Shadowknight class issues thread Velious Edition.

Discussion in 'Shadowknight' started by ARCHIVED-Nakash, Mar 23, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Nakash Guest

    This thread is to gather already known problems after the tank changes made in Velious.
    Some of this problems may also be valid for paladins but it should be SK related here.
    This post is related to PvE.

    Known Problems:
    - Lifetaps
    Lifetaps heal amount are in no way related to the current amount of hitpoints or incomming damage.
    They need to be updated or alternativ changed to a resonable %based ammount.
    - Base Multipliere 1.3 instead of 1.5.
    After the hudge Damage nerf to fighters and Multiattack giving a hudge advantage to dual wielding classes which can now also use weapons with 6.0 delay dual wielding (which where once designed to give crusaders a better possibillity to use spells without loosing autoattacks) there is near to no reason not give crusaders the same Base multiplier as all other fighter classes.
    - Deathmarch pushing INT instead of STR -> patched as AA in SK Tree with GU 65
    - Itimisation for Fighter missing Multiattack. seems to be fixed.
    - Strike through immunity at least on or parry based Ooops Spells if not on Defense Stance (Furor!)
    - DPS
    SK are offensive tanks and should be able to deal a lot more damage, especialy if not tanking.
    Also DPS drop had a hard impact on aggro managmentwhile tanking, higher Hate gain to 100% is not the sollution cause you fix Tank groups to at least having coercer and dirge if you want to make use of this change. Even some healer parse higher now then crusaders. The few aggro tools SK have left are on high reuse timers while there are scripts that have Mobs that memwipe on 15 second base or less.
    - 2 Hand weapons
    Are not even to sword and board you loose at least 2 adornslots and a lot of Stats. 2 Handers are a valid DPS option for crusaders not tanking. Crusader only 2H weapons would be also welcome cause of the lack of duel wield options.
    - Low Strike through ability.Compared to other classes crusaders arent able to build up strike through wich is vital for tanking mobs face to face. with ripping out a leg crusader maybe can get about 20% while other classes sit on 98% wichout any problems. This would fit good as a buff on the defense stance. -> patched as 4th AA Enline in SK Tree with GU 65
    - Casting on the move.
    After paladins got the ability to cast healson the run it would fit that SKs get the same benefit back on some of there spells. Or get rid of it interrupt entirely.
    - Bloodletter
    Please add making Bloodletter castable in-combat.
    Right now ALL fighters have similar deathsaves, some multiple...and some are quite superior to Bloodletter being castable in-combat and do not have the downside Bloodletter has. Bloodletter requires a group to trigger and drains health of the group. There is no reason to keep it from castable in-combat for those real long fights that will trigger it.
    - Touch of Death (former Myth clickabel abillity)
    description on touch of death is " Forces target to change their selected target to caster instandly". This is not the case. It just give about 4 Hate Levels. It worked fine on the weapon during RoK but the clickable from the quest dosnt now. This abillity has a long recast timer and should work as described.
    - Cleave Flesh
    This ability currently reduces Wisdom. With the stat changes Wisdom doesn't act as a resist anymore, so it should probably be debuffing either Stamina, Strength or a specific resist.
    - Siphon Strength
    This ability siphons Intelligence along with Strength. While it's nice that Strength is useful, our Intelligence doesn't need to be boosted. I'm going to guess that decreasing Intelligence of a "caster" NPC is still helpful though.

    - Legonaire's ConvictionChange back the resue timer to be modifiable again. The abillity has no offensive use anymore while not critting and not being modified by potency. So make it at least a usable defense skill.
    ->Patched with GU65 to a fix timer of 2 min.
    Please feel free to post better restated argumnets or other valid points.
    keeping the first post updated.
  2. ARCHIVED-Ikunai Guest

    You might as well give up Sony has no intention of listening to anything but nerf cries. Sk's are simply going to rot sadly.
  3. ARCHIVED-yzyh Guest

    Even if your all right on your claims SoE decided it was the turn of Guardians and brawler to shine. They don't seems to care bout the 3 other fighter class.
    I expect no change till DoV2, then they will probably goes back to their old fashion ways and put more AoE fights.

    I think the biggest problem is simply the mecanic of strike trough. No class should be able to bypass every avoidance of a monster via a single ability while the other tank sit at 60-65% hit and no mobs should be able to bypass next to all avoidance on certain tank class.
  4. ARCHIVED-Drumstix Guest

    So sick of the all the people crying about how this class is flavour of the month or expansion or year. No one cares.
    Post your issues, comment on them, and let them develop or not develop into Live changes as they will. Crying about unimportant "fairness" and who's turn it is to shine is repetitive nonsense.

    I support most of the ideas expressed above and agree that we're needing some work on our key abilities and skills, especially our lifetaps. I'd rather see Itemization just be changed in general to support fighters in offensive abilities. The fact that all 6 fighter items that drop have the EXACT same stats except for built-in red slots if a complete and utter joke in customization of classes.
  5. ARCHIVED-Bruener Guest

    Bloodletter: Please add making Bloodletter castable in-combat.
    Right now ALL fighters have similar deathsaves, some multiple...and some are quite superior to Bloodletter being castable in-combat and do not have the downside Bloodletter has. Bloodletter requires a group to trigger and drains health of the group. There is no reason to keep it from castable in-combat for those real long fights that will trigger it.

