Scheduled Server Downtime May 14th, 2014

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Luperza, May 13, 2014.

  1. Luperza Community Manager

    ALL EverQuest 2 Servers will come down on May 14th, 2014 at 7:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time (May 14th, 2014 at 2:00 PM GMT) for an update. The expected downtime is approximately one hour.

    Update Notes will be posted in the Game Update Notes (Live) forum once they are available.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  2. Lady Marlyn Member

    We just had a one hour update on the 13th. Now we have another one same time frame and duration.:mad: Why can't you take one day out of the week and Do ALL the maintenance and updates in a say 3 to 4 hour period. I would rather loose 3 or 4 hours in One day then have almost every day updates. Just wanted a few minutes to put in my 2 cents. I am still a Loyal EQ2 Fan. :)

    Thanks for Listening,
  3. Lightt Member

    hopefully this is to fix the broken " zone in " for TOV : The Dreadscale's Maw
  4. Feylone Active Member

    Didn't they say once a week updates? Could swear I saw that somewhere....
  5. Luperza Community Manager

    We have a Weekly Update and usually do a hotfix each week if necessary! :)


    Also, UPDATE! All servers will come down at the same time. (Original Post has been edited.)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  6. woofy New Member

    Seriously, you guys really get annoyed that they are going to fix something? You could just go play a game where they have updates and don't fix things. Or you could log into real life and watch Hello Kitty. Hello Kitty Island Adventure is exciting!
    Feldon, Deveryn and Seefar like this.
  7. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Well, yeah, but I remember the good old days of only one update/maintenance session/etc. a week, then there were two, are we going to have three now (Tues/Wed/Thurs)? And how does this relate to the "weekly stuff!!1!" we're going to be getting? :-/

    Avahlynn likes this.
  8. Calthine Well-Known Member

    I remember when there were daily server resets. I'd drink my coffee and harvest the safe area of Rivervale for about an hour every morning.

    That said, I do wish the updates would go back to being on a regular day.
  9. Kyssa New Member

    If they manage to fix the problem that is preventing people from collecting their 500 sc I will be a happy bunny :)
  10. Seefar Well-Known Member

    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  11. Seefar Well-Known Member

    And I remember when you used to have your woodworking shop. (I learnt soooo much from you! :))
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  12. Seefar Well-Known Member

    Chill, dude. Remember the good old days when the update/maintenance was daily? Total chaos, that. (We did have chat on the launcher back then, though, so we could moan synchronously instead of asynchronously ;))
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  13. Seefar Well-Known Member

  14. Kyssa New Member

    I remember when we had the chat on the launcher. That was great because after a while you would suddenly see people announcing that the servers were back up and logging out of the chat. It was kind of comforting to know that we were all in the same boat. Now I am sitting here like a prune not knowing what the hell is going on and wondering, yet again, if my computer is going on the blink :( I am not technical at all I am afraid (I know I am such a girly girl :( ) I spend ages working out the time difference and then realise that my calculations show that the servers should have been up nearly two hours ago and start to panic. At the moment I am getting the error message that my client doesn't match the server one and that I need to re-run the patcher (goggle-de-**** to me). According to my calculations the server downtime is scheduled for 3pm uk time so whatever has gone wrong and preventing me from entering the game is totally unscheduled :(

    I returned to the game exactly a month ago after a few years away playing lotro. Since coming back there have been so many downtimes that my head is starting to spin and I am starting to get seriously concerned. On a number of occasions after downtime I have been unable to log into the game except by round about routes then when I get in I find that my guildies have been in and playing for a while. This leads to a whole load of uncertainty as to whether the servers are actually up again or not. The server status site always seems to show that Splitpaw is up even during a long patch.

    Is there any reliable way of finding out when the servers are back up please? Also can someone tell me what time the servers are scheduled to be back up in UK time please as it would put my mind at rest. Thanks
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  15. Seefar Well-Known Member

    I'm confused.

    I read this as saying the servers will be down later today (3pm/ 15:00hrs BST).

    ... which suggests that if you can't log on now, there is an issue with your installation of the game :( If that's the case and you're having trouble fixing it then I'd suggest trying online support.


    Folks used to point to a link that was marketed as offering information on whether servers were up or down but I stopped looking there long ago because the information there was never right.

    Guk (one of the US servers) is up right now.

    ... but maybe your on one of the EU servers?

    So many questions, so little time....
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  16. Seefar Well-Known Member

    /doh I messed up.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  17. Soph New Member

    it looks like there has been a problem with the european server patch process, Kyssa. I haven't yet seen any formal acknowledgement of this so it's possible that the support teams don't know about it

    there is another patch scheduled for later today, so i'm assuming that one of two things has happened:

    either they have accidently pushed the May 14th patch to splitpaw early, but haven't updated the client patcher with the latest files - so we get the mismatch, OR they have pushed the client patch too early and have only updated the server with the May 13th patch - either way, we won't be getting into Splitpaw/Valor etc until SoE intervene with a fix.

    I think that it's more likely the former, since the Everquest2.exe file has the same timestamp if you point your client at the american servers and I can log in over there just fine.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  18. sompet_eq2 Member

    All EU servers are up according to server status but we cannot login since this mornings patch, we get the "Login rejected: The client's version does not match the server's" error. No response from SOE so far. Probably they just patched EU servers and went home... :confused:

    I fear that we have to wait 6 more hours, untill the patch announced in this topic :(
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  19. Kyssa New Member

    Do SOE actually know that there is a current problem with the EU Servers. The patch seems to be broken. Facebook is reporting problems and say the downtime is already well over 3 hours. Please programmers can you look in to the problem and if it needs a fix let us know approximately when it will be fixed.

    Sorry I wrote this before reading the above posts :)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  20. Seefar Well-Known Member

    (Sorry for the repost but I messed up by deleting an </quote>and felt a nirresistible urge to fix it because the original looks like I'm quoting Luperza saying something she didn't. I don't have OCD, honest. I don't have OCD, honest. I don't have OCD, honest.)

    Awesome. You're quoting GMT as well as your local time! Thankyouthankyouthankyou

    However (o_O) can I offer a little cogitation fodder:
    1. It's more work to offer multiple timezones. (More typing means more possibility of typos -- and subsequent snafu.)
    2. I'm on BST. So though I'm familiar with converting GMT to BST, I can still get confuzzled. (And in this case be led to think, by not thinking hard enough, that this event will actually occur at 2pm not 3pm my time. Computers -- so I'm led to believe -- are supposed to be good at numbers; but quite often, as here, their 1337 p0wrz are not being fully utilised. Maybe that's not a bad thing: I mean, satnavs will, over time, mean that 'educated hoomuns' will become unable to read maps, as they tend to have become unable to do simple sums by dint of the introduction of the 'pocket calculator'. Hmm... bit of a sidetrack there: probably best to ignore the parenthesised stuff on this point.)
    3. The world is a big place. There are lots of timezones. There are lots of SoE customers on lots of different timezones -- even the first class ones (those in the USofA). So many, many folks will still need to do number crunching to arrive at a time. And they can make mistakes crunching numbers (see parenthesised comment re: 1337 p0wrz in point [2]).
    4. Use of co-ordinated universal time (AKA UTC) would reduce a lot of the confusion. Yes, it might be difficult at first. Yes, you must have loads of POFs (powerful old fogeys) in your organization who will object. But think of the kudos you'd get from adopting a time system that acknowledges that your customers hail from all across our planet!
    Thanks for listening.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.