Stasis Chamber Question

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Rarespoon, Nov 23, 2013.

  1. Rarespoon Member

    For the first there away to avoid the poison dot Impair? We've tried range, los, kiting, still hits for 170k to 300k a tick which kills everyone but tank. Spider spawn
  2. Mohee Active Member

    Singular Focus, no blue aoe's, don't hit the big spider, that is what is causing the massive damage.

    There are a few ways i've done this fight...

    One way is what i just mentioned, everyone singular focus burning 1 add down at a time. the 2nd way i've done it is with 2 tanks, 1 holds the big spider away, and the off tanks pulls all the adds and everyone aoe's them down fast.

    Again, when she transforms into a spider, you can't hit her while she's in that form or you get that massive damage. :)

    The beetles we just pulled 1 at a time a little ways away from her (to clear the 90% damage reduction buff) and burned them down. They can be stunned, snared, rooted, so that makes it easier when isolating 1 beetle add away from the rest. Or like I mentioned before, if you bring another tank, just pull all the beetles away from the named at once and burn them down.

    :D hope some of this helps.

    Easy fight once everyone is coordinated together and knows what to do. :)
  3. Rarespoon Member

    Would explain why our wizard and my sk were dieing lol. Will give it a go, thanks for the tip!
  4. Rarespoon Member

    dps was a little low for the wizard and myself but all in all seemed to do the trick...Thanks a ton!