
    • The secondary account(s) will be closed.
    • The remaining time on the secondary account(s) will be prorated into All Access on the main account. Example: 3 day’s of regular game time would be transferred into 2 day of All Access.
      (Please note that time will not be transferred until the main account is set up with the All Access Membership.)
    Since the section on Secondary Accounts exists, the first section must apply to both accounts. That leads me to wonder if you lose all veteran bonuses, loyalty points, LON rewards and SC for both accounts. Some clarification would be helpful.

    Edit: Yes, I have petitioned this question....the silence is deafening.
  5. Sharann Well-Known Member

    I'm an SOE EU player (not with PSS1) and my EQ2 subscription is paid for till mid 2015 with Station Cash, and I am currently not receiving 500 SC a month (as I paid my sub via SC).
    Will I automatically be switched to All Access till mid 2015 without having to pay more? And will I receive 500 SC month starting April 2014 or this won't change?
  6. Luperza Community Manager

    The new SOE All Access program is coming April 16th - check out the newest FAQ updates (in blue) at
  7. Pariel Active Member


    "We" (the European members) still haven't had an answer to the PSS question.

    The FAQ clearly states:

    Q: I am an EU player but I was grandfathered in as an SOE customer in EQII. Will I become an SOE All Access member automatically too? A: Those under an existing grandfather clause as SOE customers will remain with us, and will automatically become SOE All Access members under the new program.

    Therefore as an existing EQ2 subscriber I will not have to move to PSS (Thank the Gods!) and I will "remain with SOE", as stated above

    The FAQ also clearly states:

    Q: How does the new All Access program differ from the old one?
    A: The price for SOE All Access will be reduced from $19.99 to $14.99 and will replace existing SOE game memberships, on or about April 16th, 2014, for the following games: DC Universe Online (PC), PlanetSide 2 (PC), EverQuest, and EverQuest II, as well as Vanguard: Saga of Heroes*. We have confirmed that Dragon’s Prophet will be included in the program as well, and are working closely with Runewaker to determine additional benefits. Finally, the new plan will also expand to include our upcoming titles, EverQuest Next and EQN Landmark!
    How does it work? As an example, if you are a gold member in EverQuest II, you’ll soon be upgraded to SOE All Access with full member entitlements in ALL eligible SOE games! You don’t need to lift a finger – it will all be done automatically.
    You will be able to log in to claim a monthly grant of 500 SC (one grant per account), and will receive 10% off ALL Marketplace purchases. Some exclusions will apply, including Station Cash top-ups, Krono and membership purchases. SOE All Access members will also be eligible for exclusive promotions and offers throughout the year.

    Taking all that into account, as an existing EQ2 Gold subscriber, grandfathered under SOE, the FAQ tells me I will never ever have to create a PSS account to play Everquest Next as I am "SOE customers will remain with us" and "As an example, if you are a gold member in EverQuest II, you’ll soon be upgraded to SOE All Access with full member entitlements in ALL eligible SOE games! "

    Please don't renege on your months old FAQ that has given many EU players great joy in the fact we won't have to create accounts with your 2-bit partner.
  8. Sambril Well-Known Member

    While the EQN situation is obviously important to EU players (myself included), it has been stated several times in this thread and the general FAQ thread that SOE cannot state what will happen with EQN at this time. This is quite understandable as there is another company involved and SOE cannot make any unilateral declarations regarding it. Landmark is different because SOE are the sole publishers and so have full control. Likewise they can also state what happens with EQN in regions where they are the publisher (e.g North America).

    Since they have acknowledged such questions before they are fully aware of EU customer concerns in this area and when they can state more about the situation they will. Until then we must be patient. Continually asking the same question will change nothing.
  9. Layla Littlenymph Member

    Then why is this post from Brasse still up at Station? You linked to it in another post, after posting your reply to my question. It clearly says......

    "Thank you for your feedback regarding our membership benefits. The result has led to a brand-new offering that we’re excited to bring to our valued players.

