Since Rangers are being locked to T7 DPS why aren't Assassins?

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-Taranys, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Anekuh Guest

    Computer MAn wrote:
    I like how you just troll the ranger forums and get pwned.
    check thread and see why:
    Anyway, your point is flawed. Rangers use more arrows than anyone period. It is not even close. To say assassins use they same amount is a joke. As for your stupid point on repairs...well everyone repairs and it cost money.
    Go back to the assassin forums. You have nothing to add here.
  2. ARCHIVED-Anekuh Guest

    Computer MAn wrote:
    Pathetic excuse.
  3. ARCHIVED-Lolianna Guest

    /Hugs Staven! Wish coercers weren't on the same side of the fence as rangers this expansion . It's really strange how this game has evolved.
    I find it fascinating that this has turned the predators into a 'them against us' war. Assassins trolling our channels and forums just to rub salt in the wound and run to their fellow assassins to tell them about it so they can all have a good laugh is abhorrent. If anything is making this game less fun to log in , it is that other players would rather gouge their eyes out than see rangers get things fixed that have been broken for years. It's even worse when the devs feel the same way. It's a sad commentary on the state of things when the new mindset is "it's all about me; screw the brotherhood".
  4. ARCHIVED-BedlamX Guest

    Complaining to a deaf ear is useless. SOE cares about what every business cares about and that is $$$. They will never listen until they have to, and right now they don't have to. 140K + Rangers in game if 1/2 leave SOE loses 12 mill min per year. Do you think they would listen then? SOE provides you with a service if you are unhappy with the service you find new service its as simple as that. Rangers have been ignored and disregarded since LU20 this is nothing new. It will continue well past LU44.
  5. ARCHIVED-44Dragon Guest

    BedlamX wrote:
    So if everyone stopped paying and walked away...
    SOE would get the message?
    Then it would be too late to fix anything...
    Better to try to change things if you still want to see them changed I think. Not useless, but it sure can feel that way sometimes.
  6. ARCHIVED-BedlamX Guest

    How far has complaining gotten the class so far? Nerf after nerf is all I see. Take from my comment what you want I simply stated that if there was massive loss of $$$ SOE would change things to make people come back don't deny it. All company's work the same way. For example GM would have never made a hybrid but they had to they were losing too much $$$. I am not telling anyone to quit just telling ya that complaining on a deaf ear wont help.
  7. ARCHIVED-lampgenie Guest

    agreed! i don't mind if i ain't top dps in raid
    but this is mmog, ain't playing just for solo
    we all want to grp or raid, just tired being turn down from raidguild
    cuz our dps not high enough and only thing we can do is dps
    or sometimes in grp "nah we don't want rangers, they suck at life" and after 20mins spam "do u still want to run instances, last spot"