Server move poll on Antonia Bayle

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Windstalker, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. Tinkrbelle Active Member

    Please oh please send folks to Guk!
  2. Nslavyur New Member

    Quite a few left the PVP server for AB because it is broke fix it and maybe some return. Do something to bring back open world PVP that is what is missing. Anyone can grind out in bgs.
    Dequi and Trasor like this.
  3. Syruss New Member

    I would prefer to stay on AB for roleplay reasons personally. I originally joined LDL for roleplay, but we all recall how that ended up.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  4. Rynnay New Member

    I just spent a small fortune moving toons from EF to AB. I know for sure I am not the only one. I see others from EF showing up constantly. There is a community in AB, people talk, help, give advice, and they group OFTEN! My bard hardly ever sits idle. There are conversations non-stop in general chat. It has brought back the fun of EQ2 for me. You forget the game is supposed to be like that when you stick around on a dead server begging for groups day in and day out. Believe me, I did it and was ready to quit playing altogether. I strongly feel this is not a good thing for AB; merge some of the other low population servers together for free. Everyone is moving to AB for the population, please don't thin it out. Most everyone has asked over & over for server merges but why would you pull people away from the one successful server?
    Wirewhisker and Dequi like this.
  5. Finora Well-Known Member

    Kudos to Daybreak for the in game poll.

    You might get some to bite.

    In the past both in EQ1 & EQ2 I've been among those that chose to go from a high population server to a newly made server (From Sol Ro to the newly made Ayonae Ro in EQ & then from Unrest to Grobb in Eq2). Those were both pretty successful server splits. It worked out well for both servers for a long while.
    However, while I don't remember if guilds could move as a whole in the EQ1 merge (I ended up leaving my guild on Sol Ro to join my husband on the new server in his guild, I don't know if his guild had moved intact), I do know that our guild was moved when we chose to go from Unrest to Grobb. It even saved our creation date. That was a big thing, if we had not been able to take our guild and all it's progress with us, we would not have moved. What it required was the guild leader choosing to be moved to the new server and that moved the guild. Everyone who did the server moved got moved with the guild and didn't even get kicked. We just logged in and went about business after the move like nothing happened.

    Without the ability to move as a group if they choose, you aren't going to get as big of a slice moving as you might like. AB is too hectic for some people, but if they have to leave guilds they worked hard it, they might just opt to stay.
    Kurisutaru, Belenos and Moonpanther like this.
  6. Darkfoz Active Member

    To be honest, i'd rather not go through the jumping server ships from a populated server to a low pop one again, during the Pro7 deal i made the mistake of transferring from Splitpaw to Everfrost and whilst EF was populated till the end of that expansion, i forget its name (The one during the pro7 deal, with the dragons that needed a rolled up newspaper throwing at) its died a slow death following that.

    It's been refreshing to play on AB these last couple of months, i've seen players i recognise from both SP and EF coming to AB and if they've done it for population or for a change of pace i can't see them going straight back anytime soon.
    Dequi likes this.
  7. Pink Poodle Maid of the Evening Storm

    No. I left lower population servers, why would I go back?

    Why not.. server merges? The game is like 10 years old and it wouldn't be like embarrassing or anything anymore.
    Wirewhisker and Dequi like this.
  8. Kittybock Well-Known Member

    Actually, in GW2, I had taken my Guild to help lower tier servers on several occasions. That being said, I've been discussing the poll today and what seems to be holding folks back: Guild ammnities and Guild Halls. We have a level 100 Guild, fully fleshed out T3. A friend I chatted with this AM said the same....they would not mind moving, if they could keep their infrastructure. We are discussing this option/ poll from the standpoint of helping the game balance server populations, there is not really a server we have in mind, etc.

    I can see why you would not want to move entire guilds, as that would force players to change--what about allowing the guild infrastructure to move if the leaders wanted and those that followed did so? That would be up to them internally to decide. OUR concern, from the player standpoint with fully leveled guilds--would you or could you allow us to take/ reclaim our guild halls on the new server??

    I personally see that as a powerful option for quiet servers; not only new players to group with, but perhaps guilds coming in to help them. Again, not forcing an entire guild to move, but just providing us the same infrastructure on new server as on existing?


    Feara, Moonpanther and Losadunai like this.
  9. Luciar Active Member

    I'm not sure why there is so much hesitation to acknowledge that server merges are the definitive solution for so many low population servers. In the dev AMA it was mentioned that server merges are not even on the radar in terms of what is being planned. It seems all of the eggs are being put into one basket, cross server group finder. While cross server group finders will help with heroics, they won't address (unless I'm misinformed) the inability for low population servers to enter into raid content.

    With the population as it stands, merging several of the low population servers into one medium->large server would address this. Everquest 2 is old. I love the game, but the population dictates that we cannot continue to have as many servers as are presently available.

    Long time EQ2 fan,
    Dequi and Rynnay like this.
  10. Losadunai Active Member

    Truthfully, a lot of things have changed or shifted since the AMA. Which leaves me with some hope that maybe merges will be put back on the table. Cross server dungeons is only one solution to one problem of low server population - and there's a lot more that it won't fix at all.
  11. Kalmaraa Active Member

    I would say keep AB as AB, it's got a high population for a reason of all the servers it's got the most troll free comminut on it and folks do tend to look out for each other there. There's no reason to change AB over to a lower server after all.
    Dequi likes this.
  12. Edelphia Well-Known Member

    Some of the other servers, personally Oasis, have a lot more people that would like to group and if you don't play during prime time, there just are not enough people around to make up pug groups. Not all of us can be on and available for a certain 2 hour time frame every night. More people, especially those that play at odd hours would be very welcome.
    Kurisutaru and Moonpanther like this.
  13. sgt_abn_duke New Member

    Come to the GUK server, I played for 3 hours the other day and not one player came to Freeport. I'm tired of a low population, there's no one to group with and because of this the market is WAYYYY over inflated. Simple things and quests become, more difficult and boring. I quit for almost a year because of the low population, and I'm a 9 year vet!!!
    Dequi likes this.
  14. Atan Well-Known Member

    Now that sir, is funny
    Wirewhisker and Losadunai like this.
  15. Calthine Well-Known Member

    I've no desire to move away from my community.

    How about you offer one month of free transfers (or maybe two free transfers per toon, if unlimited is too exploitable) and let people find a population they like?
  16. sgt_abn_duke New Member

    “I would say keep AB as AB, it's got a high population for a reason of all the servers it's got the most troll free comminut on it”
    Man I hate troll's BUT, if it helps the population on GUK, Bring um on!!!
    Dequi likes this.
  17. Bored New Member

    I would join a low level server if its new or it has been wiped.
    Dequi and Feytahl like this.
  18. sycla Active Member

    If we get 24 players to move to Permafrost we could double the population of Permafrost ;)
    Wirewhisker and Kittybock like this.
  19. Taysa Well-Known Member

    I would move off of AB if all the good RPers came with me and the garbage ones stayed behind and our new server was labeled a roleplay server. Other than that, no go.
  20. Edelphia Well-Known Member

    Not if all the high level toons in the guild have already done it :(