Summoner Scout/Tank pet main stats

Discussion in 'Necromancer' started by ARCHIVED-Disturbia, Feb 26, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Disturbia Guest

    So i understand how shared stats work. I am all for the LITTLE boost they gave my scout pet. but he's still useless. why would i want to drag around a pet that only does minimal damage vs the mage pet because it uses agility as it's main stat. Intelligence does NOTHING for them. my question is, are there any summoners out there actually using their scout pet that has found a way around this to get their agility up in order to make their scout pet worth anything?or were any of you aware of this. because i can't find any thread here or on flames discussing this
  2. ARCHIVED-Jasuo Guest

    all pets use summoner's intelligence to determine dmg

    until SOE does a major overhaul on the scout pet (ability tweaks, boost in double attack amount awarded per AA, significant auto attack increase, and some ae auto attack) and some tweaks to the tank pet there is no reason to use them for current content
  3. ARCHIVED-TumpieBrell Guest

    The scout pet still bases it's Power Pool off Agi, because an increase in INT on my Necro didn't change my scout pets power. Also the descriptions on the pets combat abilities say "Spell", so I'm not sure if the AA's that "increase pets chance to land combat arts" are wasted now.