Summer Ethereal Weapons [OFFICIAL TRAILER}

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Jul 3, 2014.

  1. Pioneer Member

    Boring. Artefacts MUST have special effects. +2 CB? Pot? WoW! Amazing...
  2. Brickfist Member

    Oh, please give us a way to exchange the 1 hander for a 4 second, scouts and brawlers need that option.
  3. Morros New Member

    I hope finally a european player gets one of those drops,i've been doing more the 650 runs on 3 toons sinds the other
    Ethereal drops came out and never had one drop.only 2 adorment dislodgers.while other peeps run around with 2 or more on one toon.maybe its just badd luck.but anyways good luck getting these. i gave up on it.
    happy hunting and cya around.
  4. Havox New Member

    I've had 2 jewelry pieces drop on one of my alts in approx 15-20 heroic zone runs and none on my main which has too many heroic runs to count :/ ... so luck of the draw i guess.
    You'd probably see more listed on the broker if you could list an item for more then 9999 plat. i've seen them sell for between 5k-22k plats on AB. I know not everyone has that plat to spend but i bet there are some of these pieces just sitting unattuned and not listed cause 10k isn't enough.
    I think the rarity is fine imho, I mean i'd love to have them on all my toons, but then what would be so special about them.
  5. Luperza Community Manager

    I just want to note that this is a sneak peek of two of the items. There are more than just these items that will go live. :p

    (Since I've heard some comments on social regarding "why aren't there any for X or Y class." ;) )

    Also, I'll forward along the flame feedback. I've heard a few people commenting about how they are not fans of that particle FX and would would like to see newer ones added to weapons like this.
    Patchkit likes this.
  6. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    With these weapons going live, will the Jewelery continue to drop too?
  7. Patchkit Member

    I have a question that has most likely been answered before , are the just found in the heroic zone or will we be able to get them from the advanced solo ?
  8. Malleria Well-Known Member

    Is it just me or are the particle effects of these weapons in game showing blue, not the yellow/orange in the video?
  9. Jrel Well-Known Member

    Ahh, I like the effect on the Sword of Scorching and the Scythe.
  10. Idaho Iksar Active Member

    Got the scythe on my Beastlord. Saw a bow linked earlier on server chat.
    Are there any beastlord-friendly claw or throwing weapons?
  11. Daalilama Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't mind seeing shields but doubt they added them in as ethereals.
  12. Idaho Iksar Active Member

    EQ2u's Advanced Search gives a way to see what was found and on which server. Bookmark it for future use. ;)
  13. Idaho Iksar Active Member

    Wished there was an Ethereal Exchange Merchant.

    I know, silly idea, but not really wanting to equip a 2H scythe on a Beastlord, even though they can use it. Not many ethereal weapons dropping on Freeport to swap with. If was only an exchange merchant, that would exchange type for same type, i.e. 1 handed for 1 handed, 2 handed for 2 handed, etc. Maybe for 100 platinum coins and/or status if needed.

    Wold only suggest it for normal ethereal weapons. Artifacts should remain random.