The look of RoK...

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-Ixalmaris, Aug 4, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Nayukhuut Guest

    I like the female Iksar, not the male Iksar. The male Iksar looks like he ran face first into a brick wall and then magically shrunk his head to look out of porportion with his body.
  2. ARCHIVED-Kaitar Guest

    I don't really like SOGA -OR- a lot of the original models. I use the original mainly because the SOGA females are horribly out of porportion and also because the customization is severly lacking in SOGA.

    If they decided to kind of toss both out the window and come up with a "new improved" model using -some- aspects of both...but in a revamped sort of way, I'd be happy and I bet most other people would be too. I hate actually having to put in my BIO (( if you are using SOGA you are not seeing *insert character's name* the way I intend them to be seen)) and I know it irks a lot of people besides me as well, both SOGA and non-Soga users. I think this is has got to be the only game with -two- character model types and it's a Crazy. I hope they revamp the models and make them up-to-date with today's character model standards on other MMO's and maybe do them one better.

    One thing I DON'T want to see happen is -too much- change on some of the "non human" models. I think they did a rather good job on Ratonga and Trolls for example, and Frogloks. I don't care for the female Iksar models much (way too thin, head too large for neck, arms tooth picks, bow-legged, doesn't even look like the same race) but I like the male ones -save- for the fact I wish we had body sliders. My Iksar isn't supposed to have a huge barrel chest. I also hope they make the snouts just a -little- less square, but other than that I'm very happy with my Iksar's look and would be pretty dissapointed if they changed it back to the my opinion....rather bland and frankly awful looking EQ1 hunched over wall eyed lizard look.
  3. ARCHIVED-MissTigress Guest

    Xentin wrote:
    SOGA does NOT look like true anime. You want anime? Check out Phantasy Star Universe. That's truly anime.

    And to say that they look out of place is absolutely ridiculous. The old models look just as unrealistic and out of place. They look like those clay-puppet type things from those old kiddie movies my grandmother used to watch. When I was playing at launch, I found the original models to be a huge turnoff. Yeah, it's my personal preference, but my choice is just as important as the people who prefer the original models. If I get stuck with the old models with the SOGA hair, I'm going to be sick.

    Cocytus wrote:
    And all of you silly ugly-claymation lovers seriously need to go pray for Gumby-online to be released. Seriously, why is your opinion somehow more important than the opinions of the many players who actually prefer the SOGA models? I am in no way fond of the cutsey-anime look, and to me the SOGA models do NOT look like true anime. In fact, the claymation models look hideously ugly from my perspective. I don't mind a compromise, but to say that only your opinion counts is just plain stupid. Get off your high horse already. *rolls eyes*
  4. ARCHIVED-Dragowulf2 Guest

    Oh no you didn't! Leave Gumby out of this!!!! kidding. I agree with you though. drago.
  5. ARCHIVED-Deadrus Guest

    I dont think the whole look of the Iksar should be changed I was mearly sugesting that they give more customiztoin optoins for the Heads of Iksars (the males mostly because i love the ways they did the female iksar). Because some people liked the way they looked in eq1 and some people liked the way they look in eq2. Sure its a differnt game but it still the same race in the same world just an alternate timeline. I was just wanting to see maybe a few differnt head optoins to posibley make the iksars look more eq1ish and some more scale patterns because we really dont have that much option right now, and it is the Kunark expantion now would be the best time to get more scale patterns.
  6. ARCHIVED-Guy De Alsace Guest

    [p]So long as SOGA is kept as an option I think it would be the best solution for everyone. I find the Japanization (real word?) of games to be annoying. I want EQ2 to stay European/Western based as much as possible, to be honest I think thats exactly what they are doing with EQ2 by giving us the choice to run eastern or run western.[/p][p]I have problems when they force the anime style on us with the ridiculously sized weapons. Luckily there are only a very few examples around at the moment (Qeynos Claymore being the most laughable example). Hopefully they will continue doing a good job of balancing the two styles within the same game with RoK. Lets please not see silly oversized weapons in the expansion (prays!).[/p][p] [/p]
  7. ARCHIVED-shaunfletcher Guest