    On or about April 16th, we will be rolling out a simple, new All Access membership plan full of value. In the new All Access plan, members will be able to:
    ·Claim 500 Station Cash monthly from within the game marketplaces.
    ·Receive a 10% discount on marketplace purchases.
    ·Gain access to exclusive promotions and offers throughout the year.

    And we’ve gone a step further…

    We will be upgrading all existing individual game memberships to
    the new All Access plan, which will include the top-tier membership level in all eligible SOE games (EverQuest, EverQuest II, DC Universe Online PC, PlanetSide 2 PC, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, and the upcoming EverQuest Next and EQN Landmark) for one, low monthly rate of $14.99
    (with extra savings for 3, 6 and 12 month plans). We’re also finalizing membership benefits to other games such as Dragon’s Prophet and will share these new updates as available."

    You also post a quote from RadarX, in post #203 of this thread which lists EQN as among the games included in All Access.

    If SOE dors not know that EQN will be included in All Access, they should not keep posting that it WILL BE included, according to employees of SOE, speaking on behalf of the company, on an official SOE site. I do not understand how it can be posted in the official notice of All Access, yet constantly denied elsewhere. To continue to advertise it as being included while not knowing if it will be is misleading to your customers and sends a very mixed message. If SOE can not stand behind the statements of those they choose to speak for them, then those statements need to be edited to something they CAN stand behind. Whatever it is they decide to do, it needs be done not before EQN goes live, but before All Access goes on sale.
    suka likes this.
  10. Tricolbin New Member

    So the 16th comes to pass and my Gold EQ2 account didn't automatically upgrade to the all access. Logged in as well and the old menu with all the SOE games on it is gone. Still Silver and EQ1 and no other games exist on the list.
  11. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    That's because we are in March. The new plan starts in April.
    Luperza, Dulcenia, suka and 2 others like this.
  12. Mermut Well-Known Member

    The change over is in April, it's only March.
    Luperza and Charlice like this.
  13. Rynda Active Member

    I have just received this in my inbox:

    "Thank you for contacting Sony Online Entertainment. If you are having an issue with registering for the EverQuest Next [MMO] beta on the Prosieben website, you will need to contact their support for assistance. In regards to the beta registration, if you are in a Prosieben territory, you would need to register with a Prosieben account for the beta as that is how you will access the game once it has been released. For Landmark, you can still use your Station Account to access the game as it will not require a Prosieben account even if you are in a Prosieben territory. If you have any more questions or concerns, please let me know.

    CSR Tim A."
  14. Tajar Well-Known Member


    I am NOT going ProSieben. Nope.
    Rynda likes this.
  15. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    Silly question #3953.....Once these changes go through will the only way to get access to chat channels on a new (bronze) account be to upgrade to Gold for a month?
  16. Finora Well-Known Member

    I hope not, because that would be a rather large step backwards IMO.
  17. Luperza Community Manager

    There won't be a "bronze" or "gold" membership anymore. There will just be one All Access membership equivalent to a gold membership, except you will gain access to the membership for ALL the games your account is eligible for. :) Hope that helps!
  18. Gorekin Member

    So no more will the games be free to play?
  19. Sambril Well-Known Member

    Sorry, but this is even more confusing.

    While I think that we all understand that 'gold' membership, i.e. paid-for by subscription, SC card or Krono, will be converting to All-Access for all applicable games, 'bronze' membership is the term for the current free-to-play option which does not allow access to public in-game chat channels. Currently, i.e. before this change goes through, there is also a 'silver' membership for a one-time $5 fee which amongst other things grants access to in-game chat.

    After this change it has been stated that 'silver' will no longer be sold, so Dulcenia was concerned what would the options to get chat access for free-to-play members. I doubt that you intended to imply that free-to-play, i.e. 'bronze' membership, would be ending.
  20. redwoodtreesprite Well-Known Member

    Silver not sold soon? I want more confirmation on this! If a player cannot upgrade to silver and then pay to unlock things, then that would mean EQ2 was going to go to a fully sub game with bronze as a sort of ongoing trial.