Scheduled Server Downtime November 11, 2014

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Afista_DG, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. Bashem Well-Known Member

    You could try clearing the problem browsers cache to see if it fixes problem.
    If you so inclined delete the problem browser for SOE cookies and you need to redo info that was removed from cookies but should be able fix the problems that way!
  2. Sedient Active Member

    I'm really disappointed. I haven't seen anyone crying foul and claiming SOE is trying to funnel people to the the CE. Isn't that conspiracy theory 101 in cases like this?

    For the record.. if you think that.. you're an idiot.
  3. Destovie Member

    is eta still for about 2hours time? have they said anything about delays or is everything going fine that we know of? and anyone know the size of download the expac will be?
  4. Sylvain Member

    Ironically, while at 1st being denied a purchase the standard edition, seeing the SOE post and using .... that browser that shall not be named, ... the purchase of the Standard Edition, did not take fearing buying it X2 I hesitated but after seeing other players posts I tried again just now with a proper browser and all is well. I have multiple purchase verifications.

    Slyboots will now be able to get his Baelon plushie!
    - sold out for a plushie :cool:
    Cuelaen and Natrimius like this.
  5. Sedient Active Member

    Not sure what you mean. 2 hours from now? The early estimate was 7 hours from 5am PST. Meaning.. 12pm PST or 3pm EST. They also said that the purchase site would come up around the same time and it was up in 3.5 hours. Hopefully that means that things are moving without issue, but website code is an entirely different animal than server side game code and DB schema updates.

    Download size has varied. Mine was ~440mb but it all depends on if you're up to date before today.
  6. Syrendyr New Member

    or could have been done a day earlier? calm down Brahhhhh
  7. Bashem Well-Known Member

    macatk said:
    “You could try clearing the problem browsers cache to see if it fixes problem.
    If you so inclined delete the problem browser for SOE cookies and you need to redo info that was removed from cookies but should be able fix the problems that way!”

    You lost me friend! not sure why you made that statement? Was just trying to help you fix your browser problem nothing more nothing less! :confused:
  8. Sylvain Member

    @ macatk I was calling foul if my denial of purchase of the previously announced on known and respected gamer resources was the case. It did seem so at the time and that would indeed be something resembling virtual extortion, however it was not the case it was a bug.

    A bug on release day of new content in an MMORPG, is par the course. This is something that I am used to and take in stride.

    There will be more, maybe a hot fix or 2, and a few server restarts before it's over I'll wager. If it is too screwed up SOE will probably do something like a X2 weekend or added time to our subs.In short I chalk what happened to me up to a bug.

    I only bothered to reply because it was part of my text that you quoted. I am not outraged over this and I am no fan boy, I will post outrage when I have it, I'm not thrilled over a number of things not the least of is that I am still waiting for my Vet isle of refuge while others ........ I digress
  9. Ahupu Well-Known Member

    Today is Memorial Day? I thought that was in May.....hmmm.

    Sorry to poke fun, but as a veteran (military kind not game kind in this context). Memorial day is the day to honor fallen soldiers (though it has come to be a holiday to remember everyone who has died), It originated after the American Civil War initially to honor the fallen of that particular war. Veterans' Day however honors all who have served (no death requirement) or are serving, This is a holiday for the living not the dead, its origins are tied to the end of World War One which ended "On the 11th hour of the 11th day, of the 11th month". As such it is a big commercial event in its own right , I have so many of my friends who are serving or have served going out and getting so much free food that they will probably gain more than they will at Thanksgiving :D. Whole network of them group texting what deals they have found and where."

    "Free appetizer at Outback!!"
    "Red Lobster too!!!"
    "Free Entree at IHOP!!!"
    and on and on pages of em.

    So thanks for thinking of me, and people like me today, but I quite frankly don't have an issue with my holiday being the release date for the expansion. And that is my opinion, any other Vets out there can voice their own.
    Spindle and Majesty like this.
  10. Laita Well-Known Member

    I've been in the army for 17 years now, and could care less what day the game is released on.. I think I'm one of the few who avoid all the "free lunches" like the plague... /shrug ah well, to each their own, happy vet day and hopefully the servers get unlocked soon so I can ignore all the "free lunch" commercials...
    Ahupu likes this.
  11. Ahupu Well-Known Member

    I think they are referring to the fact that Kronos can be bought in lots and once bought SoE has the money in hand. This is all well and good, but then a long period goes without them being bought, and the money comes with the purchase not the redemption. Which makes for a lump of money not a steady trickle that actual subs do. This only really matters from an accounting point of view though. Profits are usually calculated quarterly, so I can see how this could mess with any P & L that does not account for the ability to hold on to Krono, thus getting all the profit at one time. I would like to think that they are being regularly purchased though which would negate that particular problem.
  12. harpars Member

    I think there is just a lot of confusion about memorial day (mainly just observed in USA) and Remembrance Day designated by King George V on 7 November 1919 and observed by UK/EU and former British Empire countries on 11th November each year.

    Veterans Day is an official United States holiday that honors people who have served in the U.S. Armed that is also observed on November 11.
  13. Gabe Member

    It's time to go up, servers! People here start to become angry :)
  14. Laita Well-Known Member

    Antsy... anger will come after the 7 hours has expired :D
    Gabe likes this.
  15. Ahupu Well-Known Member

    I am one of the people who said 20 minutes. Beta takes forever to download, because you are downloading a whole new copy of the entire game (essentially) I already had a copy of the beta files from testing the GM spells so for me it was just like downloading the expac will be for all the live players. The actual expansion will be around 700 megs (or so iirc), when I played beta the initial download took just over 10 minutes, far less than 20. YMMV.
  16. Sedient Active Member

    Ahh, yeah. I'd be curious how they account for that. Normally if services are paid for up front and realized at a later date then the funds would go into an escrow account and SOE would bring it onto their books only when services were actually rendered. In the case of a krono though, they could argue that they are selling access to in game currency and realize the profit immediately and then categorize the service as some special F2P service.
  17. Gabe Member

    My Live Client updated very fast with around 2.7 GB download
  18. Vixes Member

    Just a final clarification for my tight-budgeted-concerned self.... redemption of a krono when the servers go back up does entitle all-access status right? Never enough real money... I just worry since I only have enough to buy xpac and not a recurring membership. #poor
  19. Vainamoinen Well-Known Member

    What harpars said... Remembrance Day here in Canada and other participating countries is a day to remember all of those that have served and continue to serve around the world.

    Those that are disgusted/disappointed or otherwise not happy with the date of release should recall that today is also a day to celebrate the freedoms we have been privileged with as a result of the sacrifices made. If we wanted to be all fascist about it then, yes, force everybody to sit around all glum and whatnot on this day of remembrance.
    Laita likes this.
  20. Balbasur Active Member

    where do you think soe will first anounce servers are up? twitter, facebook or here?
    Feldon likes this.