    Devouring Mist: Increase the amount of mit per target hit significantly. I would say 1k per target on the level 90 version. Also make it so that the buff goes the full duration instead of dropping off as soon as the mob dies. The recast on the spell justifies having the buff up for a significant time.
  6. ARCHIVED-Nakash Guest

    Bruener wrote:
    Last time i checked Devouring Mist buff part stays until timer ran out even if the mob was dead. Recast on the spell can be modified by aa and can cast again before the spell runs out. 1k would be nice on single mobs but on mass encounters it would be very powerfull. Didnt added it to the list this time if there arent further arguments.
  7. ARCHIVED-Nakash Guest

  8. ARCHIVED-Phelon_Skellhound Guest

    well multi attack itemization seems to have been addressed now..
  9. ARCHIVED-Nakash Guest

    I hope patch on EU servers will come to day, i will check and then update the list.

    Multiattack seems to be not the Problem anymore.
  10. ARCHIVED-Bruener Guest

    Please add changing Reflect to be changed back into something spec'able. I would recommend allowing at least the reuse time to be modifiable.
  11. ARCHIVED-Velocity2006 Guest

    Well my inputs been requested so I guess I'll throw in my 2cp, I pretty much agree with AZ, but another thing i find annoying is Siphon Essence, if your going to make the spells recast shorter than the duration please make the duration longer than 30 seconds, really annoying having to keep that clicked in an epic encounter.

    As a whole I think we work pretty well, but i would still like to see some more versatility with the jewlery in DoV, what dev was taking a nap while that got created? Choices are none basically, em and hm, cookie cutter. What happened to offensive and defensive based jewlery?
  12. ARCHIVED-BetaTester Guest

    fix aura of the crusader

    cast it in Mistmoor castle and wait 10 seconds for the stun/stifles to wear off
    cast it in Kael Drakkel and the giants still flypaper me

    says it Dispells 107 levels of root , daze , fear , stun , stifle and target effects
    says it recasts itself for each successful dispell
    says it make you immune to root , daze , fear , stun , stifle and target effects for 20 seconds

    make it do what it says

    YES , this thing is BROKE . it doesn't even cure the root effect on a level 88 Gruengach strikers Impaling Charge
  13. ARCHIVED-Bruener Guest

    I would like to see some type of change made to the Enervated buff. Our "Mythical" buff is extremely weak. The proc does very little DPS now. It should be doing similar type damage as our self buff which means it probably needs a boost of 5x what it does currently. This could be done by an increase on proc % and an increase on damage amount.
    Splurt is fine.
    The hate from amount healed from Lifetaps is a very weak ability as well. Self healing in a raid situation especially is very small and even if you are miraculously able to squeeze out 1k heals per second on ourselves (hard to do with healers making sure that a tank hardly ever dips) means that we would only net 3k hate per second when the buff is up. Keep in mind that this is on the high end of what we would be doing normally in heals from lifetaps.
    What I would really like to see with the changes coming is some type of good amount of spell double attack given to us somewhere. This buff might be a good place to throw some in. 25% spell DA would be very unique for a tank class and would give us a little boost on dots being able to double attack now. Another good spot to introduce a little spell double attack would be on our group buff. The 10% cast speed/reuse is obscolete now and 10% spell DA could be a nice addition to the AA enhancement.
  14. ARCHIVED-Mayerling Guest

    Realisticaly the only thing I care about is the "Mythical Clicky", its one of my easiest supposed aggro control tools... and it no longer works (even the 4 position hate increase can be resisted), seems all fighter "snaps" really need to be unresistable but SK's seem (only play SK, Pally, and 'Zerker) to have the fewest tools so we notice when one of them is broken.
    Other than that at least IMO we are doing well.
    With equivilent gear... provided I am tanking in DEF stance (OFF has mixed results, so yes I usualy run in DEF... HEARASY!!!) I smokecheck every other tank on DPS (by like 20-50k).
    Direct survivablility is somewhat lacking, but overall I live better than everything except for Bruisers (combining my Immunes, BL, and emergency heals/DMG reduction)
    Aggro is only an issue when snaps are needed (memwipes) and thats only because of the resists, without resits my reuse and the abilities themselves would let me hold almost everything with no problems.
    Admittedly I have spent 100s of hours tweaking my Spec and Addorns but overall with some effort and thought the class (at least Raiding) is far from broken, a few of the tweaks mentioned in eariler posts (BL castable in combat, make Aura work again, fix "Myth Clicky") and we would be absolutly perfect for what we are supposed to be.
  15. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Blood Letter needs a 3rd trigger and beable to be cast in combat.
  16. ARCHIVED-Nakash Guest

    Talathion@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    youre not here to contribute to the debatte, just to rage and wreak havoc.
  17. ARCHIVED-DMIstar Guest

    Since with AA revamp, Messed with Some Specs ...
    Still Noticed Shadow's Tree .. Offensive and Deffensive stance AA's still do not actually Upgrade the stances.