Recruiting a group Mystic

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Jrox, Aug 21, 2023.

  1. Jrox Well-Known Member

    We are looking for a full time mystic to join our grp on HoF. Don't care if your brand new, experienced, just returning, we can help. We run on Wed, Fri-Sun 5:30PM Central Standard Time.

    We push content, work on discos early and grind all achievements. We can help gear you up and get you caught up and acclimated if your returning or new. You can message me in Discord @Jrox if your interested.

    I didn't see a channel to recruit for grouping so posting here for a Priest/Mystic.

    Happy hunts.

    "A group is only as strong as it's support and heals! DPS is a byproduct of all of that and does not exist without them. They are the unsung heroes of any group or raid!"
    Bhayar and Feara like this.
  2. Jrox Well-Known Member

    Slot filled. Hopefully it works out!! Thanks.
    Feara likes this.