The Heroes’ Festival Returns to Norrath!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. RadarX Community Manager


    By Erin Oakley

    It has been many years since the moon Luclin mysteriously exploded, sending debris crashing to Norrath. The catastrophic damage split the surface of the planet into the divided islands now known as the “Shattered Lands.” Despite the near-destruction of their homelands, the survivors of the Shattering and their descendants went on to accomplish great deeds, and all Norrathians celebrate their triumph at the annual Heroes’ Festival.

    New for 2013: Earn Tokens of Heroism as you participate in the festivities and trade them for brand new rewards. Complete all the quests to get the “Badge of Heroics” achievement!


    Party on!
    Although celebrations will be happening world-wide, the main parties are going on in Qeynos and Freeport. Help with the preparations by setting off fireworks and supporting local bands to earn house items or Tokens of Heroism.

    A Feast Fit for a Hero:
    Throwing a city-wide party requires a lot of help! Crafters can earn Tokens of Heroism with new tradeskill quests: “A Heroes’ Feast in Qeynos!” and “A Heroes’ feast in Freeport!”

    A Dream within a Dream
    Thumore D’armer has fallen into a mysterious sleep. Enter his dream to revisit some of the most epic places across Norrath. Defeat the denizens of the dreams and collect the shards to receive a majestic portrait of your city’s ruler.

    Ooh, Shiny!
    It wouldn’t be a festival without a collection quest! Keep an eye on the ground in Qeynos and Freeport for purple collectibles. If you find all the “samples of destiny,” you can earn an exclusive Luclin tapestry.

    For a complete guide to the festivities, check out the official EQII wikia. Join us from November 15th through November 25th as we honor the heroes of Norrath, past and present, and look forward to many years to come!