(Some) of the Current Systems Formulas

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Xelgad, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. Mindsway Well-Known Member

    I'll do some parses later to find out, Twisty. When I have time, which may be a while. :p
  2. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    Hello Xelgad,

    there recently since Addon an error in calculating the effect of resistance?

    As it stands, the absorption value decreases with increasing resistance value. It may also be a bug in the display. But at least it's a bug.


    with increasing resistance value

    In addition, the next resistance / absorptions do not match the values actually one of you specified in the table.


    Furthermore, I wonder if you have not miscalculated in raid zones for curses that hit the tank for most raid zones.

    After all these curses like "Eternal Devastation" or "Wicked Barrage" and so on .... usually hit the tank in one second not only once but 2 to 4 times per strike. That may be with stone hides does no matter at a guardian, at a Paladin with damage reduction Tools it effectively plays a role in whether 1 time 1.5-3 million strike damage or equal to 4 times 1.5-3 million damage in one second.



    Please review the displayed issues and resolve them.
    Thank You :)
  3. Sinupox New Member

    Any chance of releasing or directing me to the formula for base damage gained from primary stats, relative to AoM? All I've been able to find is outdated information that seems incorrect and doesn't indicate the diminishing returns curve that I'm seeing while testing.

  4. Laiina Well-Known Member

    And I am still looking for a real explanation of the mechanics of what Winds of Obol does. From parse tests, it pretty much does nothing.
  5. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    25% Potency to all offensive spells. Find a spell with no variation, get 2 identical items with purple slots. Leave one item empty, cast on training dummy, record value. Put Winds on one item, swap out other item. Repeat dummy test. Compare
    Prrasha likes this.
  6. Kray New Member

    Is 1500 still the soft cap for weapon/casting skills? Looking for a target number for dps classes.
  7. Naneeje Well-Known Member

    I believe the new goal is 1800 for weapon/casting skills...
    1200 is baseline you need, 1500 is desirable, 1800 maxes these abilities.
  8. silentwarrior08 New Member

    Please make the raid weapons from this current xpac have better damage rating then that of previous tiers. This should be a given. I mean fixing the map fog i know must have been a top priority and everything but look at the weapons. No 4 sec scout weapons(raid) have attack speed or damage mod on them. Also the upgrade to the 0/2 red gem gear made adding the gems pretty minimal.
  9. Kray New Member

    Does flurry still only apply to primary wpn? Or does it affect ranged weapon as well?
  10. Mermut Well-Known Member

    It's always worked for ranged weapons. Rangers flurry all the time. It also works on spell ranged auto-attack.
  11. Kray New Member

    Thanks, thought so ... just came across some old posts that claimed otherwise and panicked .. thanks again.
  12. Mandoblast Active Member


    Any chance we could update this to AoM values? Specifically, the curve on Critical Chance? I know the percentages on legendary, fabled, and mythical at 100, 500, 700 respectively (maybe mythical needs some clarification?) so what I am looking for is the curve as CC increases, how does this percentage change? Is it a linear curve or is there a soft cap with diminishing returns?

    Thank you.
  13. Prayos Well-Known Member

    Man, I hope he answers you soon. I was wondering this myself.
  14. Katanallama Well-Known Member

    Xelgad kind of works for another studio now, he was one of the devs who was let go.

    I believe Caith is the one to ask these days for this sort of thing.
  15. Dedith Well-Known Member

    And if I remember correctly, Xelgad and Kander were not in favor of releasing the data points for the new critical system in AoM. So, it's doubtful that Caith will be allowed to release the data either.
  16. Obilic New Member

    Any answer on whether WDB caps?
    I always assumed a 100% cap, but now I hear folks saying no cap...
  17. Dedith Well-Known Member

    I've seen folks with over 100, so I'm thinking there is no cap.
  18. Mankar Active Member

    Can we get this stickied again?