Ranger Mythical Buff Missing 0m range

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by ARCHIVED-bigdaddyt59, Feb 20, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-bigdaddyt59 Guest

    Pretty much never going to take the Mythical off if this stays the same, it is a huge class defining ability that should be on our mythical buff. Thanks for thinking of rangers, as usual.
  2. ARCHIVED-akaglty Guest

    Yeah, this is a huge problem. Pretty much no ranger is going to use a different bow since we can't get in close to use melee CA's without ranged auto attack being a problem.
    This is an important fix that needs to go in asap.
  3. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    Putyo@Nagafen wrote:
    Yeah that's really stupid, rangers as a class should always have 0m minimum range with any ranged weapon at all.
  4. ARCHIVED-Geothe Guest

    The weapon range isn't buffer dependent, it is item dependent.

    So of course the buff wont have zero range, ITS NOT A WEAPON, ITS A BUFF.
  5. ARCHIVED-bigdaddyt59 Guest

    It needs to be put on the buff, assassins are already going to be much better then rangers this expansion, this needs to changed
  6. ARCHIVED-glowsinthedark Guest

    the only bow with 0 range in the game so far is eagle's talon. it haveing 0 range was one of the biggest points of getting it. Not putting the 0 range part on the bow locks rangers into continuing to use the myth. This also makes it so that our AEs which were just changed to have no minimum range suddenly have the minimum range as based on the equiped bow. It should be fixed
  7. ARCHIVED-akaglty Guest

    Rangers take a huge hit to dps if they can't get in close to use melee CA's. They started forcing us a bit more to use melee CA's when the mythical came out, so now it's part of how you play the class. They need to add this to the buff.
  8. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    Geothe wrote:
    That doesn't matter. Unless they have a bunch of good ranger only bows with a minimum range of 0 then rangers are going to be having a lot of trouble with this.
  9. ARCHIVED-Geothe Guest

    Lethe5683 wrote:
    Hey hey, whats this, did a ranger actually come up with a solution?!
    That's the point. Weapon range is an innate part of a weapon itself, hence to retain 0m ranged attacks, new bows will need to be itemized with that taken into account.
  10. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    Geothe wrote:
    There are items that increase weapon range.
    I am pretty sure they can create items that reduce weapon range.
  11. ARCHIVED-glowsinthedark Guest

    is there any time frame on this getting fixed (is it even being looked at?) because as it stands there is no point to finish epic repercusions as a myth'd ranger in that you will still be locked in to using eagle's talon for the no minimum range part and you will lose the 12dps adorn you already have on the bow. Am sitting at the final hail because as it is, the exp for finishing the quest isn't worth losing the non replaceable 30p adornment
  12. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    glowsinthedark wrote:
    Um the bow it gives you back should have 0m range still. No point not to finish it the damage proc is exactly better.
    The problem is better FUTURE bows dont have 0m range.
  13. ARCHIVED-Fyreflyte Guest

    Lethe5683 wrote:
    I disagree with this, and feel rangers ought to be encouraged to deal their damage at range. I don't plan on releasing any more bows with a min range of 0. Standard longbows have a minimum range of 2, which is close enough to use your CAs, so at present there is no benefit to 0 range except that it makes your positioning slightly more convenient.
  14. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    Fyreflyte wrote:
    The problem is positioning. Not all raid mobs have accessible hit boxes, some have extremely difficult hit boxes to move away from, some actually force the raid beneath them.
    PVP has its own issues where classes can close the gap and render range auto atk useless.
    If 2m is fine and allowing rangers to use thier mellee arts while ranging. What is the harm in allowing them to have 0m range. It doesnt provide any significant balance issues and actually should make the class more enjoyable when they dont have to deal with "to close" messages. The idea is to make the game fun for players.
    While your looking into range it would be great if auto atk range was consistant with most CA's at 5m instead of 3m. =P
  15. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    Geothe wrote:
    I'm not a ranger.
  16. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    Fyreflyte wrote:
    Then rangers should be able to do better ranged DPS since as far as I understand rangers can only do optimal DPS if they are standing within melee range of the mobs. I too would prefer rangers to be a more ranged class, heck if they could do competative DPS at a range I might actually start playing my ranger alt again for the first time in who knows when.
  17. ARCHIVED-Fyreflyte Guest

    We've been discussing this internally, and have some good ideas for it. We've been holding off on touching this, however, until we can get a good idea of where everyone's at after the stat changes and consolidation. Just to quell any suspicions, the ideas all focus on providing an incentive to attack from range, rather than a penalty for using the current melee range methods.
  18. ARCHIVED-Neiloch Guest

    Fyreflyte wrote:
    WOOT. OMG thank you. I have /feedback'd and posted several methods I like to make rangers more 'ranged' and less melee.

    Also, more of an ability problem (which I have /bugged) The removal of the minimum range on ranged AE's is effectively reversed when using a bow other than our mythical since the bows minimum range is used for the AE abilities minimum range. Not sure if this is intended or not.
  19. ARCHIVED-glowsinthedark Guest

    I thought it was short bows that had the 2 min range, most long bows I have seen have 4 min range (bow of the underfoot as an example) I would be plenty happy to for go the not having min range, as long as we are always able to be far enough away from mobs to be able to actually use it. Lots of raid mobs have hitboxes big enough that we have to run out of range for heals and group buffs to be able to auto attack if we are using a bow that doesn't have 0m range. Additionally we have like about a third of our CAs that are melee and we have to be close to the mob to be able to use. If we get some way to increase the range of these arts (including master strike) so that we could use them at range, I think most rangers would be very pleased.
  20. ARCHIVED-Sydares Guest

    Fyreflyte wrote:
    So far I have encountered no less than 8 mobs in this expansion with hyper-enflated hitboxes. If your intent is simply to annoy your playerbase, than leave the lack of minimum range in. That's essentially the only purpose it serves. The very idea of minimum range is nothing more than a PvP construct, and it's insulting that it bleeds over into PvE.

    Unless you intend to fix every single mob with a humongous hitbox, this mechanic is poorly coded and needlessly punishing in PvE, and I'm gravely disappointed.