stuck on 340 AA's for about a week

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by defjam, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. Ucala Well-Known Member

    you can do 340-350 in about an hour
  2. SteelPiston Active Member

    You just know that this is coming. Better get all those toons to 350 before the next expansion. (probably in November)
  3. Milliebii Well-Known Member

    Not an hour, that is hype. But it can be done with a little bit of effort in a couple of days, a week if you are a casual player. You actually have to set out to do it and nothing else though, you are not going to get there quickly if you just do the dailies in ToV.
    Lucus likes this.
  4. Ucala Well-Known Member

    I personally did it in about 2 hours, but that wasn't on double xp.
    so yea, 1 hour-ish
    I will say it will take like a week if you are doing things like ToV dailies though. that would be slow
  5. Castles Active Member

    no worries, they will have a $20 deal to buy 350aa's
    Shmogre likes this.
  6. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    Kevin (after he found out how much xp it was going to take to go from 340 AA to 350 AA):

    Feldon and Shmogre like this.
  7. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    Now that we get actual numbers someone can calculate it. It 'feels' huge, I haven't played enough to get to 341 on my main, since the guild I was in folded, people just stopped logging in.
  8. Azian Well-Known Member

    I'm in the category of "not worried about it" on my toons. Very few of them will the extra 10 make any significant impact so I'm just taking them as they come. I think I'm at 344ish on several characters and assume I'll hit 350 on a couple but not all before the expac arrives. I think it's extremely unlikely that 350 will be required to advance adventure levels in the next expansion.
  9. Ucala Well-Known Member

    I think someone said that it's like 2 mil xp per AA point? or somewhere close to that
    running through one of my guildies custom made dungeons I was ranking in around 8 mil xp a run, some guildies who had the full 200 vet bonus were ranking in around 14 mil a run they said.
    so it took me about 3 runs through for the 10 AA
  10. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Not every server has such custom made dungeons. We have one on perma. Everfrost doesn't. So my proposal to you Ucala think first and then brag about it. There is no x-server dungeons yet. Probably never will be.

    People are talking here usual means. Usual means are slow. Even killing raid mobs don't give much xp. Dungeon runs are good and all but boring. I ran my main through one with 2000 mobs. I had to stop after few runs for a break or I would get litterally sick. But kudos to a maker for that dungeon.
  11. Ucala Well-Known Member

    yes, cause it's really hard to spend 20 min to make a dungeon,
    cause it is player made dungeons you know this right? you could just go and make one. the basic step of them is simple, you just stack a bunch of mobs ontop of each other.
    I don't see how you didn't see this simple logic. although I wasn't bragging, I just said it's easy to do in 1-2 hours, and well it is
    my proposal is to think before you write stuff like this, cause you could literally just go and make one on any server you want
  12. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Then just go ahead and create one for people on each server. Would be better time spent than insulting others and replying on each post.
  13. Ucala Well-Known Member

    I don't play on other servers, so I don't really care about them...not sorry
    but yea, 20 min for the ultimate xp zone. what an elitist mind set that is...
  14. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    Just don't pretend that normal people could go in there, survive, win and get the XP. It only works because you are tweaked out.
  15. Ucala Well-Known Member

    this makes me lol...
    I did it the other day on my 85 heroic tooned necro, with a 95 zerker in CoE gear, no healer, no merc.
    a full group of normal people should be just fine
  16. Ahupu Well-Known Member

    The alteration in the method by which HP are calculated 90+ when ToV came out, means that any class that can heal for a percentage of their health when hit and is 90+ can survive remarkably well in the DMs solo and groups can actually thrive. Also a bit of experimentation with the mobs you use is in order. A non-stunning ,no knockback class, no power drainer is much preferable obviously. Personally I always liked the droag mystic when creating my stacked dungeons.
    Ucala likes this.
  17. Edrickx Member

    The trick to gaining those levels fast is doing player made dungeons with very dense mob population. I do not know if all player made dungeons are world wide or server wide, but the one I ran was called "125 mob stack" or something like that. Each run through was 10 minutes or so with a Paladin, Assassin, Warden and I was getting almost 2 AA a run with 10 Lv 95 toons and an XP potion. I later ran an Assassin buddy through just Paladin/Assassin and he was getting about 80-90% a run.

    Dinged a lot of our guild members to 350 on the first night that way.
  18. Ucala Well-Known Member

    basically what this person said, with the scaling in DM that is done, basically anyone can do it, as long as you know you have to press buttons.
    the only thing hard about these kinds of DMs is not crashing your game when you pull a stack of 100 mobs at once.

    just make sure you bring atleast 5 people, 5 people is where you will gain the most xp from mobs in the dungeon maker
  19. Caethre Active Member

    I found that the ratio of XP needed in the 340-350 range compared to 330-340 is rather more than some others have quoted here.

    I decided quite recently to level Lorianna from 340 AA to 350 AA in Skyshrine, dual boxing. I managed to get 4 characters on my second account from the ~325-330 region up to 340 and Lorianna was still a few AA to go.

    From my measurements, it seems that an average AA in the 340-350 range is about the same XP as between 7 and 8 AAs in the range 330-340.

    For me, dual-boxing in Skyshrine, the 340->350 journey was probably about 10 hours work, maybe a little more, though I was not especially racing. But that is only a rough guestimate anyway, as I didn't make any measurements on time so it is just perception, so may be somewhat innacturate.

  20. Milliebii Well-Known Member

    An interesting if highly unlikely assertion.
    Would you like to back it up with some details? Or is this just another rhetorical flourish?