    [p]Its strange.. I LOATHE stuff like the big weapons etc, anime is not even slightly the way to go for this delightfully realism based game. But to me the Soga models (with the possible exception of a couple of the monstrous races and one or two bad hairstyles) dont look anime at all. There is a stylised quality, but cliche anime or something it is not.[/p][p]I think its the hair that I find intolerable on the original models though (as opposed to the faces which are merely inadequate).. the hair is blobs of plastic in the most bizarre and lurid shades, and yet the engine can do SO much better, as we see with the superior hair technique used on soga (i.e. hair that has at least a somewhat hairlike quality)[/p]
  8. ARCHIVED-Mirander_1 Guest

    Someday, someone's really going to have to provide pics of anime that resembles the Soga models, because I've yet to see one with a resemblance :D. Anyways, regarding the new models, how would you feel about sizable changes to the physical appearance of the characters? I mean, aside from touching touching up the bodies and faces (especially the faces). Personally, there are two I'd like to see happen. First would be to give the Kerra digitigrade legs, like what the Sarnaks are apparently getting (although without the Sarnaks' hunched-over posture). EQlive's Kerra had that leg structure, so it seems fitting. Conversely, I'd rather like to see the Trolls assume a more hunched-over posture (but with a normal leg structure). Trolls are supposed to be the most monstrous of the player races, and ever since the Luclin models in EQlive, it's always struck me as odd that they have perfect posture.
  9. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Foolsfolly wrote:
    From what I understand that is the plan
  10. ARCHIVED-Kaitar Guest

    Actually the Iksar NOW and the Iksar from way back in EQ1 aren't quite the -same- race if I remember correctly from something I either read or heard. I'm not sure if it was straight form the mouth of a dev but I've heard it more than once so I'm going to assume there's -some- fact in there. Supposedly the Iksar have screwed around so much with magic (necromantic and otherwise I assume? ), and also the fact that all of Norrath has undergone great change, has "evolved" them into what they are now. They are still reptilian people but the very fact that SOE -could- have made them look like the old EQ1 and also post-Luclin expansion versions of the Iksar....not to mention the Playstation game versions (can't recall game name at the moment ) but -didn't- points to the fact that they probably -won't- bring back the Iksar EQ1 look. And , IMHO, thank god for that. They looked like fish.

    Also, I don't really care for the over-sized heads on the female models. As much as the male models need to have a slightly longer snout with less of a square jaw, I like them MUCH better than the dog-face of the female version...which, actually, is far too large and heavy for their stubby little necks to be able to support. I'm a stickler about such things. If anything, I think it's the female models that need a slight reworking...the males have a few issues, but the females are physically -wrong- in many aspects and wouldn't even be able to -stand- up or hold their heads up right because they'd be too heavy. Their arms are set too high and too far back, making them appear sway backed. With their hips being off-set and their legs nearly bowed as they are...given this and the fact they are thin as rails and have almost , it appears, no muscle at all...they would have a damned hard time getting around. Not a fan of the female models. The males are ok, need a little tweaking, but for the most part one of the better models in EQ2 in my opinion in terms of actually being in porportion to themselves. The head is a little small and blunt, and the chest a bit too "thick" but their limbs, height, mass, etc all seems to "fit".
  11. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    [p]More then one developer has expressed an interest in this take on the female iksar and ther Frilliks. [/p][p][IMG][/p]
  12. ARCHIVED-Dreyco Guest

    Everyone who is crying foul about SOGA and Non Soga needs to take a step back and have a look at the greater picture. Everyone has their preferences. Everyone has their tastes. Some people like one model, some people like another. That is why they offer both to their customers. But in the grand scheme of things, it's inefficient. They can't bring us new armor at a quick rate. They can't release new designs without having to fit it to a massive amount of player models, SOGA and Non-SOGA. To keep multiple sets of models would be back-peddling. It's not just the people who use SOGA who are getting something new. The people who aren't using SOGA are getting the same. New models. New skeletons. Possibly new appearances. If you want more armor models, this is what you're going to have to live with, and i'm sure that it's not going to be as bad as a lot of folks seem to be making it out to be. Wait and see what happens. It might be better than you think it is. And when it's released, then you can offer some legitimate feedback over what is then offered. (And I for one am excited to see what they might look like)
  13. ARCHIVED-Kaitar Guest

    While I don't doubt that artist has talent, I don't care for the style of his or her Iksar. Looks like...Jar-Jar or something :/
  14. ARCHIVED-Nayukhuut Guest

    I think that picture is beautiful and I love the longer frilliks for the older age idea.
  15. ARCHIVED-Wildmage Guest

    I would like long hair/frills in general would be nice if they can make it look realistic
  16. ARCHIVED-Chayna Guest

    I don't care how efficient it is... They painted themselves in a corner back at the original launch. I crafted my characters (not toons) to look a specific way given the limited options at hand. I would be extremely upset if my characters took even a small measure of characteristics from SOGA models. I despise SOGA that much. What ever they do they need to take care not to disrupt the appearance of characters we've played for 3 years. While I don't like SOGA (can't stand it) I would think it would be wrong to force those that use those models to use something else. Again, SOE opened that Pandora's box when they brought them into the game. Unfortunately I think that design group has been disbanded or is no longer associated with SOE so it may be they have no choice but to make changes that impact the SOGA users. Frankly they are going to lose players whatever they do. If they don't make armor that is more compelling people will leave. If they don't add customizations people will leave. If they do away with SOGA people will leave. If they screw up the original models people will leave. I've pretty much lost my patience with SOE so I'm just waiting to see if they screw it up or not.
  17. ARCHIVED-Wildmage Guest

    Or you can simmer and realize people will complain no matter what you do and won't leave despite the whining and do whats best for the game as a whole which is probably what the devs do.
  18. ARCHIVED-Kaitar Guest

    [p]SOE is in a "darned if we do, darned if we don't" situation. They revamp the models. Some people who are so into the SOGA or non-SOGA models that they'll cry "OH MY GOD UGLY!" even if the new models are beautiful just because it isn't what they're used to.[/p][p] [/p][p]Here's the thing. For my case, I'm more concerned about the Iksar models but even IF they make them not exactly how I like, I have 2 options. Make the best of it, and enjoy the fact that otherwise, the game has come a -long- way since they must be doing something right.... OR quit. Thing is I think they've already thrown the "worst" at us back during launch and at SOGA launch. Frankly I find BOTH models pretty damned ugly compared to what they COULD have done, but we've lived with it this long and learned to "like" it... I am sure, even if the new models are hideous (something tells me, however, most people will be pleased with them) then I'm sure most of us will learn to live with that too.[/p][p] [/p][p]SOE has to try to please the majority. The majority of folks seem to think both SOGA and Original models are pretty behind the times and have been asking for a long while to have a lot of changes. Now that they're doing it, everyone's throwing a fit. Go figure. So we're back to that "either learn to live with it even if it isn't your ideal of beauty...or quit" just like we have been for 3 years now. And who knows, all those still clinging adamantly to either SOGA or original models might even *gasp* LIKE the new ones they come up with. Heck, I might be proved wrong (if) they revamp Iksar and other non-human models and like those as well. So long as they don't look like fish people, and so long as the human types don't look like something straight out of FFXI or WoW style and keeps with the EQ2 theme, I'll "deal" with it and maybe even enjoy it. [/p][p] [/p][p] [/p]
  19. ARCHIVED-Yaggaz Guest

    I would love to see the end of that ugly vomit. S.O.G.A = Seriously Overrated Garbage Artwork.
  20. ARCHIVED-Yaggaz Guest

    Cocytus wrote:
    Couldn't agree more. First of all we get SOGA, then, I nearly threw up when I went through Neriak and saw how cartoony and non EQ2 looking it was. It's like the artists are being told to copy WoW pastel cartoon fest.
    It's sickening, EQ2 is supposed to be high fantasy, not saturday morning cartoons with Soga models that all look like 14 year old characters from Final Fantasy games.
    If the new models are childish/cartoonish/anime-ish, I swear I'll cancel my account and never come back, regardless.